need full assignment with clarification
MKTG 1221 Assignment 1: Perception As we have discussed, advertisers rely on HOW sensory systems to communicate tous, TO DO PEOPLE FEEL particularly our visual sense. When designing marketing communications, advertisers carefully think about every element that they decide to include in an advertisement, on a package, on a website, in a social media post etc... in terms of how that clement might be perceived. Everyone in the class has been assigned an advertisement to analyze for this assignment. Check your NC email to find out which ad you have been assigned. Part 1: Refer to the advertisement that you have been assigned and carefully analyze what you see in the ad itself. If this is a brand that you are already familiar with, try and refrain from using any pre-existing perception or image of the brand. Instead, refer specifically to what is contained displayed in the ad itself. To cam marks on this assignment you must not only discuss what you think the advertiser is trying to convey about their brand, but you must also specifically identify HOW they attempt to project that image in the ad itself. You will essentially be dissecting the ad in detail by looking at ALL elements included in the ad (ex the choice of model, the clothing shown, the visual images used, the text words, props, colours, fonts, symbols, atmosphere, product elements or benefits that are highlighted etc...). In other words, you need to specifically mention what you see in the ad to justify your answer. BRAND Question 1: Based on the advertisement, what brand communicated in the advertisement? In other words, what does the company want you think about the brand and how did they design the ato help position the brand in the eyes of the audience! Be specific, what exactly are they trying to communicate about their brand image and what elements in the ad itself do they use to help de that? 10 marks Part 2: Once you have analyzed the ad, visit the company's website and take time to explore the content and the site in detail. Just as in the advertisement you analyzed, the company designed their website to help visitors form a certain perception about their brand and their company. Analyze what you see on the website and then think about how well the image conveyed on the website relates to the brand image communicated in the ad. Question 2: How did the website impact your perception of the brand image! Did the website confirm or enhance or detract from the image you formed from the ad! Explain. What else did you find out about the brand that influenced or added to your overall perception of the brand? Refer specifically to what you observed on the website to justify your answer. 10 marks To complete the assignment, open up the link and submit your answers to these 2 questions. Carefully review your answers before you submit-check for spelling grammar and overall clarity of thought