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Need to add reveal all trolls when gameover with comments for each line of code. public class TreasureGameGUI { public static void main(String[] args) {

Need to add reveal all trolls when gameover with comments for each line of code.

public class TreasureGameGUI { public static void main(String[] args) { new TreasureGame().play(); //calling play method in treasure game class } }

import java.awt.BorderLayout; //border layout package for borders import java.awt.Dimension; //dimension package for dimension of board import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; //action event class for actions done import java.awt.event.ActionListener; //action listener for listening to action event import javax.swing.JFrame; //for j frames import javax.swing.JLabel; //for j labels on frames import javax.swing.SwingConstants; //for swing constants used for positioning public class TreasureGame extends JFrame { protected static final int NUM_TRIES = 50; //variable for max number of tries protected static final int NUM_TREASURES = 20; //variable for max number of treasures private static final String lastMove = "Last move: %s"; //variable to store last move private JLabel lastMoveLbl; //object named lastmoveLbl private StatsPanel statsPanel; //object named stats panel private TreasureBoardPanel boardPanel; //object named board panel private boolean gameOver; //game over variable for true or false public TreasureGame() { super("Treasure Hunt Game"); //sending string to super class setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //setting layout by calling object for borderlayout class setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //method used to specify one of several options for close button setVisible(true); //method to set the visibility } public void play() { gameOver = false; //setting gameover variable to false initially addComponents(); //calling add components method pack(); //calling pack method } private void addComponents() { JLabel headerLbl = new JLabel("Treasure Hunt"); //headerlbl object sending treasure hunt string to constructor headerLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); //sets sizes of screen headerLbl.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); //display area for a short string or image add(headerLbl, BorderLayout.NORTH); //add method to add theo object headerlbl onto the north side of the screen statsPanel = new StatsPanel(); /ew stats panel object add(statsPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); //add stats panel to the west side boardPanel = new TreasureBoardPanel(this); /ew treasure board panel object add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); //adds board panel to the center lastMoveLbl = new JLabel(String.format(lastMove, "")); //getting the last move into lastmovelbl object lastMoveLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); //setting lastmovelbl dimensions lastMoveLbl.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); //sets alignment of lastmovelbl add(lastMoveLbl, BorderLayout.SOUTH); //places lastmovelbl to south side } public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) { statsPanel.updateTreasureFound(treasureFound); //update the boolean variable to statspanel object String move = ""; //declaring string move empty if (statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() == 0) //if statspanel is at 0 { move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You win"); //display you win gameOver = true; //and game is over } else if (statsPanel.getTriesLeft() == 0) //if tries left is at 0 { move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You lose");//diplay you lost gameOver = true; // and game is over } else { if (treasureFound) move = String.format(lastMove, "Treasure"); //updates lastmove variable with treasure found else move = String.format(lastMove, "Miss"); //updates lastmove variable with miss } lastMoveLbl.setText(move); //setting lastmove variable if (gameOver && statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() != 0) //if game is over and still have treasures left boardPanel.displayAllTreasures(); //display all treasures } public boolean isGameOver() { return gameOver; //gets if game is over } } class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { private TreasureGame game; //object for treausre game class public ButtonListener(TreasureGame game) { = game; //calls game } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (!game.isGameOver()) //checks if game is over or not { BoardButton btn = (BoardButton) ae.getSource(); //object for board button btn.setText(btn.getDisplayText()); //call settext method if (btn instanceof TreasureButton) //is button is pressed and treasure if found game.updateTreasureFound(true); //pass true else game.updateTreasureFound(false); //or else pass false btn.setEnabled(false); //set button enabling to false } } }

import java.awt.Dimension; //dimension package import javax.swing.Box; //box package import javax.swing.BoxLayout; //boxlayout package import javax.swing.JLabel; // for jlabels import javax.swing.JPanel; //for jpanels

public class StatsPanel extends JPanel { private static final String treasuresLeftStr = "Treasures left: %d"; //string for displaying treasures left private static final String treasuresFoundStr = "Treasures found: %d"; //string for displaying treasures found private static final String triesLeftStr = "Tries left: %d"; //string for tries left private int treasuresLeft; //variable for treasures left private int treasuresFound; //variable for treasures found private int triesLeft; //variable for tries left private JLabel treasuresLeftLbl; //object named treasure left lbl private JLabel treasuresFoundLbl; //object named treasures found lbl private JLabel triesLeftLbl; //object named tries left public StatsPanel() { super(); //calls super class setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); //sets preferred dimensions setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); // treasuresLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TREASURES; //calls num num treasures to find amount of treasures left treasuresFound = 0; //initial treasures found triesLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TRIES; //calls num tries to find amount treasuresLeftLbl = new JLabel(String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft)); /ew display for treasures left treasuresFoundLbl = new JLabel(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound)); /ew display for treasures found triesLeftLbl = new JLabel(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft)); /ew display for tries left add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); //specify excess space above statspanel add(treasuresLeftLbl); //add treasure left display add(treasuresFoundLbl); //add treasure found display add(triesLeftLbl); //add tries left display add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); //specift excess space below stats panel } public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) { if (treasureFound) { treasuresFound += 1; //if treasure found + 1 to treasures found treasuresFoundLbl.setText(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound)); //updates treasures found treasuresLeft -= 1; //if treasure found -1 to treasures left treasuresLeftLbl.setText(String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft)); //updates treausres left } updateTriesLeft(); //updates how many tries left } private void updateTriesLeft() { triesLeft -= 1; //1 less try each time triesLeftLbl.setText(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft)); //updates tries left } public int getTreasuresLeft() { return treasuresLeft; //gets treasure left } public int getTriesLeft() { return triesLeft; //gets tries left } }

import java.awt.GridLayout; //for grid layout import java.util.Random; //for random class import javax.swing.JPanel; //for j panel package

public class TreasureBoardPanel extends JPanel { private static final int WIDTH = 10; //variable for width of panel private static final int HEIGHT = 10; //variable for height of panel private BoardButton[] buttons; //variable array for buttons private TreasureGame game; //object for treasure game public TreasureBoardPanel(TreasureGame game) { super(); //calls super class = game; //sets game setLayout(new GridLayout(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); //sets layout addButtons(); //adds button method calling } private void addButtons() { this.buttons = new BoardButton[WIDTH * HEIGHT]; //sets boardbutton to specified dimensions Random r = new Random(); /ew random object for (int i = 0; i

import java.awt.Dimension; //for setting dimensions import javax.swing.JButton; //for setting buttons import javax.swing.SwingConstants; //for swing constants

public class BoardButton extends JButton { private String displayText; //string variable for display text public BoardButton() { this("O"); //setting string to O } public BoardButton(String text) { super(); //sends string to super class this.displayText = text; //display text passed setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); //place constants on the center of button setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); //setting dimensions for buttons } public String getDisplayText() { return displayText; //gets display text } }

public class TreasureButton extends BoardButton { public TreasureButton() { super("$$$"); //sets button to $$$ } }

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// --------- - No change --------------

public class TreasureGameGUI {

public static void main(String[] args) {

new TreasureGame().play(); // calling play method in treasure game class



// ---------- - New class ----------------

public class TrollButton extends BoardButton {

public TrollButton() {

super(" TROLL "); // sets button to $$$



//------------ ---------------------------

import java.awt.GridLayout;

import java.util.Random;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class TreasureBoardPanel extends JPanel {

private static final int WIDTH = 10; // variable for width of panel

private static final int HEIGHT = 10; // variable for height of panel

private BoardButton[] buttons; // variable array for buttons

private TreasureGame game; // object for treasure game

public TreasureBoardPanel(TreasureGame game) {

super(); // calls super class = game; // sets game

setLayout(new GridLayout(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); // sets layout

addButtons(); // adds button method calling


private void addButtons() {

this.buttons = new BoardButton[WIDTH * HEIGHT]; // sets boardbutton to specified dimensions

Random r = new Random(); // new random object

for (int i = 0; i

int index = r.nextInt(this.buttons.length); // variable index for random treasures

while (this.buttons[index] != null)

index = r.nextInt(this.buttons.length); // random treasure objects

this.buttons[index] = new TreasureButton(); // new treasure button objects

// the troll is always one position in away from a treasure in the horizontal and vertical directions.


this.buttons[index+1] = new TrollButton();

} else if (index+WIDTH

this.buttons[index+WIDTH] = new TrollButton();



for (int i = 0; i

if (this.buttons[i] == null)

this.buttons[i] = new BoardButton(); // new button object


for (int i = 0; i

this.buttons[i].addActionListener(new ButtonListener(game)); // action listener for button(boxes)

add(this.buttons[i]); // adds buttons(boxes)



public void displayAllTreasures() {

for (int i = 0; i

if (this.buttons[i] instanceof TreasureButton)

this.buttons[i].setText(this.buttons[i].getDisplayText()); // displays all treasures at the end of game.




//------------- ----------------

import java.awt.Dimension;

import javax.swing.Box;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class StatsPanel extends JPanel {

// string for displaying treasures left

private static final String treasuresLeftStr = "Treasures left: %d";

// string for displaying treasures found

private static final String treasuresFoundStr = "Treasures found: %d";

// string for displaying trolls encountered

private static final String trollsEncounteredStr = "Trolls encountered: %d";

// string for tries left

private static final String triesLeftStr = "Tries left: %d";

private int treasuresLeft; // variable for treasures left

private int treasuresFound; // variable for treasures found

private int trollsEncountered; // variable for trolls encountered

private int triesLeft; // variable for tries left

private JLabel treasuresLeftLbl; // object named treasure left lbl

private JLabel treasuresFoundLbl; // object named treasures found lbl

private JLabel trollsEncounteredLbl; // object named treasures found lbl

private JLabel triesLeftLbl; // object named tries left

public StatsPanel() {

super(); // calls super class

setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); // sets preferred dimensions

setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //

treasuresLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TREASURES; // calls num num treasures to find amount of treasures left

treasuresFound = 0; // initial treasures found

trollsEncountered = 0; // initial trolls encountered

triesLeft = TreasureGame.NUM_TRIES; // calls num tries to find amount

treasuresLeftLbl = new JLabel(String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft)); // new display for treasures left

treasuresFoundLbl = new JLabel(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound)); // new display for treasures found

trollsEncounteredLbl = new JLabel(String.format(trollsEncounteredStr, trollsEncountered)); // new display for trolls encountered

triesLeftLbl = new JLabel(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft)); // new display for tries left

add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); // specify excess space above statspanel

add(treasuresLeftLbl); // add treasure left display

add(treasuresFoundLbl); // add treasure found display

add(trollsEncounteredLbl); // add trolls encountered display

add(triesLeftLbl); // add tries left display

add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); // specift excess space below stats panel


public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) {

if (treasureFound) {

treasuresFound += 1; // if treasure found + 1 to treasures found

treasuresFoundLbl.setText(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound)); // updates treasures found

treasuresLeft -= 1; // if treasure found -1 to treasures left

treasuresLeftLbl.setText(String.format(treasuresLeftStr, treasuresLeft)); // updates treausres left


updateTriesLeft(); // updates how many tries left


public void updateTrollEncountered(boolean trollEncountered) {

if (trollEncountered) {

trollsEncountered += 1;

trollsEncounteredLbl.setText(String.format(trollsEncounteredStr, trollsEncountered));

treasuresFound = 0; // lose all treasure if troll encountered

treasuresFoundLbl.setText(String.format(treasuresFoundStr, treasuresFound)); // updates treasures found


updateTriesLeft(); // updates how many tries left


private void updateTriesLeft() {

triesLeft -= 1; // 1 less try each time

triesLeftLbl.setText(String.format(triesLeftStr, triesLeft)); // updates

// tries

// left


public int getTreasuresLeft() {

return treasuresLeft; // gets treasure left


public int getTriesLeft() {

return triesLeft; // gets tries left



// ------------- ----------------------

import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

public class TreasureGame extends JFrame {

protected static final int NUM_TRIES = 50; // variable for max number of tries

protected static final int NUM_TREASURES = 20; // variable for max number of treasures

private static final String lastMove = "Last move: %s"; // variable to store last move

private JLabel lastMoveLbl; // object named lastmoveLbl

private StatsPanel statsPanel; // object named stats panel

private TreasureBoardPanel boardPanel; // object named board panel

private boolean gameOver; // game over variable for true or false

public TreasureGame() {

super("Treasure Hunt Game"); // sending string to super class

setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // setting layout by calling object for borderlayout class

setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // method used to specify one of several options for close button

setVisible(true); // method to set the visibility


public void play() {

gameOver = false; // setting gameover variable to false initially

addComponents(); // calling add components method

pack(); // calling pack method


private void addComponents() {

JLabel headerLbl = new JLabel("Treasure Hunt"); // headerlbl object sending treasure hunt string to constructor

headerLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); // sets sizes of screen

headerLbl.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); // display area for a short string or image

add(headerLbl, BorderLayout.NORTH); // add method to add theo object headerlbl onto the north side of the screen

statsPanel = new StatsPanel(); // new stats panel object

add(statsPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); // add stats panel to the west side

boardPanel = new TreasureBoardPanel(this); // new treasure board panel object

add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // adds board panel to the center

lastMoveLbl = new JLabel(String.format(lastMove, "")); // getting the last move into lastmovelbl object

lastMoveLbl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); // setting lastmovelbl dimensions

lastMoveLbl.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); // sets alignment of lastmovelbl

add(lastMoveLbl, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // places lastmovelbl to south side


public void updateTreasureFound(boolean treasureFound) {

statsPanel.updateTreasureFound(treasureFound); // update the boolean variable tostatspanel object

String move = ""; // declaring string move empty

if (statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() == 0) // if statspanel is at 0


move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You win"); // display

// you win

gameOver = true; // and game is over

} else if (statsPanel.getTriesLeft() == 0) // if tries left is at 0


move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You lose");// diplay you

// lost

gameOver = true; // and game is over

} else {

if (treasureFound) {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Treasure"); // updates lastmove variable with treasure found

} else {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Miss"); // updates lastmove variable with miss



lastMoveLbl.setText(move); // setting lastmove variable

if (gameOver && statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() != 0) // if game is over and still have treasures left


boardPanel.displayAllTreasures(); // display all treasures



public void updateTrollEncountered(boolean trollEncountered) {

statsPanel.updateTrollEncountered(trollEncountered); // update the boolean variable tostatspanel object

String move = ""; // declaring string move empty

if (statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() == 0) // if statspanel is at 0


move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You win"); // display you win

gameOver = true; // and game is over

} else if (statsPanel.getTriesLeft() == 0) // if tries left is at 0


move = String.format(lastMove, "Game over - You lose");// display you lost

gameOver = true; // and game is over

} else {

if (trollEncountered) {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Troll"); // updates lastmove variable with treasure found

} else {

move = String.format(lastMove, "Miss"); // updates lastmove variable with miss



lastMoveLbl.setText(move); // setting lastmove variable

if (gameOver && statsPanel.getTreasuresLeft() != 0) // if game is over and still have treasures left


boardPanel.displayAllTreasures(); // display all treasures



public boolean isGameOver() {

return gameOver; // gets if game is over



class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {

private TreasureGame game; // object for treausre game class

public ButtonListener(TreasureGame game) { = game; // calls game



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {

if (!game.isGameOver()) // checks if game is over or not


BoardButton btn = (BoardButton) ae.getSource(); // object for board button

btn.setText(btn.getDisplayText()); // call settext method

if(btn instanceof TrollButton) // is button is pressed and troll encountered




if (btn instanceof TreasureButton) // is button is pressed and treasure if found


game.updateTreasureFound(true); // pass true


else {

game.updateTreasureFound(false); // or else pass false


btn.setEnabled(false); // set button enabling to false




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