. Next, present a graph with a 95% confidence interval for the mean BDI-Il score of each timepoint condition, for the EBCT group. Give the figure an appropriate brief caption above the figure, beginning with a label of"Figure 2". [2] . Next, report the results ofthe key statistical test (comparing the three timepoint condition means forthe EBCT group) in one or two sentences, including a stat block and the overall effect size, in APA style. (You don't need to include descriptive statistics or pairwise effect sizes). [2] . Now consider an appropriate follow-up test for the EBCT group (i.e., that adjusts for multiple comparisons using the Holm correction) to compare mean BDl-ll scores for pre-treatment vs. post-treatment, post-treatment vs. 12 months later, and pre- treatment vs. 12 months later. Report the results in two or three sentences, including thepvalue for each comparison. You don't need to include descriptive statistics or effect sizes here: ,0- values and their interpretation are sufficient. You may wish to refer to Figure 2 above when discussing which condition is higher/lower. [2] . Lastly, perform a new test to compare the post-treatment BDl-ll scores of the EBCT group against the CBT control group. You can assume the two groups had similar scores at the pretreatment stage; however, is there a significant difference in BDI-II score at the post-treatment stage? In around two sentences, report the mean difference in BDIII score between the groups (noting which group is higher/lower), and the results of the test (in APA style), including a stat block and effect size. [2] . What conclusion do you draw from your results for questions 3 6 above (around three sentences): a. Considering the results for the EBCT group, has the therapy led to lower depression levels both post-treatment and 12 months later? b. Was EBCT more effective than the standard CBT? [2]