Module 1 Assignment (3 parts Part 1- Manage source code using version control (10 points) Instructions: In this assignment, you will create a local Git repository for your solution, and commit your changes regularly as you complete Part 2 and Part 3 of this assignment. Typically, your commit history should show at least 10 commits, outlining the steps you took to create these projects. Requirements: -At the end of Part 2 and Part 3 of this assignment, submit a single zip file containing your solution folder. -Your solution folder should contain two projects: one resulting from Part 2 and the other resulting from Part 3. -Make sure your zip file contains the entire Git repository. Part 2-Create a basic C# console application (15 points) Instructions: In Visual Studio, create a new project using the Console App template. Name your project FirstConsoleApplication. This project will be part of a new solution, which will contain two projects from Part 2 and Part 3 of this assignment. Name your solution FirstSolution. Requirements: - This console application will prompt the user for two numbers and an operation (addition, subtraction or multiplication). The program will output the result of performing the selected operation on the two numbers to the console. Part 3-Create a basic C# windowsforms application (15 points) Instructions: In Visual Studio, under your solution called FirstSolution, create a new project using the Windows Form App tem Windows forms application that will implement the same functionality you implemented in your console application in Part 2 in a visual manner. plate and name it FirstFormsApplication. For this part of the assignment, you will create a Requirements: -Your form should contain three textboxes, a button and a label. Two of the textboxes will be used to enter numbers, and the third will be used to enter an operation to perform (addition, subtraction, or multiplication). -The program will output the result of performing the selected operation on the two numbers to the abel