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Name _ Date CONCEPTUAL Physics PRACTICE PAGE CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS PRACTICE PAG Chapter 28 Reflections and Refractions Chapter 28 Reflection and Refraction Reflection-continued are shown below. Make appropriate constructions for this interesting arrangement, and answer irror directly in front of Abe (left view). Abe can see him while Bev cannot see herself-but can Abe see Bev, and can Bev see Abe? estions provided below: MIRROR ABE BEV ABE BEV ABE EVA behind as afe wer ave construct their artificial locations "through" the mirror, the same distance as at point C. then each sees the other . The mouse, for example, cannot see or be seen by Abe FLO and Bev (because there's no mirror in its line of sight) . BEV Here we have eight students in front are shown in the diagram below . Make CIS appropriate straight-line constructions 7 - MIRROR to answer the following : DON Who can Abe see? Who can Abe not see? Who can Cis see ? Who can Cis not see ? Who can Don se Who can Don not see? Who can Flo see? Who can Flo not see? ABE BEV CIS DON EVA FLO GUY HAN Abe can see Bev can see Abe cannot s Construct straight lines from Harry's eyes to the image of Don can see cis cannot see Eva can see Don cannot se his feet, and to the top of his indicate the minimum area Flo can see Eva cannot see Han can see Guy cannot se Harry uses to see a full view Han cannot see of himself. Does this region of the mirror depend on Harry's distance from the mirror? thanx to Marshall Ellensteir 108 CONCEPTUAL Physics PRACTICE PAGE CONCEPTUAL Physics PRACTICE PAGE Chapter 28 Reflection and Refraction Reflected Views Chapter 28 Reflection and Refraction More Reflection 1. The ray diagram below shows the extension of one of the reflected rays from the plane mirror. 1. Light from a flashlight shines on a mirror and illuminates one of the cards. Draw the reflected beam to indicate the illuminated MIRROR -MIRROR Complete the above diagram: MIRROR . Carefully draw the three other OBJECT O 2. A periscope has a pair of mirrors in it. b. Extend your drawn rays behind the mirror to locate the image of the flame. Draw the light path from the object "O' (Assume the candle and image are viewed by an observer on the left.) to the eye of the observer. 2. A girl takes a photograph of the bridge as shown. which o below correctly shows the reflected view of the bridge? Defend your answer. - MIRROR 3. The ray diagram below shows the reflection of one of the rays that strikes the parabolic mirror. Notice that the law of reflection is obeyed, and the angle of incidence (from the normal, the dashed line) equals the angle of reflection (from the normal). Complete the diagram by drawing the reflected rays of the other three rays that are shown. (Do you see why parabolic mirrors are used in automobile headlights?) Be the first to invent a surface MIRROR hat is 100% reflecting! 109 bawit 110