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My Final Project Case Study These are some examples. 1) I would like to analyze the Work System Titled 1830 TL1 where I worked as

My Final Project Case Study These are some examples. 1) I would like to analyze the Work System Titled \"1830 TL1\" where I worked as protocol Developer for Wipro Technologies. TL1 (Transactional Language 1) manages most of the optical, broadband, and access Equipment. Issues that I would like to analyze are Communication Issues - I would like to discuss how communication between various department and within the team be improved for the smooth functioning of the work System Work Practice Strategy - I would like to discuss how changing work Practice Strategy help build a better Work system satisfying the customers and also avoid the pitfalls that is observed in the Work System Life Cycle. I would also like to study the Work Practices in detail to see if it balanced. Elimination the Third-Party Tool - I shall discuss the problems faced by the customers due to the third-party tool (Gencode). Thus the need to drop the use of the tool and having own tool. Transition from 1830 to 1870 - Here I would like to analyze why was the transition not success right after the Phase 1 in spite of knowing the benefits of using 1870 and the need to implement the same to stay ahead of the competitors in the market. I shall propose steps that can help achieve the transition. Inadequate use of the Infrastructure - Like to recommend and justify how well the existing infrastructure within the organization be used and benefits of the same. Work System Snapshot Customers Products and Services Alcatel Lucent, Verison Managers Quality Assurance Team WebGUI Team Help Document for customers so as to use the system with ease Test Case Document to ensure commands are working as desired Blue print of the design before developer starts the work Tracker Document that tracks the number of issues fixed in a week by a team member. Product Design Specification (Added as per the peer consultant Review) Work Practices Requirement Team talks to the customers to understand the requirement and prepare the Requirement Specification Document (RRS). Developer analyses the RRS and prepares the blueprint of the work/task to be performed. Developer works on the task assigned, performs unit and peer testing of the same. Developer uses sanity tool to ensure there is no breakage in the software due to enhancement introduced by them. Manager sets deadline of the task to be performed, reviews the blue print document and the final product development. Testers performs work all system testing i.e load testing, regression testing etc. Team meeting, discussion to ensure all tasks are performed as desired. Participants Requirement Team Developer Manager Testers Customers Information Requirement Documents Email from customers on requirement update Knowledge obtained through seniors and manager during various team meetings, Weekly discussions, presentation etc. Technology VOIP for Conference call with other team members across the world. Spreadsheet for keeping the track for work assigned to team members Sanity Tool (Ensures new changes made did not affect the existing system) MS Word for Documentation Email Telephone/Mobile Clear case tool to track bugs and bug fixes with detail note on why and who fixed the bug Gencode Tool - Thirs party tool used to specify the command format Infrastructure Knowledge Management System should be used effectively. Environment Should provide friendly environment say allowing occasional tea breaks, including some stress busters activity. This will allow employees to refresh and give more productivity. Strategies Involvement of delivery head should be increased to yield positive outcome. Employees should be praised in order to keep up their momentum which will help increase the performance. 2) Customized Software Implementation for AFCONS Infrastructure Limited In the past I've worked for a Suma Soft as a Software Test Engineer in India, who develops software and UI applications for local businesses. For my final project the work system I am planning to consider a case of implementing a daily work software for AFCONS Infrastructure Limited, as I work on this project in the past. As a Software Test Engineer I have to create, implement, and maintain software test plans and documentation. Run and validate different test cases, guide and support other team members in running tests. Verify that all functions of the software application are working correctly as expected per business requirements In my paper I would like to cover the most challenging aspects of the project. Most challenging is to create a automate software for the estimation and built a database for products and services pricings. Sometime projects has some discrepancies such as miscommunications, scope creeps which lead to a lot of confusion and that effects on project delivery schedule. Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned out into a working system. The process can be overwhelming, confusing and lengthy with all reasons that can cause companies to avoid making the switch at all. This leads to efficiency and profitability issues as companies continue doing business in old way. Although new technology may offer a clear return on investment, employees can resist adapting to the changes the technology requires. If the software interface is not instinctive, or insufficient time was spent on communicating the new processes and software functions to employees, the implementation and adoption of the new technology is in threat. Work System Snapshot Customers Products & Services Release new software with documentation New Clients who need software Make changes in the existing Current Clients who want to replace software software Clients who need customize software Built customized software as per Software Development Group clients requirements Provide further releases to software Work Practices (Major Activities or Processes) IT analyst, user, and consultant review the current system IT analyst identifies opportunity for improvement in current work system User, and consultant review the suggested improvement in current work system provide by IT analyst IT analyst, user, and consultant identify ways in which software improve better work practices Software developers, develop a software as per clients and users requirements, along with software testing plan Test engineers verify all the components, programing and desired end results from the developed software Software trainers train the future users of the software IT analyst and consultant spend some time monitoring the functionality of the developed a software Top management identifies major goals of the new release. Product Management Department converts the major goals into more detailed requirements. Management in Software Development divides the planned changes into separate projects with priorities, and then assigns the projects to project teams. Participants Information Technologies Computer Workstation IT analyst Software Internal client/Customer for programing Operation of the current system Consultant and Testing Configuration of the current system Software Developers MS Word Opportunity for improvement Test Engineers templates (for Implementation Suggestions RFQs & RFIs) Software Trainers Development Progress Internet & Future Users Development Problems Office network Top Management Operations Manuals of new software to run software Communica tion tools 3) Radio Test System I am working as Test Engineer in Benchmark Electronics. Benchmark Electronics provide Manufacturing services and Engineering Services. Engineering Services include Product development, Automation development, Test development and New Product Introduction. The work system I would like to discuss is a about Meteorcomm (MCC) Radio Test from my current job. Wayside, Base and Locomotive radios are manufactured and tested at Benchmark Electronics (BEI). I would like to analyze following problems related to the work system Inadequate Change Management Processes - The change process itself is one of the most critical factors in reducing time-to-volume. The change process has a high propensity for error due to the large number of people involved and in some cases, due to the technical complexity associated with the change. Existing test solution is based on traditional instruments alone, this solution not meeting the test-throughput need. Manual entry into the PFS is error prone, sometime operators entered failed unit/board as passed into the PFS. Communication gap in departments causes lot of issues such as receiving incorrect assemblies for test, under or over the correct amount or just do not receive any material at all. Operators are not cross trained. Test reports are not stored on network. Scope of the work system Testing environment required for the MCC ITC Wayside Radio, Base Radio, and the Locomotive Radio at the Manufacturing Benchmark Electronics facility. To achieve the test strategy, several test schemas are integrated in a hierarchy fashion progressing from the component level to the system level as the product through the production process phases. The test strategy for the ITC Wayside Radio, Base Radio, and the Locomotive Radio is based on demonstrating that each product shipped to customers is properly configured and calibrated, meet product specification, and is free of defect. This document provides references, rules and guidelines to assist in the design, verification, assembly and test of Radio Board Assemblies. The intent is to provide design guideline criteria that will enable best manufacturing and test practices. The nature of this guideline drives toward higher quality and reduced cost by targeting existing, defined manufacturing processes. Work System Snapshot Customers Products and Services Upper management, Electronics Supervisor, Service Test Manager , Test Engineers, Program managers, Approval or denial of the write up, explanation Product engineers, client BEI Sale persons, Test Procedure MCC client, Test Reports Underwriter. Equipment installation qualification procedure Work Workers, Manufacturing Service proposal, write up sin up documents Practices(Major Activities or Process) BEI salesperson identifies MCC that cloud benefit from BEI manufacturing services. Sales persons and MCC discuss the MCC's service needs including possible terms of the service contract agreements. Underwriter prepare the customer service agreement. Underwriter present proposal to upper management for approval. Upper management Salesperson fills Project needs will be evaluated against the third party vendors. All MCC personnel will work together to manage a host of outside resources working stage to help with test system HW/SW development, documentation, etc. In established production line, BEI will have in-line programming capability or have preprogrammed Complex programmable logic devices & FLASH memory prior to attachment to bare board. BEI developed the in-circuit test, functional MCC. Do the incoming Quality Assurance (IQA) tests certain received components and sub-assemblies to assure they are within manufacturer's specifications The operator needs to monitor the defect on the production board/ assembled product, inform supervisor or engineer if the defect appears to be out of control. Product that passes required PFS test steps will be entered then be taken to the next appropriate operation. Product that fails required PFS Test Steps will be entered Developed the Out of Box Audit with MCC Participants approves or denies the proposal. out the customer service agreement with MCC. Information known available resources at MCC, BEI, contractors and on each test test solution and test data system under the guidance of into PFS as a PASS. The product will into PFS with a fail code. engineer. Technology Upper Sales Management, Radio functional Specifications, Radio hardware specifications, person, engineers, Telephones Internet, Test data storage Computers Test Third party service provider, Radio test requirements, Database software. Product engineers, Workers, Radio product specifications, National Instrument Test development software. Program Electronics service proposal, Third party software. Supervisor. Customer service write up, PFS (Process feedback system) Quality data collection and analysis tool. Customer write up. Complete BOMs with long lead items marked. Mechanical drawings. Schematics manager, server management electronics services 4) As a final project, I will build on the work system from my earlier discussion here on blackboard: The Xavior University MA in Economics admissions work system. The scope basically covers the admission process from the time the student contacts (is contacted by) the advisor until the time the student is accepted into the program. Anything in between that may make the process function well is recognized and any bottlenecks and opportunities are also closely scrutinized for possible solutions and ways of exploring them. Below is a snapshot of my work system. Xavier University MA in Economics Admissions Work System Customers Products & Services Student Applicant College of Economics & Management Xavier University On line student application Admission Decision letter (denied or accepted) Degree Plan I - 20 for International Students Work Practices (Major Activities or Processes) Once student identifies Economics as their program of interest, the student consults with the program advisor about the requirements of the program The student then decides to submit an application for the program and all supporting documents The Office Assistant ensures that application materials and student records are organized and ready for advisor review The Program Admissions Advisor reviews the application and accompanying documents to determine the student's eligibility for the program. The Admissions advisor then makes the decision, or forwards the application and supporting documents to the admissions committee for further scrutiny. A decision is sent out to the students by the Advisor, once it is reached If denial nothing further is required If admitted, a student is notified of the decision via the application portal by the admissions advisor The advising assistant contacts the students with their degree plan at which point the student decides to or not to accept the offer. Participants Information Technologies Student applicant Admission Advisor Faculty admitting committee Office Assistant Infrastructure Network Application Portal Applicants' academic transcripts, test scores Student's application Degree Plan Decision letter Environment Competition from other Universities Houston city Internet/Network access Word/PDF documents for degree plans and decision letter Excel Spreadsheet Telephones Email Strategies Recruiting events One-on-one meetings with students 5) The project with which I am most familiar is the electronic plan review project being implemented by my employer, the City of Austin. I am employed as an environmental reviewer; I am responsible for assessing proposed construction projects for compliance with City environmental regulations. The problem (or rather concern to be addressed) is based on the complexity of the land development regulations. Construction permits are issued only after the construction plans comply with all applicable City regulations. The process of reaching regulatory compliance can require multiple rounds of construction plan set revisions. The City seeks to provide the most responsive service possible to applicants seeking land development permits. The City reviews construction plans and issues responses in Microsoft Word. This means that City staff can only describe the required plan set changes verbally. This can be confusing to follow, especially when there are as many as 14 or 15 people reviewing a single plan. This means that a construction plan can receive many comments from City staff due to the numerous City land development requirements. The process of advising land developers how they must revise their plans can be simplified by adding a graphic element to the City's comments reports. I want to analyze the City of Austin's process of developing and implementing electronic plan review. The scope of the work system is surprisingly large. The electronic plan review has the capacity to affect not just land developers and City review staff, but also inspectors, concerned citizens, and City IT staff. Unknowns that must be investigated include, for example: Construction inspectors need plan sets when they are in the field. If the City moves to electronic plan review, should the City require a hard copy plan set from the land developer upon plan set approval for the use of these field inspectors? Or should field inspectors use a laptop or tablet for viewing plans? Is a tablet computer or laptop robust enough to withstand field conditions such as dust, rain, and impact? Are the small screens sufficiently functional for viewing large scale drawings? Proposed land development plan sets are subject to open records requests. If concerned citizens want to look at a plan set, how does the City accommodate this request? Currently, concerned citizens are provided with paper plan sets to view. The City has no dedicated, offline computers to allow concerned citizens to use for viewing electronic plans. It would be an IT security violation to allow a citizen unsupervised access to a City computer connected to the City intranet. Would it be necessary for a City employee to monitor a citizen's use of a City computer? Are more IT staff necessary based on the added demand of the IT infrastructure? Is there a relationship between the increased data storage / increased data processing requirements inherent in the electronic plan review process and the number of IT staff required? Or stated another way, do the added reliance and added demands on the IT infrastructure necessitate more IT staff? If the City requires applicants to provide electronic plan sets in the place of paper copies, is the security software up to the challenge? These files are large and it is possible to receive dozens of plans each day. How much time will be required to scan each set of files submitted for viruses, etc? Where will these files be stored? How does the City backup its data? I intend to investigate these concerns; however some of these questions might remain unanswered due to IT security concerns. The snapshot appears below. Work System Snapshot Products & Services Customers Developers Permit - - Reviewer Comment Report or Approval and Permitting of Plans or Rejection of Construction Plans Work Practices (Major Activities or Processes) The Review Team assesses the construction plan set for compliance with the Land Development Code and the Review Team writes a comment report summarizing the findings - The Review Team Case Manager compiles comments prepared by each member of the Review Team and forwards the report to the Developer Individual members of the Review Team consult with one another as necessary to share expertise and experience - The Review Team assesses construction plans that have been updated based on previously issued review comments; these plans are again reviewed for compliance with the Land Development Code and the Review Team writes an updated comment report summarizing the findings - Once all Review Team comments have been addressed, a construction permit is issued by the Case Manager Participants Information - - Construction Plan Sets - MS Office - Engineer's Cover Letter / - Outlook Report - Database - Construction Regulations - PDF Reader - Maps - Internet - Comment Reports - GIS - Construction Permit Review Teams 6) My project will be on Fiserv Output Solutions. Problem defined: IT software work system Technologies Scope: Fiserv Output Solutions is a Healthcare print facility for medical, dental, and vision insurance health cards. It continues to rank high as a Fortune 500 company. Although Fiserv show forth its excellence, there are still the pitfalls Fiserv Output Solutions faces in its work system. In an attempt to maintain healthcare IT software, IT management expects developers to deliver projects based upon client requirements, deliver on time, and stay within the hours estimated to complete the project. However these expectations a lot fail and causes issues due to the lack of software needs not being met from external software vendors; in which the developers then are forced to produce and maintain home-grown software. Fiserv Output Solutions, has fallen into a predicament of potentially losing client business from the negative impacts that the software systems have caused. This means clients in the process of renewing their contracts or clients already bound to their contact taking the penalty fee for breach of contract prior to their end date. In an attempt to rectify the situation, IT management is taking a closer look at its current IT software development work system. Customers Client: Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield Fiserv Associates: Sales, CSR, Mgmt, Developers, BA, DBA, WC3, Automation, EDD, Ops Third Party Delivery Service: USPS, UPS, FEDEX Products & Services Printing medical, dental, and vision insurance cards for client's members. Client input files whose data drive what gets produced on the cards and carriers. The number of sales of products and services to the client. Operations metrics of cards and carriers produced. Enjoyment, peace of mind, agreement Work Practices SOW that contains: Working by the book and/or by performing Purpose the small workarounds Communication Scope of Work Decision making Location of Work Coordination Deliverables Schedule Control Applicable Standards Processing information Acceptance Criteria Performing physical activities Type of Contract/Payment Schedule Thinking Miscellaneous Participants Information Technologies Client: Cigna, Blue Client's business rules Cobol Cross Blue Shield Fiserv's Functional Focus Fiserv Business Specifications Jets Analyst Database Card Control Fiserv Developers All forms of Fulfillment Fiserv Program communication WC3 Manager Computerized/non Servers Fiserv Account computerized information Database Management Knowledge Automation Fiserv SQA Processing Ops Operations Infrastructure

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