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package CSC301SP18Homework; // change the package if you want import stdlib.StdOut; /** * Version 1.0 * * This homework is worth 24 points; it has

package CSC301SP18Homework; // change the package if you want

import stdlib.StdOut;


* Version 1.0


* This homework is worth 24 points; it has two credit level options.

* Option 1: complete ToDos 0-4 20/24 points

* Option 2: complete ToDos 0-5 24/24 points


* effectively, option 1 has a maximum grade of B.

* To get a 100% score on the assignment you must complete option 2


* You must not change the declaration of any method.

* You must not change the Node class declaration

* You may not add instance variables

* You may not use any other java classes/algorithms without permission


* You may create helper functions for Todo's 3, 4, and 5




* The B(inary)S(earch)T(ree) class represents a symbol table of

* generic key-value pairs. It supports put, get, and delete methods.

* The book's recursive versions of get and put have been renamed

* rGet and rPut

* to facilitate testing of your non-recursive versions



public class BST301, Value> {

private Node root; // root of BST

static boolean verbose = false; // set to false to mute "correct" test output messages

private class Node {

private Key key; // key

private Value val; // associated data

private Node left, right; // left and right subtrees

public Node(Key key, Value val) {

this.key = key;

this.val = val;



* Appends the preorder string representation of the sub-tree to the given StringBuilder.


public void buildString(StringBuilder s) {

s.append(left == null ? '[' : '(');

s.append(key + "," + val);

s.append(right == null ? ']' : ')');

if (left != null) left.buildString(s);

if (right != null) right.buildString(s);




* Returns the preorder string representation of the BST.


public String toString() {

StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();


return s.toString();



* Initializes an empty symbol table.


public BST301() {


/** size


* return the size of the tree


public int size() {

return -1; // ToDo 0


/** get


* Returns the value associated with the given key.

* Returns null if the key is not in the table


* ToDo 1 write a non-recursive implementation of get



public Value get(Key key) {

return null; //Todo 1


/** put

* Inserts the specified key-value pair into the symbol table, overwriting the old

* value with the new value if the symbol table already contains the specified key.


* ToDo 2 write a non-recursive implementation of put


public void put(Key key, Value val) {

return; // ToDo 2


/** numLeaves


* Returns the number of leaf nodes in the tree

* A leaf is a node with 0 children


* ToDo 3


public int numLeaves() {

return -1; // ToDo 3


/** lengthOfShortestPathToNull


* Returns the length of the shortest path (in edges) from root to a node with a null left or right subtree


* ToDo 4


public int lengthOfShortestPathToNull() {

return -1; // ToDo 4




* delete


* deletes the key (&value) from the table if the key is present

* using the the *dual* of the Hibbard approach from the text. That is,

* for the two-child scenario, delete the node by replacing it

* with it's predecessor (instead of its successor)


* The functions: max, deleteMax have been provided for you


* ToDo 5: implement a version of delete meeting the above spec


* if you complete this toDo, comment out or delete the print statement, otherwise leave it in.



public void delete(Key key) {

StdOut.println(" delete not implemented ");

return; // ToDo 5


/** max


* return the node in the subtree x with the maximum key ( right most node)


private Node max(Node x) {

if ( x.right == null) return x;

return max(x.right);


/** deleteMax


* return the subtree x with the node with maximum key deleted


private Node deleteMax(Node x) {

if ( x.right == null) return x.left;

x.right = deleteMax(x.right);

return x;




* Utility functions


public Value rGet(Key key) {

return rGet(root, key);


private Value rGet(Node x, Key key) {

if (x == null) return null;

int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);

if (cmp < 0) return rGet(x.left, key);

else if (cmp > 0) return rGet(x.right, key);

else return x.val;


public void rPut(Key key, Value val) {

if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("first argument to put() is null");

root = rPut(root, key, val);


private Node rPut(Node x, Key key, Value val) {

if (x == null) return new Node(key, val);

int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);

if (cmp < 0) x.left = rPut(x.left, key, val);

else if (cmp > 0) x.right = rPut(x.right, key, val);

else x.val = val;

return x;


/* main calls all the testing functions */

public static void main(String[] args)


// comment in/out calls to focus on a given ToDo method








/* sizeTests


* parameters to sizeTest

* 1: String of keys to add to symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: expected tree size


public static void sizeTests() {

sizeTest("", 0); // test size on an empty symbol table

sizeTest("a",1); // test size on a symbol table of size 1

sizeTest("aaaaaa", 1); // test size on a symbol table of size 1

sizeTest("ababcd", 4); // test size on a symbol table of size > 1

sizeTest("abcde", 5); // test size on a symbol table of size > 1

StdOut.println("----------- size tests completed");


/* numLeavesTests


parameters to testNumLeaves

* 1: String of keys to add to symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: expected result


public static void numLeavesTests() {


testNumLeaves("HCADMLZ",4); // leaves are ADLZ

testNumLeaves("ABCDEFG",1); // leaves: G

testNumLeaves("GFEDCBA",1); // leaves: A

testNumLeaves("MABC",1); // leaves: C

testNumLeaves("MGLJK",1); // leaves: F

testNumLeaves("CBADE",2); // leaves: A, E

StdOut.println("----------- numLeaves tests completed");


/* lenShortestPathToNullTests


parameters to testLengthOfShortestPathToNull

* 1: String of keys to add to symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: expected result


public static void lenShortestPathToNullTests() {



testLengthOfShortestPathToNull("CAD",1); // complete BT with 3 nodes

testLengthOfShortestPathToNull("HCADMLZ",2); // complete BT with 7 nodes

testLengthOfShortestPathToNull("HCADMJZGL",2); // complete BT(7) w/ two extra nodes

StdOut.println("----------- lenShortestPathToNull tests completed");


/* getTests


parameters to testGet

* 1: String of keys to add to symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: String of vals corresponding to above keys

* 3: key to 'get'

* 4: expected value "" means null is expected


public static void getTests() {

testGet("C","3","C","3"); // ST (C,3), get C. result 3

testGet("C","3","D",""); // ST (C,3), get D. result null

testGet("CBADE","32145","C","3"); // C in table

testGet("CBADE","32145","A","1"); // A in table

testGet("CBADE","32145","E","5"); // E in table

testGet("HCADMLZ","1245367","A","4"); // A in table

testGet("HCADMLZ","1245367","D","5"); // D in table

testGet("HCADMLZ","1245367","Z","7"); // A in table

testGet("HCADMLZ","1245367","B",""); // B not in table

testGet("HCADMLZ","1245367","Y",""); // Y not in table

testGet("ABCDEFG","1234567","A","1"); // A in table

testGet("MGLJK","12345","G","2"); // G in table

testGet("MGLJK","12345","Z",""); // Z not in table

StdOut.println("----------- get tests completed");


/* putTests


parameters to testPut

* 1: String of keys to add to a symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: String of vals corresponding to above keys

* 3,4: key,value to 'put'

* 5,6: String of keys,values expected in resulting table in order left-to-right


public static void putTests() {

testPut("CA","31","C","3","CA","31"); // put existing key-val pair, no change

testPut("HCADMJZGL","123456789","L","9","HCADMJZGL","123456789"); // put existing key-val pair, no change

testPut("HCADMJZGL","123456789","L","0","HCADMJZGL","123456780"); // update value in Leaf

testPut("HCADMJZGL","123456789","C","0","HCADMJZGL","103456789"); // update value in middle

testPut("HCADMJZGL","123456789","B","0","HCABDMJZGL","1230456789"); // Add new kv in middle

testPut("ABCEFG","123567","D","4","ABCEDFG","1235467"); // straight line right, add new kv in middle

StdOut.println("----------- put tests completed");


/* deleteTests


parameters to testDelete

* 1: String of keys to add to a symbol table in order left-to-right

* 2: String of vals corresponding to above keys

* 3: key to be deleted

* 4,5: String of keys,values expected in resulting table in order left-to-right


public static void deleteTests() {



testDelete("ABCDEFG","1234567","G","ABCDEF","123456"); // straight line right

testDelete("ABCDEFG","1234567","D","ABCEFG","123567"); // straight line right

testDelete("GFEDCBA","7654321","A","GFEDCB","765432"); // straight line left

testDelete("GFEDCBA","7654321","D","GFECBA","765321"); // straight line left

testDelete("HCADMJZ","1234567", "H", "DCAMJZ","423567"); // delete root

testDelete("HCADMJZGL","123456789", "M", "HCADLJZG","12349678"); // delete M

testDelete("MJALBCD","1234567","J", "MDALBC","173456"); // delete J

StdOut.println("----------- delete tests completed");


/* from

* builds a BST using the author's version of put


public static BST301 from(String keys, String vals) {

if ( keys.length() != vals.length())

throw new IllegalArgumentException("array sizes do not match");

BST301 abst = new BST301();

for (int i=0; i < keys.length(); i++) {

abst.rPut(keys.substring(i, i+1),vals.substring(i,i+1));


return abst;


/******************************************* testing functions *******************************/

// test size function.

// param keys: all substrings of length 1 are added to the ST

// param expected: the correct value of the ST for the input:vals

public static void sizeTest( String keys, int expected ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string keys

BST301 aTree = from(keys,keys);

// do the test

int actual = aTree.size();

//report result

if ( actual == expected) { // test passes

if (verbose)

StdOut.format("sizeTest: Correct String [ %s ] Answer: %d ", keys, actual);



StdOut.format("sizeTest: *Error* String [ %s ] expected: %d actual: %d ", keys, expected, actual);


public static void testNumLeaves( String keys, int expected ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string

BST301 aTree = from(keys,keys);

// do the test

int actual = aTree.numLeaves();

if ( actual == expected) {// test passes

if (verbose)

StdOut.format("testNumLeaves: Correct Keys: [ %s ] actual: %d ", keys, actual);



StdOut.format("testNumLeaves: *Error* Keys: [ %s ] expected: %d actual: %d ", keys, expected, actual);


public static void testLengthOfShortestPathToNull( String keys, int expected ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string

BST301 aTree = from(keys,keys);

// do the test

int actual = aTree.lengthOfShortestPathToNull();

if ( actual == expected) {// test passes

if (verbose)

StdOut.format("test lenShortestPathToNull: Correct Keys: [ %s ] actual: %d ", keys, actual);


StdOut.format("test lenShortestPathToNull: *Error* Keys: [ %s ] expected: %d actual: %d ", keys, expected, actual);


public static void testGet( String keys, String vals, String key, String expected ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string

BST301 aTree = from(keys,vals);

// do the test

String actual = aTree.get(key);

if ( (expected.equals("") && actual == null) || (expected.equals(actual))) { // test passes

if ( verbose)

StdOut.format("testGet: Correct Keys:[ %s ] Vals:[%s] Get:%s actual: %s ",

keys, vals, key, actual);



StdOut.format("testGet: *Error* Keys:[ %s ] Vals:[%s] Get:%s expected: %s actual: %s ",

keys, vals, key, expected, actual);


// keys, vals are the data for the starting ST

// pKey, pVal is the key-value pair to insert

// exKeys, exVals are the data for the expected ST after the put

// this does not test for inserting a null value

public static void testPut( String keys, String vals, String pKey,

String pVal,String exKeys, String exVals ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string

BST301 testTree = from(keys,vals);

BST301 expectedTree = from(exKeys,exVals);

// do the test


String actual = testTree.toString();

String expected = expectedTree.toString();

if ( actual.equals(expected) ) { // test passes

if (verbose)

StdOut.format("testPut: Correct Keys:[%s] Vals:[%s] Put:(%s,%s) Result: %s ",

keys, vals, pKey, pVal, actual);

} else

StdOut.format("testPut: *Error* Keys:[%s] Vals:[%s] Put:(%s,%s) Result: %s ",

keys, vals, pKey, pVal, actual);


public static void testDelete( String keys, String vals, String key, String exKeys, String exVals ) {

// create and populate the table from the input string

BST301 testTree = from(keys,vals);

BST301 expectedTree = from(exKeys,exVals);

// do the test


String actual = testTree.toString();

String expected = expectedTree.toString();

if ( actual.equals(expected) ) { // test passes

if (verbose)

StdOut.format("testDelete: Correct Keys:[ %s ] Vals:[%s] Delete:%s Result: %s ",

keys, vals, key, actual);


StdOut.format("testDelete: *Error* Keys:[ %s ] Vals:[%s] Delete:%s Result: %s ",

keys, vals, key, actual);



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