Indra Nooyi Extra Graphic Organizer - challenges -> character Make notes in the following table to show how the writer links challenges to character. As you do this exercise, think about why the writer organized the profile this way. Is it effective? Why/ why not? Para. Specific challenge or Character trait - describe using adjectives anecdote (Mostly, you must think of them yourselves! A few are mentioned.) 2 Not so rich family, traditional, Indian Mother's speech task Parents against US study 3 4 Saved for $50 suit Failed interview Asked for advice An Indian woman in US business 5 6 Broke glass ceiling -> CEO-> successful 6 Introduced healthy products 7 Praises the employees Letters to employee's families Typical Indian family life 8 9 Successful leader, successful woman 10 Credits her family for success 10 CEO work v family balance 11 Emotional leaving letter to Pepsico staff Indra Nooyi Extra Graphic Organizer - challenges -> character Make notes in the following table to show how the writer links challenges to character. As you do this exercise, think about why the writer organized the profile this way. Is it effective? Why/ why not? Para. Specific challenge or Character trait - describe using adjectives anecdote (Mostly, you must think of them yourselves! A few are mentioned.) 2 Not so rich family, traditional, Indian Mother's speech task Parents against US study 3 4 Saved for $50 suit Failed interview Asked for advice An Indian woman in US business 5 6 Broke glass ceiling -> CEO-> successful 6 Introduced healthy products 7 Praises the employees Letters to employee's families Typical Indian family life 8 9 Successful leader, successful woman 10 Credits her family for success 10 CEO work v family balance 11 Emotional leaving letter to Pepsico staff