Jeek Six Discussion Questions - 21-27 June structions: fter reading the assigned material for the week, post your original iresponse to he questions by 11:59 PM EST Saturday and your responses to your colieagues by. 11:59 PM EST Tuesday. You want to include a minimum of 2 references from the classroom for each question/response. In addition, make at least two value added responses to your classmates. Tegic Theredi Week Six Discussion Questions; Performance Management Part 2 2127 June Mast punt in it. Discussion One: a) Discuss the benclits challenges and tratleotts of payy forperformance, or menit pay. How would a pay torperformance policy support the organization's strategic goals? What factors should be. conlidered in evaluating the effectweness of this practice? b) Seiect three methods for conductirg an evaluation of an employters performance and discuss the advantsges and disadvantages for each methed, Discuss what level of enplone imanagement, adrinistrative. cherieal, bborer, etcl you would use each method to evaliate. Be sure to provide the meterencis for the sources of the intoembticen you used incloding the material provided in the chistroem. Be sure ta provide the referefoe tor the scures of the informatom. you used inc odine the tovter sal erevided in the clasroom. Discissige Trea Neplicatiper Phed the Modvis 4 Case and yconario 1 Af ter rryming the modul materiat arswer the tolowing taken trom the foodule The acting hesad of wat toware developineot atwiges you that the wanes to develog an elfegtive perferinance apgeabal wesem for her departiment she iemenbes, from bavies taken a human iesoucce mishatencent class 3 s ant undofyadiate. that there are a number of differentwivs to measure perforacince ard the waths your pildunce in walecting one. She also wants 10 inute sure shat the method chosen to messure performance tiss the techeical esiture of the workers she sucervises b, she suexests thete be ar inaligial and a team ecemponent (a) Dratusb the different wienatives that volu ifcemengod as the mat chin at each ahernation voa zieseis