Overall Philosophy The child "educaring" philosophy at Zebra Child Care supports a "whole-child" concept o development by meeting hisfher emotional, social, intellectual, physical and emerging cultura needs Uur child de eloprnent prog. am is based on the assumption that a child s growth is a sequential process and that children pass through predictable stages o. development in all areas and within age anges A fundamental belief at Zebra Child Care is that the children have the right to be cared .or in asate, healthy, nurturing, fun, and respectful environment by adults who are Well t.ained in child development principles and that the children lea.n best through play and playful inte\"actions within this kind of environment Since a positive parentteache" partnership is ideal lor a successful and harmonious child rearingfchild caring experience, va strive to promote and demonstrate respectful interactions in the teacher parent, teacherchild child-child. and teacher-teacher relationships Ihis helps to establish an atmosphere of acceptance and wellbeing for all who participate in the Zebra Child Care program A team teaching approach is practiced in each age group s educare room. Together the proiessional staff plans overall program goals and objectives and curriculum units intended ti: meet the children's individual development needs, as well as the needs of the group. Some characteristics we believe to be important nor teachers to help children acquire within a group setting are: - Sell esteem; a sense of identity, self respect, and confidence. - Competence in body and mind; a sense of mastery - Problem solving and conflict resolution ability; a sense of reasoning and responsibility. - Personal and interpersonal strengths; ability to communicate with and be sensitive to others, to get along with others. . Appreciation of diversity, a sense of understanding and respect for difference. . Creativity and innovation; a sense of confidence and growth. a desire to learn. - Openness, a sense of trust and honesty. . Awareness of change; a sense of inner strength, selfcontrol, and coping skills - Recognition of emotions; ability to understand and express feelings in appropriate ways