LAKE OP EGYPT MARINA, INC. Balance Sheet as of December 31,2021 and 2020 (in millions of dollars) Assets Current assets: Cash and marketable securities $122$90 Accounts receivable. Inventory Total Fixed assets: Gross plant and equipment Less: Depreciation Net plant and equipment Other long-term assets Total Total assets Liabilities and Equity Current liabilities: Accrued wages and taxes Accounts payable Notes payable Total Long-term debt: Stockholders' equity. Preferred stock ( 6 mililon shares) $6$6 Common stock and paid-in surplus (24 million shares) Retained earnings Total Total liabilities and equity 2021 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} $ & 90 & $78 \\ & 80 & 72 \\ & 70 & & 66 \\ \hline$ & 240 & $216 \\ \hline$ & 513 & $198 \end{tabular} LAKE OP BGYPT MARTNA, INC. Incose statement for Years Ending December 31,2021 and 2020 (in villions of dollars) Net sales (all oredit) Less i Cost of goods sold Gross profits Less t Other operating expenses Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBTTDA) Less: Depreciation Rarnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) Lesas Interest Earnings before taxes (EBT) Lesas Taxes Net incoese Lessi Preferred stock dividends Net incoes available to common stockholders Lessi Common stock dividends Addition to retained earnings Per (common) share datai Rarnings per share (EPS) Dividends per share (DPS) Book value per share (BVPS) Market value (price) per share (MVPS) \begin{tabular}{crcr} & 2021 & & 2020 \\ $ & 500 & & 300 \\ & 280 \\ $ & 220 & & 150 \\ \hline & 30 & & 150 \\ & & 18 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{rr} 190 & \\ & 25 \\ \hline$165 & 5 \end{tabular} 24 229 $259$1,012 24156$1865600 2020 Calculate the following ratios for Lake of Egypt Marina, Inc, as of year-end 2021. (Use sales when computing the inventory turnover ind use total equity when computing the equity multiplier. Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Use 365 days a year.)