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Page 236: Ex5B-8. Utilize the Outdoor Clubs & Product database to create a procedure ex5b_supplier_update that contains two input parameters. The first input parameter is

Page 236: Ex5B-8. Utilize the Outdoor Clubs & Product database to create a procedure "ex5b_supplier_update" that contains two input parameters. The first input parameter is a supplier_id attribute value that is used to delete the supplier from the supplier table. The second input parameter is also another supplier_id attribute value that is used to update the deleted supplier entry (of the first input parameter) in the product and purchase_ordertable with a new supplier value. Create a boolean function "ex5b_supplier_exist" to determine if the two input parameter supplier_id attribute values exists before proceeding with the data manipulations. If the suppliers do not exist, then display a message "Invalid Suppliers. Run program unit again!" image text in transcribed

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I already did provide the structure of the database. It's right above. Have fun looking at it in text form.

create table sporting_clubs (club_id number(3)constraint sporting_clubs_pk primary key, name varchar2(30), street varchar2(30), city varchar2(15), state char(2), zip number(5), phone varchar2(10));

create table club_activity (club_id number(3)constraint club_activity_fk references sporting_clubs, activity varchar2(15), constraint club_activity_pk primary key (club_id,activity));

create table supplier (supplier_id varchar2(4) constraint supplier_pk primary key, name varchar2(30), street varchar2(30), city varchar2(15), state char(2), zip number(5), phone varchar2(10));

create table product (product_id number(5) constraint product_pk primary key, product_name varchar2(30), quantity_in_stock number(3), reorder_point number(2), price number(5,2), supplier_id varchar2(4) constraint product_fk references supplier, reorder_qty number(2));

create table purchase_order (po_no varchar2(4) constraint purchase_order_pk primary key, po_date date, product_id number(5) constraint purchase_order_fk1 references product, quantity number(3), supplier_id varchar2(4) constraint purchase_order_fk2 references supplier);

create table customer (customer_id number(3) constraint customer_pk primary key, first_name varchar2(10), last_name varchar2(10), street varchar2(30), city varchar2(15), state char(2)default 'MO', zip number(5), phone varchar2(10));

create table club_membership (membership_id number(5) constraint club_membership_pk primary key, membership_date date, duration number(2), amount number(4), payment_type varchar2(5)constraint membership_payment_type_ck check ((payment_type = 'CC') or (payment_type = 'Check')), club_id number(3) constraint club_membership_fk1 references sporting_clubs, customer_id number(3) constraint club_membership_fk2 references customer);

create table product_order (order_id number(4) constraint product_order_pk primary key, order_date date, ship_date date, payment_type varchar2(5)constraint prod_order_payment_type_ck check ((payment_type = 'CC') or (payment_type = 'Check')), total number (6,2), customer_id number(3) constraint product_order_fk1 references customer);

create table order_details (order_id number(4), product_id number(5), quantity number(2), constraint order_details_pk primary key (order_id,product_id), constraint order_details_fk1 foreign key (order_id) references product_order, constraint order_details_fk2 foreign key (product_id) references product);

create sequence club_sequence start with 100 increment by 10 nocache;

insert into sporting_clubs values(club_sequence.nextval, 'Hillside Mountain Club', '1 Winona St','Wichita','KS',34342,'3163997676'); insert into sporting_clubs values(club_sequence.nextval, 'Branson Climbing Club', '2 Sherwood Dr.','Branson','MO',65670,'4174485676'); insert into sporting_clubs values(club_sequence.nextval, 'Cherokee Rafting Club', '44 Kent Ave.','St. Charles','MO',66572,'3147780870'); insert into sporting_clubs values(club_sequence.nextval, 'White Plains Club', '225 Tracy St.','New York','NY',13567,'2126678090');

insert into club_activity values(100,'Hiking'); insert into club_activity values(100,'Climbing'); insert into club_activity values(100,'Walking'); insert into club_activity values(110,'Hiking'); insert into club_activity values(110,'Climbing'); insert into club_activity values(110,'Conservation'); insert into club_activity values(110,'Walking'); insert into club_activity values(120,'Conservation'); insert into club_activity values(120,'Canoeing'); insert into club_activity values(130,'Conservation'); insert into club_activity values(130,'Canoeing'); insert into club_activity values(130,'Walking');

create sequence supplier_sequence start with 500 increment by 10 nocache;

insert into supplier values('S'||supplier_sequence.nextval,'Hillside Ski','2717 S. Western Ave.','Los Angeles','CA',90006,'7146654959'); insert into supplier values('S'||supplier_sequence.nextval,'Tiger Mountain','2600 S. Vermont Ave.','Los Angeles','CA',90006,'7143327878'); insert into supplier values('S'||supplier_sequence.nextval,'Asha Outdoor','44 S. LaSalle St.','Chicago','IL',60603,'3125554678'); insert into supplier values('S'||supplier_sequence.nextval,'Sheraton Recreation','225 Tracy St.','New York','NY',13567,'2128889569');

create sequence product_id_sequence start with 10010 increment by 1 nocache;

insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Beginner''s Ski Boot',20,5,9.75,'S500',25); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Intermediate Ski Boot',18,5,12.99,'S500',20); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Pro Ski Boot',21,7,15.49,'S510',25); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Beginner''s Ski Pole',15,3,25.49,'S500',20); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Intermediate Ski Pole',20,3,29.99,'S520',22); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Pro Ski Pole',21,5,34.99,'S530',25); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Road Bicycle',15,4,34.95,'S520',18); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Mountain Bicycle',19,4,49.99,'S520',20); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Tire Pump',8,2,7.99,'S530',10); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Water Bottle',25,4,2.49,'S510',25); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Bicycle Tires',30,5,4.99,'S500',33); insert into product values(product_id_sequence.nextval,'Bicycle Helmet',23,6,10.95,'S510',25);

create sequence po_sequence start with 11 nocache;

insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('5/25/12','mm/dd/yy'),10011,20,'S500'); insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('5/12/12','mm/dd/yy'),10015,25,'S530'); insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/25/12','mm/dd/yy'),10011,20,'S500'); insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/15/12','mm/dd/yy'),10018,10,'S530'); insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('7/10/12','mm/dd/yy'),10015,25,'S530'); insert into purchase_order values('PO'||po_sequence.nextval,to_date('7/25/12','mm/dd/yy'),10019,25,'S510');

create sequence customer_sequence start with 101 nocache;

insert into customer values(customer_sequence.nextval,'Jack','Russell','25 North Madison Ave.','Springfield','MO',65807,'4178823434'); insert into customer values(customer_sequence.nextval,'Betty','Trumbell','550 South Court Dr.','St. Louis','MO',63140,'3125556670'); insert into customer values(customer_sequence.nextval,'Anil','Kaul','400 South Circle St.','Kansas City','MO',64530,'4316667070'); insert into customer values(customer_sequence.nextval,'Tom','Wiley','1500 North Grand St.','Springfield','MO',65810,'4178825560'); insert into customer values(customer_sequence.nextval,'Sharon','Stone','200 West Wagner St.','Springfield','MO',65807,'4176668890');

create sequence membership_sequence start with 10010 increment by 10 nocache;

insert into club_membership values(membership_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/12/12','mm/dd/yy'),4,200,'CC',100,101); insert into club_membership values(membership_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/15/12','mm/dd/yy'),2,100,'Check',110,102); insert into club_membership values(membership_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/21/12','mm/dd/yy'),5,250,'Check',120,103);

create sequence product_order_sequence start with 1001 nocache;

insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('5/27/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/1/12','mm/dd/yy'),'CC',134.95,102); insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('5/28/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/2/12','mm/dd/yy'),'CC',134.85,103); insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('5/28/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/3/12','mm/dd/yy'),'Check',12.45,104); insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/5/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/10/12','mm/dd/yy'),'CC',44.43,105); insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/6/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/8/12','mm/dd/yy'),'Check',52.48,103); insert into product_order values(product_order_sequence.nextval,to_date('6/8/12','mm/dd/yy'),to_date('6/12/12','mm/dd/yy'),'CC',131.94,104);

insert into order_details values(1001,10011,2); insert into order_details values(1001,10015,3); insert into order_details values(1002,10011,5); insert into order_details values(1002,10016,2); insert into order_details values(1003,10019,5); insert into order_details values(1004,10018,3); insert into order_details values(1004,10011,1); insert into order_details values(1004,10019,3); insert into order_details values(1005,10017,1); insert into order_details values(1005,10019,1); insert into order_details values(1005,10021,1); insert into order_details values(1006,10012,4); insert into order_details values(1006,10015,2);


Assignment-5 1. Chapter 5, Lesson B, page 236: EX5B-8. Submit one text (script) file with.sql file type having firstname lastname as prefix. For example, John Doe 2b_12.sql. Indicate the problem number prior to its source. Assignment - 5 Output 1. Chapter 5. Lesson B, page 236: Ex5B-8. For example, the following anonymous block runtime of the procedure with two parameter values displays the message. begin ex5b_supplier_update ('5510', '5535'); end; Invalid Suppliers. Run program unit again! For example, the following anonymous block runtime of the procedure with two parameter values displays the updated product_id values. begin ex5b_supplier_update ('5500','S530'); end; Product_ID 10010 10011 10013 10020 Worksheet Query Builder SELECT * FROM product; PRICE SUPPLIER_ID REORDER_QTY 1 5 9.75 S500 25 20 3 12.99 S500 15.49 S510 25.49 S500 25 4 3 20 Script Output x Query Result x SQL | All Rows Fetched: 12 in 0.002 seconds PRODUCT_ID PRODUCT_NAME QUANTITY_IN_STOCK REORDER_POINT 10010 Beginner's Ski Boot 20 5 2 10011 Intermediate Ski Boot 18 5 10012 Pro Ski Boot 21 7 10013 Beginner's Ski Pole 15 5 10014 Intermediate Ski Pole 20 3 6 10015 Pro Ski Pole 21 5 7 10016 Road Bicycle 15 4 8 10017 Mountain Bicycle 19 9 10018 Tire Pump 8 2 10 10019 Water Bottle 25 11 10020 Bicycle Tires 30 5 12 10021 Bicycle Helmet 23 6 5 22 29.99 S520 34.99 S530 25 34.95 S520 18 4 20 49.99 S520 7.99 S530 10 2.49 S510 25 33 4.99 S500 10.95 S510 25 Assignment-5 1. Chapter 5, Lesson B, page 236: EX5B-8. Submit one text (script) file with.sql file type having firstname lastname as prefix. For example, John Doe 2b_12.sql. Indicate the problem number prior to its source. Assignment - 5 Output 1. Chapter 5. Lesson B, page 236: Ex5B-8. For example, the following anonymous block runtime of the procedure with two parameter values displays the message. begin ex5b_supplier_update ('5510', '5535'); end; Invalid Suppliers. Run program unit again! For example, the following anonymous block runtime of the procedure with two parameter values displays the updated product_id values. begin ex5b_supplier_update ('5500','S530'); end; Product_ID 10010 10011 10013 10020 Worksheet Query Builder SELECT * FROM product; PRICE SUPPLIER_ID REORDER_QTY 1 5 9.75 S500 25 20 3 12.99 S500 15.49 S510 25.49 S500 25 4 3 20 Script Output x Query Result x SQL | All Rows Fetched: 12 in 0.002 seconds PRODUCT_ID PRODUCT_NAME QUANTITY_IN_STOCK REORDER_POINT 10010 Beginner's Ski Boot 20 5 2 10011 Intermediate Ski Boot 18 5 10012 Pro Ski Boot 21 7 10013 Beginner's Ski Pole 15 5 10014 Intermediate Ski Pole 20 3 6 10015 Pro Ski Pole 21 5 7 10016 Road Bicycle 15 4 8 10017 Mountain Bicycle 19 9 10018 Tire Pump 8 2 10 10019 Water Bottle 25 11 10020 Bicycle Tires 30 5 12 10021 Bicycle Helmet 23 6 5 22 29.99 S520 34.99 S530 25 34.95 S520 18 4 20 49.99 S520 7.99 S530 10 2.49 S510 25 33 4.99 S500 10.95 S510 25

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