My company in PL3 part in multi graphics and other graphs about my company situation. I need your evaluation and comments.
-Explain your teams strategy at certain points of the simulationprocess. How it impacted your inputs and outputs. Why do you think your team was successfulor unsuccessful?
-Simply reason and justify you decisions. How and why you thinj they worked and how and why you think they did not work
Applications GoreRegles Grammste Apre Gotta Hezel samning Operations Manage Propection Computer Decisions 3. Tin TV Turkiye Help Settings EX Internal Analysis Market Analysis Saved Graphic Prode 240,000 Long Creat Term 160,000 30,000 PL Ahscience nom Grammaire Reglet Grammare Apple Globasars Here Operations Manage Projection Computer Demons TV Turkiye'nin Help Settings Ex 1 TPH Internal Analysis Market Analysis Saved Graphics Price BO Production Long Term Credit Sales Term Depost 900.000 Capacity Inve 600.000 300.000 PL 7thscience Decisions Help Settings EK Internal Analysis 90,000 60,000 30.000 Gamme Red 9. Turn Operation Manage mutlu Computer Decisions Help Setings Ext PORCE Internal Analysis Sd Gach pu Bottle CO Prode Long Credit 2,400 1,600 BOD Gamma Regle 9. Turn Du Toy Donations Min Pohon Computer Decisions Help Settings Internal Analysis Price Bottle Production Long Team 60,000 Chata Term Dep Capacity 40,000 20.000 Aplication Operations Full Tony Pon Computer Decisions Help Settings 9. Turn Internal Analysis Pre Donec Production Long Term Car Swed Cacity inwer 2.700 1.800 god Zhscience 9. Turn COM Decisions Help Settings El Internal Analysis BO P Creo 3.000 2.000 1.000 science Applications De Gramer Gamme Regles 3 THI daning Operations Manage Projection Computer Decisions BUTY. Trkiye'nin Help Setings Intemal Analysis Pie Chart Saved Graphics Long Termi Credits Tom Depo 19.20 Capacity 20.30 19.80 16.00 PLE 18.70 PLS 7thscience Applications Gamme Apre Gostars Here Grammate Regles 9. Turn Operations Manage Computer Decisions BUTV Turkiye Help Settings Promotion EX Internal Anal Market Analysis Saved Grad Price Prod 240.000 Long Term Capac 160,000 80.000 PL PL Zbumin Applications GoreRegles Grammste Apre Gotta Hezel samning Operations Manage Propection Computer Decisions 3. Tin TV Turkiye Help Settings EX Internal Analysis Market Analysis Saved Graphic Prode 240,000 Long Creat Term 160,000 30,000 PL Ahscience nom Grammaire Reglet Grammare Apple Globasars Here Operations Manage Projection Computer Demons TV Turkiye'nin Help Settings Ex 1 TPH Internal Analysis Market Analysis Saved Graphics Price BO Production Long Term Credit Sales Term Depost 900.000 Capacity Inve 600.000 300.000 PL 7thscience Decisions Help Settings EK Internal Analysis 90,000 60,000 30.000 Gamme Red 9. Turn Operation Manage mutlu Computer Decisions Help Setings Ext PORCE Internal Analysis Sd Gach pu Bottle CO Prode Long Credit 2,400 1,600 BOD Gamma Regle 9. Turn Du Toy Donations Min Pohon Computer Decisions Help Settings Internal Analysis Price Bottle Production Long Team 60,000 Chata Term Dep Capacity 40,000 20.000 Aplication Operations Full Tony Pon Computer Decisions Help Settings 9. Turn Internal Analysis Pre Donec Production Long Term Car Swed Cacity inwer 2.700 1.800 god Zhscience 9. Turn COM Decisions Help Settings El Internal Analysis BO P Creo 3.000 2.000 1.000 science Applications De Gramer Gamme Regles 3 THI daning Operations Manage Projection Computer Decisions BUTY. Trkiye'nin Help Setings Intemal Analysis Pie Chart Saved Graphics Long Termi Credits Tom Depo 19.20 Capacity 20.30 19.80 16.00 PLE 18.70 PLS 7thscience Applications Gamme Apre Gostars Here Grammate Regles 9. Turn Operations Manage Computer Decisions BUTV Turkiye Help Settings Promotion EX Internal Anal Market Analysis Saved Grad Price Prod 240.000 Long Term Capac 160,000 80.000 PL PL Zbumin