36 - M. Bithos annhelh Reese see the Buhnee Sbet and theeene Stutement for Superior Fuma Products, Inc. for the fined Yeer ended December 31, 2022. These finsedal statemente can be found la the Exell flo under the Cilculate the follewing eatlot for 202 for Superier Fur Froducts, les.t 5 Averase Celliestes Perlod: b. Delt Rutiot c. Retare ea Beiliy (i20 in) 826 57 23 I 29% 36-44. Ratha Amlyin Please see the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for Saperior Farm Products, Ine. for the fiseal Year caded December 31, 2022. These financial atatements ean be found in the Exeel file under the "Ekam One" heading et the "Materiall" "Coaten" link sequence at our course Web site. Calculate the following ratios for 2022 for Superior Farm Producta, Ins.: 4. Timeen Laterest Pared (Tie): 36-44. Butio Analvin Pleape eee the Balance Sheet end lncome Statement for Superior Farm Prodacts, loc, for the ficeal Year endod Docember 31, 2022. These finanelal statements can be found th the Ereol flo under the "Exan One" beading at the -Mrterials" "Coatear" tiek requence at our course Web tite. Cilculhte the following netios for 2022 for Superior Furm Products, ine.: 5 a Averge Collectlea Period: 45daysIndustryAnerse b. Debt Rutio: 647% 13 e. Invetacy Tumover 5.7 23 e. Net Proft Marghat 34876Intricy/chen . Reter Oatotal Aset RON: 28% 6. Brasd ca the rntios yoa have enleulated above, does Superior Faria Rrodocts, Inc, appear to I 36 - M. Bithos annhelh Reese see the Buhnee Sbet and theeene Stutement for Superior Fuma Products, Inc. for the fined Yeer ended December 31, 2022. These finsedal statemente can be found la the Exell flo under the Cilculate the follewing eatlot for 202 for Superier Fur Froducts, les.t 5 Averase Celliestes Perlod: b. Delt Rutiot c. Retare ea Beiliy (i20 in) 826 57 23 I 29% 36-44. Ratha Amlyin Please see the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for Saperior Farm Products, Ine. for the fiseal Year caded December 31, 2022. These financial atatements ean be found in the Exeel file under the "Ekam One" heading et the "Materiall" "Coaten" link sequence at our course Web site. Calculate the following ratios for 2022 for Superior Farm Producta, Ins.: 4. Timeen Laterest Pared (Tie): 36-44. Butio Analvin Pleape eee the Balance Sheet end lncome Statement for Superior Farm Prodacts, loc, for the ficeal Year endod Docember 31, 2022. These finanelal statements can be found th the Ereol flo under the "Exan One" beading at the -Mrterials" "Coatear" tiek requence at our course Web tite. Cilculhte the following netios for 2022 for Superior Furm Products, ine.: 5 a Averge Collectlea Period: 45daysIndustryAnerse b. Debt Rutio: 647% 13 e. Invetacy Tumover 5.7 23 e. Net Proft Marghat 34876Intricy/chen . Reter Oatotal Aset RON: 28% 6. Brasd ca the rntios yoa have enleulated above, does Superior Faria Rrodocts, Inc, appear to