JeCornell SHASB1: Introduction to Commercial Real Estate Development SC Johnson College of Business, Comel University Visibility & Access Can the site be found and sean from cars or pedestrians? is it casky accessed from the highway, street. or adowalk? Views from the Site Views from the site are limited to the The views from the site may not be a huge What can be scon from the stef is view of the Commons. From the top floor selling point but it doesn't detract from the there a view of onme value? Is there future development that may of the building, parts of Comell University project either. block or enhance news? may be visible. Orientation The onentation is clearly north and south The front (north) side of the building will be Primarily to sun and winds. Is there with the Commons on the north side. in shade most of the time. On the back good natural light? From what direction does the sunlight come? (south) side of the building. anything taller Are there constant prevailing than the parking garage will be in the direct winds ? sun. Sun and natural light are desirable for housing and office tenants. Extrinsic Proximity: Pros Items typically add to a site's value: Close to demand generators, urban centers, public parks or natural resources, areas of commerce or gulct reflecton? Proximity: Cons Close to power lines, cometones, train tracks, waste water frostwent plants, landthis, manufacturing plants? Anything that might be conaldered a dofraction of the she's value Transportation Access Cars and trucks have access to the back This site offers abundant public Availability of public transportation, of the site. There is parking available in transportation and parking for employees. access by car, truck, Dancing public garage on the south side of the customers, tenants. There is also adequate