One subunit of Boxing Sports Cornpany had the following financiat results last month: EA: (Cick the icon to vhow the fnaticil resuttis) Requiiement 1. Complote the performance eviluation report for the subunit (Enter a variance bor adach account as a poltitle numbar and solect whether the variance in favotable or unfavorable. Enter tho viatance percent as a perentage rounded to two decimal places, X% Requirement 2. Based on the dita presented and your knowiedje of the company. what fype of respensbitity center is this subunit? This performance repat includes therefore this sutunit nust be Rucquirement 3, Which Burns shosdd be lovestigated it part of managemenfs decision citaria is to litrestigate all variances equal to or exceeding 57000 and exceeding 10% (both coiteria mast be mety? Managemant should imvesfigate the following of an input frid is not used in the table, thwe the ispit finld empty) Requiremeat 4 , Sbodid only ontmorablo voclasces be investigated? Eyptich Managers should inverkgate Faverable eqpense yariances Requireneet 5 . is it possible tiut thin variancas are dee to w higher than expected sales rolume? Explan. The Bexcile budget vartancion doe to sules volume diterencos between budout and actual: Diflorences in rales volume ain eaptured by the The Guxble budgat variance is due to Manugente yeur opinitin ls this perfermance ieport a lotd or a lag inscatsor Euglew The gerormance ieport addestat that perspedine af the bulanced reoveciaid perfoumance ineasurs ting Til te Requirement 8 . List one key performance indicator for the three other balanced scorecard perspectives. Make sure to indicate which perspective is being addressed by the indicators you list. Complete the following table to identify one key performance indicator for the three other balanced scorecard perspectives. Data table