#include #include using namespace std; // This program demonstrates how to use an array of structures // PLACE YOUR NAME HERE // Fill in code to declare a structure called taxPayer that has three // members: taxRate, income, and taxes each of type float int main() { // Fill in code to define an array named citizen which holds // 5 taxPayers structures cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); cout << "Please enter the annual income and tax rate for 5 tax payers: "; cout << endl << endl << endl; for(int count = 0;count < 5;count++) { cout << "Enter this year's income for tax payer " << (count + 1); cout << ": "; // Fill in code to read in the income to the appropriate place cout << "Enter the tax rate for tax payer # " << (count + 1); cout << ": "; // Fill in code to read in the tax rate to the appropriate place // Fill in code to compute the taxes for the citizen and store it // in the appropriate place cout << endl; } Lesson 11B 209 cout << "Taxes due for this year: " << endl << endl; // Fill in code for the first line of a loop that will output the // tax information { cout << "Tax Payer # " << (index + 1) << ": " << "$ " << citizen[index].taxes << endl; } return 0; } Exercise 1: Fill in the code as indicated by the comments in bold. Exercise 2: In the previous code we have the following: cout << "Tax Payer # " << (index+1) << ": " << "$ " << citizen[index].taxes << endl; Why do you think we need (index+1) in the first line but index in the second? Sample Run: Enter this years income for tax payer 1: 45000 Enter the tax rate for tax payer # 1: .19 Enter this years income for tax payer 2: 60000 Enter the tax rate for tax payer # 2: .23 Enter this years income for tax payer 3: 12000 Enter the tax rate for tax payer # 3: .01 Enter this years income for tax payer 4: 104000 Enter the tax rate for tax payer # 4: .30 Enter this years income for tax payer 5: 50000 Enter the tax rate for tax payer # 5: .22 Tax Payer # 1: $ 8550.00 Tax Payer # 2: $ 13800.00 Tax Payer # 3: $ 120.00 Tax Payer # 4: $ 31200.00 Tax Payer # 5: $ 11000.00