Part I: PA3 Outline (10 points). Create an outline in comments/psuedocode for the programming assignment following cot below. Place everything in a single file (for the outline), but use the comments to show how you will separate the files when you hand in P llyour name /Dealer.h /Dealer.cpp /functions.cpp /main.cpp Ensure your name is in comments in each file AND each file is fully commented. You should define the two classes in your Dealer.h section (based on the names and types in Part II). Then you should provide pseudocode for what these functions do in your Dealer.cpp and functions.cpp sections. Your main.cpp will just consist of declaring a vector of type Dealer (if you don't how to do this yet, just place comments in plain English). Then you will have a menu that calls functions Part Il: PA3: Car Dealership (40 points) For Programming Assignment 3 you will be creating a program to manage cars in a dealership This will again be a menu driven system. You will make a yector of Dealers (there can be zero to many dealers). Each dealer can have zero to many cars on the lot, represented not by a vector, but by a dynamic amray. The following is your menu: 1. Read Dealers and Cars from file 2. Display Dealers 3. Choose a Dealer Number, Display Cars 4. Choose a Dealer Number, Add Car 5. Choose a Dealer, Sort cars by VIN (EXTRA CREDIT) 6. Write Dealers and Cars to file (EXTRA CREDIT) 7. Exit Your program will be object oriented (using classes, not structs) with the following UML representing the classes (See Chapter 13 for UML Access Specification information): + (Public) - (Private) Variable names are listed, then a colon, then data types are after variable names Function returm types are listed after the function name and parameters after a colon Dealer Page 1 of 6