make a data base model using ERDplus
List of functional requirements:
- The system shall allow parking users to create accounts.
- The system shall allow parking users to update their accounts.
- The system shall allow parking users to view/select available parking spots.
- The system shall allow parking users to view/select parking time.
- The system shall allow parking users to view the prices.
- The system shall allow parking users to extend the parking time.
- The system shall allow parking users to pay online.
- The system shall allow parking users to choose the parking type (VIP, Standard or premium).
- The system shall notify parking users 5 minutes before the parking time is exceeded.
- The system shall allow security members to scan the vehicles plate to check the registration number
- The system shall provide the parking users with the booking confirmation and summary
- The system shall allow parking users to request valet parking.
- The system shall allow parking users to request car washing.
Lid of flanstional reguiromentsy 1. The syatam shall allow purking wsens wo create aspouets. 2. The yatern shall allow purking aten 60 update their acoounts. 4. The yotem shall allow purking asen to virw icleat patking time. 5. The syuen shall allew purking users w view the prices: 6. The syaten shall allow pading asens wo exiend the parking time. 7. The syatem shall allow purking ssers so puy oeline. 8. The syaw shall allow puring asers so choove the parking type (VIR, Stactuet or perminas 9. The syatern ahall notify parking usen 5 mimaes befote the parking time is escecded. 10. The syacen shall allow wevarify merben wo scan the veliclel plase so chedk the regiveration namber 11. The syaten shull peovide tee parking uses with the booking cenfirmuion and summary 12. The sydem shall allow peking ssens so request valkt parking. 13. The syatem shalf allew purting ssess be requcat car wading Lits of non-finclional wountesnts 1. The sydem shall work for both 100 and Android aperating systeme. 2. The sytem shall reatrict parking uvers to check in and oul. 3. The syatron shall reatrict paying eatr foes when the spocifial time as enceoded. 4. The syocem shall bot allow booking moct than one parkite upot. 5. The sysern shull be availate furitg PMUVs working houe. 6. The parkisg uens shall ipecify wheter they ate sodents, enployess, secuity, of viatore 7. The parking uners stalt specify whother they are in the nate or Sonale carpent. Lid of flanstional reguiromentsy 1. The syatam shall allow purking wsens wo create aspouets. 2. The yatern shall allow purking aten 60 update their acoounts. 4. The yotem shall allow purking asen to virw icleat patking time. 5. The syuen shall allew purking users w view the prices: 6. The syaten shall allow pading asens wo exiend the parking time. 7. The syatem shall allow purking ssers so puy oeline. 8. The syaw shall allow puring asers so choove the parking type (VIR, Stactuet or perminas 9. The syatern ahall notify parking usen 5 mimaes befote the parking time is escecded. 10. The syacen shall allow wevarify merben wo scan the veliclel plase so chedk the regiveration namber 11. The syaten shull peovide tee parking uses with the booking cenfirmuion and summary 12. The sydem shall allow peking ssens so request valkt parking. 13. The syatem shalf allew purting ssess be requcat car wading Lits of non-finclional wountesnts 1. The sydem shall work for both 100 and Android aperating systeme. 2. The sytem shall reatrict parking uvers to check in and oul. 3. The syatron shall reatrict paying eatr foes when the spocifial time as enceoded. 4. The syocem shall bot allow booking moct than one parkite upot. 5. The sysern shull be availate furitg PMUVs working houe. 6. The parkisg uens shall ipecify wheter they ate sodents, enployess, secuity, of viatore 7. The parking uners stalt specify whother they are in the nate or Sonale carpent