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MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP: DIGITAL STRATEGY INTRODUCTION Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC), a member-owned and, arguably, the best known outdoor sporting goods retailer in Canada, was in



Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC), a member-owned and, arguably, the best known outdoor sporting goods retailer in Canada, was in the midst of a makeover, as it positioned itself to compete in an aggressive and changing consumer environment. "We're starting to change the way people think about us," said the vice president (VP) of marketing and communications. "In the next coming years, we will take advantage of some key online and local opportunities in order to do a better job of reaching out and educating our members." The VP was speaking to his marketing colleagues on a chilly day in March 2012.

The senior management team had identified opportunities to develop both the organization and its brand, as part of an overall move to position MEC as being more accessible to a changing population as a whole. Whereas MEC had started as a provider of gear to serious mountaineers, canoeists and hikers, its new strategy was to broaden its appeal, by introducing an active lifestyle to beginners. More than 20 years ago, MEC had started to pour resources into enhancing its lineup of private-label products, making them distinct from its other branded merchandise. For example, MEC had entered new markets, such as bicycle design and production, to deliver high-quality models at a reasonable price. Last, it was in the midst of a carefully planned store expansion, opening up focused (and smaller) stores in secondary markets. MEC had accomplished all of these initiatives during an economic slump and amid an increasingly competitive retail environment.

One of the biggest challenges MEC faced was how to craft its marketing strategy to continue its growth. Until 2011, it had a simple website, no defined social media strategy and continued to mail a biannual hard-copy catalogue to its members. But MEC was starting to lag behind as consumers turned to online and local sources for product information and selection. The VP stated:

We've just celebrated the 40th anniversary of MEC's founding. The world is changing and we must adapt quickly. I don't want to see a cool 41-year-old company turn into an extinct 45-year-old company. What should our marketing strategy look like, going forward?

Mountain Equipment Co-op

In 1971, six students at the University of British Columbia decided to create an outdoor goods co-operative modelled after U.S.-based Recreational Equipment Incorporated (REI). For MEC's first few years, product was sourced, marked up by 20 per cent and sold by volunteers until the group could finance the opening of a physical store. Over the years, steady growth built MEC into a $302 million1 a year enterprise with 17 stores across the country, almost four million members and 1,800 employees (see Exhibit 1). In 2012, MEC continued to be a consumer co-operative, a democratically owned business structure in which members pooled their resources to get better prices for goods and services. A lifetime membership in MEC cost $5 and allowed the member to make purchases and vote on how the MEC was governed. Unlike a corporation, MEC did not retain surplus earnings each year, but instead paid members a "patronage return" of between 3 per cent and 7 per cent of sales.

MEC's stores were usually located in a city's downtown core and featured an open-concept retail floor, often on two levels. A typical store had 25,000 stock-keeping units, including a wide assortment of products, generally focusing on individual outdoor activities, such as hiking and camping, climbing, snow sports and water sports. For example, MEC offered hiking and climbing shoes but not track or basketball shoes. MEC carried popular outdoor brand names such as Arc'teryx, Black Diamond, Patagonia and Prana (see Exhibits 2 and 3). David Labistour, MEC's chief executive officer, stated in a newspaper interview in 2011:

People's leisure habits ? the way they spend their time and money ? [are] changing quite dramatically. . . . And we know Canada's primarily urban. The youth are less active than they were [in the past]. . . . When we look back at the founders of MEC, we focus on the physical aspect: mountaineers, in a tent, in a storm. But what we don't look at is the spirit of those people. They were young, they were active, they were adventurers, they were entrepreneurial ? and they were social, they had a lot of fun. That's the spirit we need to embody

MEC had three long-term goals. First, it aimed to increase participation in self-propelled wilderness-oriented recreation in Canada, which was the core reason for its existence. MEC's senior leadership team clearly knew that it needed to reach out to a customer base broader than its traditional hard-core members, who included climbers, canoeists and hikers. MEC wanted to be relevant to consumers who were looking to become active, such as those buying their first pair of hiking shoes or their first serious bicycle. It wanted to make outdoor activities, such as overnight camping and mountaineering, more accessible by offering entry-level equipment at fair prices.

Second, MEC aimed to support the creation and stewardship of a comprehensive network of parks, wilderness and outdoor recreation opportunities in Canada. MEC was a big supporter of its communities, providing grants and in-kind donations for activities such as the acquisition of ecologically important land; supporting wilderness conservation; and supporting exploratory expeditions such as a canoe exploration of the Puvirnituq River in Quebec, the ascent of the West Face of Mount Bute in British Columbia and the exploration of a new route on Nanga Parbat in Pakistan.

Third, MEC aimed to foster change toward environmental, social and economic sustainability in the marketplace. MEC published a dashboard that enabled its members to track MEC's progress toward its sustainability goals by tracking its waste-diversion rates, its product offerings with eco-attributes and MEC's own carbon footprint (see Exhibit 4). It was committed to ethical sourcing, producing products that had a lower impact on the environment and designing its operations to be more environmentally friendly. For example, its buildings were constructed to be efficient in terms of energy use and materials. The VP discussed the opportunities to revamp MEC's marketing and communications strategy:

In 2011, we issued our last catalogue, commemorating our 40th year in business. When I arrived in the business in mid-2011, I saw that MEC had made some headway in reaching out via social media. But we needed to coordinate and expand our efforts.

Moving away from the printing and mailing of biannual catalogues ? a total of one million copies per year ? was thought to have saved MEC approximately $2 million a year (see Exhibit 5). The savings, the VP told his marketing colleagues, would be rolled into funding MEC's new marketing effort, including outdoor advertising and online activities. Roles within the marketing department were defined. The VP assigned a full-time person to be in charge of MEC's Facebook account. This MEC associate (who was bilingual, a plus when MEC received questions from its francophone members) would survey new trends, share stories and provide advice to members (see Exhibit 6). Two employees spent a portion of their time managing MEC's Twitter account, providing updates as needed (see Exhibit 7). The VP later assigned one person full-time to its Twitter account. MEC's blog content was selected from guest contributions (see Exhibit 8). The VP also wondered how he could integrate online services such as YouTube into MEC's marketing strategy. In total, seven people worked in MEC's social media areas. The VP spoke about striking a balance between generating fresh content and ensuring that the content fit with MEC's brand personality:

How do we manage blog content so that it serves our needs? We currently have a guest authorship program, where we publish blog updates which we deem suitable. Should we assign that to one person? What I don't want to do is to dull the impact our content might have. That said, we need the content to fit with our brand image.

There was also the question of how the firm should approach various segments and geographic regions. The VP continued:

Do we publish our Facebook page and Twitter updates in both French and English? Going forward, should we do regional microsites or even store microsites with local content? The feedback from regions is that they want content that's not just headquarters-centred. But how do we best manage that, if we decide to do it?

To do a better job of processing and understanding customer feedback, MEC had recently purchased text analytics software from Clarabridge. For an example of how Clarabridge works, see Exhibit 9

There were questions about how MEC would use Clarabridge. Was MEC looking to analyze text from all web sources, including blogs and social media, or only from message boards?

MEC planned to generate awareness at the local store level by holding regular events, such as running or climbing sessions. The VP had hired a national events campaign coordinator, whose job was to recruit "envoys," typically athletes or community leaders who represented MEC locally.

The VP had overseen a redesign of MEC's online store. "Before the change, you couldn't view items by colours or brands," said the VP. The new online store, launched in January 2012, featured sharper pictures of products, key product details and allowed customers to provide feedback for others to read.

At the same time, a version of the online store optimized for mobile phones was launched (see Exhibit 10). "Our web sales were about $18.7 million last year," the VP stated. In comparison, REI, had total sales of US$1.66 billion in 2010, US$318.5 million of which were from web sales alone.3 For perspective, in 1999, REI had $41.1 million in web sales and total revenues of $621 million.4 REI introduced in-store pickup as a free-shipping option in 2003; customers who selected this option accounted for $26 million in sales ? 17 times higher than estimated. A few months after the feature was launched, approximately 40 per cent of online customers chose in-store pickup. In addition, one in three customers who picked up online items at the store spent an additional $90 in in-store purchases. REI was able to offer free shipping for in-store pick-ups because goods ordered online were added to trucks already scheduled for regular store deliveries. At the store level, REI customers had access to a web kiosk where they could access another 40,000 unique items not sold in stores. Last, REI actively used online coupons to boost web sales. Examples of these coupons included the following.

  • Free 2 Day Shipping with any Columbia Item order!
  • ?The North Face 2011 Closeouts at REI-OUTLET!
  • ?Free Shipping on $50+ order!
  • ?Become and REI Member and get 15% off one item. Click here to use this REI coupon.

The VP continued:

We hope to see growing sales from our online store. Customer engagement is our new strategy and we want to be proactive, not reactive. We are expanding the appeal of the MEC brand. This will be a 12-month year journey and we don't want to alienate our roots. But we want all of Canada to feel that MEC is their outdoors store.

After listening to a broad-ranging discussion about the various initiatives MEC could undertake, the VP steered the conversation in the room back to defining MEC's goals, tactics, resources and measures.


"We have both short-term and long-term goals," said the VP. "Our long-term goals are defined for us and they include increasing the participation level in self-propelled wilderness activities; supporting parks and wilderness areas; and setting an example for environmental and economic sustainability in Canada." To continue to grow its membership base, MEC needed to expand its target customer group to include all Canadians. A key way to enable this growth was to reach out to younger consumers who were active and adventurous. Developing MEC's social media marketing strategy was a key to connecting with younger consumers.

The decision to stop producing and mailing a biannual catalogue would result in approximately $2 million a year in savings that the VP could redeploy toward the new marketing campaign. But, while new catalogues would continue to be available for download as PDF files, the VP wondered how MEC might continue to stay in touch with current members who were accustomed to receiving a physical catalogue. Undoubtedly, some members were not heavy consumers of online media. Additionally, could views of PDF catalogues be connected to social and ecommerce initiatives? Although it was not standard practice to share, comment on, rate, discuss or purchase products in a PDF catalogue, the VP wanted PDF catalogue browsers to be able to actually engage with the content by shifting their attention to the branded website without having them land at the home page where they would need to begin their search from scratch.

"We are looking at significantly building up our social media and local engagement capabilities over the next 12 months," said the VP. "Let's define what we mean by 'engaging our customers' and how our revamped marketing strategy can help us reach our long-term goals by growing physical store and web sales."


The VP jotted down the various tools that might enable MEC's new strategy: the MEC website, Facebook, Twitter and a blog. MEC could also look into developing YouTube content and search engine marketing, harnessing user-generated content and creating content in-house. He wanted MEC to do a better job converting website visits and PDF catalogue views into sales.

At a high level, the VP thought about whether MEC's marketing department should focus on creating content and disseminating it to users as efficiently as possible, or whether the department should be a curator of user-generated content, similar to the editorial department of a newspaper. "What should our marketing tactics look like?" asked the VP.

We have one person on Facebook, and responsibility for the Twitter account ? once shared by two people ? is now in one person's hands. We also have a blog, and we have to decide whether we maintain one site or many sites, and whether we make all ? or some ? of our online presence bilingual. We need to think about how we participate in online conversations in the blogosphere, for example, when responding to questions or when users are posting negative comments about MEC. And, we have a national events campaign coordinator. What are the specific tactics we should be putting in place and how should we coordinate the various platforms?

MEC had a social media team of seven staff supplemented by several others within its organization.


The VP thought about how many full-time employees he needed in the marketing department and what roles they would occupy. He estimated that the annual cost for each full-time employee would be between $60,000 and $100,000. On the online side, he wondered how many employees were needed to achieve the marketing goals he and his team had set out. Should additional funds be allocated to expand the national events program? Next, he looked at whether MEC should allocate a portion of its budget to continue to upgrade its website ($20,000 to $200,000 per year) and, if so, what additional functionality he should target. MEC had many opportunities to promote itself online: a $0.60 pay-per-click promotion, which would likely generate $2,000 to $5,000 or more per aggressive campaign; search engine optimization; and the purchase banner ads on websites ($5,000 to $50,000 per year). MEC could also rely on traditional advertising to reach out to consumers, with outdoor billboards costing $5,000 for artwork and installation and $8,000 to $12,000 for a 16-week display period.


Because additional funds would be allocated to the new marketing strategy, the VP needed to determine which metrics to use to measure each tactic's effectiveness. Some programs were easier to track than others. For example, if he were to send out an online coupon offering a discount for a specific item, it would be relatively easy to track the increase in sales and, estimating the increase in aggregate margin, determine whether that campaign was successful. But for many of the marketing tactics, drawing a direct link from program to actual sales would be difficult. For example, the VP wondered how to measure the effectiveness of MEC's Twitter messaging, its Facebook page content or even the impact of having local events at stores. He created a grid with the various channels and quickly listed possible metrics that could be used to measure the success of each one (see Exhibit 11). He then wondered whether, considering the goals associated with each channel, he should be also considering additional metrics.


"We are literally moving MEC into uncharted territory. For the past 40 years, we've grown pretty steadily and our core customers have come to know us as one of the premier outdoor goods firms in the country," said the VP. "But we need to move beyond our comfort zone and this is the year we're going to do it. What should our strategy and tactics look like? How should we resource the effort and measure our effectiveness?

Question to Answer:

Summarize the VP's digital marketing challenges. What should the VP focus on and why? What should be the VP's next steps?

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Page 7 931 3A019 EXHIBIT 1: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COOP'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 20092010 Mountain Equipment Co-operative Consolidated Balance Sheet (in thousands of dollars) December 26, December 27, 2010 2009 $ 5 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents (note 4) Accounts receivable Inventory (note 5) Prepaids and deposits Future income taxes (note 9(c)) Property and equipment (note 7) 119 375 107 32 183.3 177,619 Liabilities and Members' Equity Current liabilities Amounts owing to suppliers. government e 20,302 Gift certicates and provision for sales 6,976 Foreign exchange contracts {note 6 4,809 Mortgage loans payable (note 8 2.36? Current portion of defeated l ' ' 105 34.559 Deferred lease i. .n'r 359 Future lneom 979 729 31,347 35,641 149.906 143.187 res(note10) x ted surplus (n 712 548 Su 5 $ 1,637 822 Accumulated other com benslveloss 298 2535 15ll957 \"[2972 183:304 \"7:619 Commitments and contingencies (note 12) Source: Company fies. Page 8 9B134019 EXHIBIT 1 (CONTINUED) Mountain Equipment Co-operative Consolidated Statement of Earnings (in thousands of dollars) Fiscal year Fiscal year ended ended December 26. December 27, 2009 Sales 262,056 Cost of sales 175,606 Gross margin 86.503 86,450 Selling and administration expenses (schedule) 80.084 75,396 11,054 Other income and expense (schedule) 1,785 Earnings before patronage return and income taxes 9,004 12.839 Patronage return 7.89 12,176 Earnings before income taxes 1,113 663 Provision for income taxes (note 9) Current Not For Reproduction 48 Future 250 363 298 363 Net earnings for the year 815 300 Source: Company files.Page 9 9B134019 EXHIBIT 2: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP STORES Inside of the Toronto store soduction The Vancouver store IN PAIN PMENT The new London, Ontario store, opened in March 2012 Source: Company files.Page 10 9B134019 EXHIBIT 3: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP'S BRANDED AND PRIVATE-LABEL PRODUCTS Branded Product Black Diamond Speed 30 Daypack (Unisex) Product Munber: 5023-830 Big Agnes Seedhouse 1 SL Tent (2012) Primal Wear Canada Short-Sleeved Jersey (Men's) Product Number: 5034-775 Ghost AMR 5900 Bicycle (Unisex) CANADA Private Label MEC Tarn 2 Tent INSPECTED Not For Reproduction MEC Cote Bicycle (Unisex) Source: Company files.Page 11 9B134019 EXHIBIT 4: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP'S ACCOUNTABILITY DASHBOARD 3/5/12 2010 Accountability Report - Mountain Equipment Co-op MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT YOUR PATH Home / Sustainability / 2010 Accountability Report / Dashboard Dashboard Contact Us Dashboard Download PDFs mail View Indicators 3 Year Trend 2010 Target 2010 Actual Design Improve our env mental footprint Materials from Facilities with Environmental Management Systems 25% Products with Eco-Attributes (#) Increase ncrease Manufacturing Impre workers' lives Audited Factories (6) 100% Factories with Zero-Tolerance Toward Zero Violations (#) Operations Imp inmental footprint MEC Carbon Footprint (1CO2e) INSRECTION COPY 20% below 2007 Facilities Energy Use (GJ) Waste Diversion Rate % At least 92%% Employees: Bez 72% 72% Not For Reproduction 90% 84% 86% 92% 94.5% 92%% $2.50 $2.47 1%% of Sales (Previous Year) 40% 52% > 40% to activityaccess Investresources for a healthy future Total Sales (SM) $263.4 mary/Sus ard.jsp?printFriendly=y Selected indicators Source: Company files.Page 12 9B134019 EXHIBIT 5: SELECTED MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP CATALOGUE COVERS 1974 1980 1986 CO 1991 1996 2001 40 IMEC 1971 2006 RE Not For Reproduction 2011 Source: Company flies.Page 13 9B134019 EXHIBIT 6: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP'S FACEBOOK PAGE facebook Leg In Sign Up Facebook helps you correct and share with the people in your life. Mountain Equipment Co-op Like Create a Page Outdoor Equipment Stare . Vancouver, Fresh Cake MOUNTAIN CO-OP Want to like or comment on this page? To interact with Mountain Equipment Moment Co-op . Everyone (Tep Posts) Co-op you need to sign up for Facebook first. Share: Past 1 Photo * Widen write something.. It's free and Mountain Equipment Co-op Fire Friday: The Aurges wwwby Term Sorghend. Shot In and around Karheroes and Pas National Park bordering fourisis, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees cast. Temperatures around The Aurore COPY wall MC's Rack Sold Guarantee + Connect weh PEC Us . Comment . Friday at 1:lipm . Events Sonia Campeau, Coin Quis, Tampa watters and The Photos > View all 21 comments MCC Puley For Soul Mada Juila Warnboldt This is wary I want to Youtube roload of a resort down South me Today & 6:45am About More Rusty Pa 65,949 Bethis 1,827 talking about the eproduction 155 were here Likes a Bowsnces for roads, uranium cost Not For dilod: 2012-60-42 11:00:12 GMT and . 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In reply to Tina Bebbington Source: Company files.Page 15 9B134019 EXHIBIT 8: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP'S BLOG PAGE MOUNTAIN CO-OPMENT HOME AUTHORS ABOUT EVENTS STORES SHOP Mountain Equipment Co-op Dare to Be Deep off the Quality gear and excellent value, a tang community, and a Gaspe Peninsula dedication to helping people enjoy Posted on Eatruare 21.2012 by Mixball the banotes of self-propelled oriented recreation Blog Upra This post is the first of these that will be written by the Quebec Chapter of Join MEC and enjoy the benefits meas Society (CPAWS) as part of their Dong Levelup right to of membership. to Be Deep campaign. They will introduce you to some exceptional marine sites that we all hope to see protected by the end of the year. Today, they Visit take you to a site off the Gaspe Peninsula 1 320 other filipy Recent Posts Wiry is this site so important? 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JULY 2019 The Quebec Chapter of CPAWS, in co Friends Source: Company files.Page 16 9B134019 EXHIBIT 9: CLARABRIDGE SOFTWARE OVERVIEW Collect Transform Deliver Product Gather customer Process, categorize and score Make actionable insights feedback from every every aspect of each verbatim. accessible across your conceivable source. organization. Natural Language Internal Sources Processing Engine Operations Reports and Survey's Visualization . Call Center Notes Structured Data Joiner . Emails/Chats Customer C . Transcripted Audio Sentiment Scoring . Web Forums - API Marketing . Ad hoc Uploader Classification Suite External Sources Hirts Analysis Preparation Analysts . Social Media . News Social Media . Review Sites Analysis Databy Analysis Executives Implement Carabridge Navigator Source: Company files. Not For Reproduction INSPECPage 17 9B134019 EXHIBIT 10: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO-OP'S NEW WEBSITE'S SHOPPING FEATURES 17 Shopp CHECKOUT MOUNTAIN CO-OP Log in Wish List Join MEC Spend $50 and Shipping Is Free Enter Keywords HOME SHOP LEARN COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY SERVICES ABOUT MEC YOUR PATH: Home / Shop / Men's Clothing / Insulated Outerw MEN'S CLOTHING MEC Light Degree Hoodie (Men's) Next Bom Sleeveless Tops reduct Number: 5023-362 195.60 CAD Short Sleeved T-shirts This item ships freet More detale Sweaters and Long-Sleeved T-shirts Made in China Hoomes Shirts and Polos Currency Calculator Pants and Tights - Select Colour - Shorts and Knickers Enter quantity: 1 Waterproof Breathables ADD TO CART Rainwear Windwear and Soat Shells Insulated Outerwear Down Larger View Ex check Stome A to 300-degree view Synthetic comm MEC Men's Sizing Info Fleece and Mid-Layers This garment is Regular th Outdoor Athletic Colours Available: Amphibian Green Hike Outdoor Life Climbin Cycling Behind Our Label Watersports Designing MEC Products Base Layers and Underwear Testing Our Gear Overall Rating: Making Better Products Headwear Effectiveness: Gloves and Mitt Very Short SOCKS Very Small Very Large Delts ead all 10 reviews I Writelardew Care and Repellency DE SCRIPTION SPECS REVIEWS (10) ASK & ANSWER (14) MEC Light Degree Hoodin thien's) Customers who viewed this Weighs124 \\(Medium) also viewed: Once you've pal your dues for the views, this down jacket hugs you with a Uplink Jacket (Men's) $125.00 CAD tion for alpine selling Shipping Informatic MEC FR and Sking Warranty & Returns e-lined chin guard for comfort. Elasticized out there ettdriveor climbing sians The . Drawcord hem seals . Regular fit hopping call 1.888.847.0770 (Canada & USA). or 604 876.6221 Vancouver internationaly Not The 7 2 people like this. Be the first of your friends. 7 (mal to a friend Print this page + Back to Top FOLLOW US MEC SERVICES MY ACCOUNT ABOUT MEC Call us at 1.888.847.0770 or 604.876.6221 MEC Blog Warranty & Return Address Change Facebook Product Recalls Shipping Informalk Email Preferences YouTube Pricing Pokey wish the Onder Tracking Membership Benefits Shemap Privacy Policy Terms of Use @2012. Al Rights Reserved. Source: Company files.Page 18 9134019 EXHIBIT 11: MARKETING TOOLS AND POSSIBLE METRICS Marketing Tool Possible Metrics Website Conversion rate of visits to sales? Facebook Number of "friends"? Twitter Number of followers; number of re-tweets? Blog Page views? YouTube Number that click-through to website; percentage of click-throughs that convert into sales? Outdoor Advertising Gross rating points or impressions? Local Events Coordination Number of participants; value of purchases for participants versus non- participants? INSPECTION COP Not For Reproduction

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