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Phase 8: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Between Subjects Overview The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare three or more populations (can also handle

Phase 8: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Between Subjects Overview The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare three or more populations (can also handle 2 populations, but the t-test is usually used instead), when all three population means are unknown. A Between Subjects ANOVA means that the observations are not paired. An Between Subjects ANOVA is similar to an independent t-test, but with more samples. An ANOVA test answers the question: Is there sufficient statistical evidence to conclude that at least one of the population means is different than the others? In T-tests (or z-tests), we usually subtract the means to get an indication of variability (spread) between the means. The difference can be thought of as a range of the means. When there are three or more means, we can no longer just simply subtract the means. Take for example the following population means: 1 = 10, 2 = 20, 3 = 30. If we subtract the means: [10 20 (30)], it would result in 0. A result of zero usually indicates that there is no difference, but that is not the case here. Clearly, the means are different from each other. Besides, subtracting three means does not really give you a range anymore. We need another form variability. Instead we use another form of variability between means, called Mean Squared Between (denoted; ). Mean squared between is the variance between the means (instead of the range of means). Basically, the Mean Squared Between is calculated by subtracting each sample mean from the grand mean, squaring the deviation from the grand mean, adding those squares up, and dividing by the degrees of freedom (more on this later; have to consider the sample sizes). This is similar to how you calculated variance in earlier phases, but we just do it with the means instead of individual values. The squaring gets rid of the problem of subtracting negative means. The denominator for any t-statistic (or z-statistic for hypothesis testing) is the standard error. The standard error is the standard deviation of the sample mean (for a one sample mean test or dependent t-test) or the standard deviation of the difference of the sample means. The standard error tells you how much sample means (or difference in sample means) are expected to vary by chance (due to sampling error). Please review the notes on the Central Limit Theorem for more information on standard error. The denominator in an ANOVA test is called Mean Square Within. The Mean Squared Within is the variance within the groups. The Mean Squared Within is the total of the Sum of Squares for each group divided by the total degrees of freedom. The Mean Squared Within is a weighted average variance within the groups. The Mean Squared Within is a measure of how much we would expect the sample means to vary by chance (due to sampling error). The Mean Squared Within is very similar to standard error. However, no square roots were used to get the standard deviation from the variance. In other words, it is a squared version of standard error. Depiction of Variability The F-Distribution The ANOVA test uses an F-statistic. The observed F is calculated with the following formula: = The F-statistic is always positive. The F-statistic is always positive, because both the mean square between and mean square within will always be positive (0 or greater), because variance is always positive. A sampling distribution of variances is skewed to the right and makes what is called a Chi-Squared distribution. When you divide two Chi-Squared distributions, you get a F-distribution, which is also skewed to the right. When the mean square between is equal to the mean square within, the F-statistic will equal one. When the F-statistic is one, the variance between the means is what is expected due to sampling error (by chance). The F-statistic has to be greater than one to be significant, how much greater depends of the degrees of freedom. A distribution has two types of degrees of freedom. Steps to ANOVA Hypothesis Test 1) 0 : 1 = 2 = 3 ... . 1 : . 2) Assumptions a. Random selection from all populations. b. All sampling distributions are normally distributed: One or both of the following are true: i. All population distributions are normally distributed. ii. The sample size for each group is at least 30. 3) Set Alpha Levels a. Alpha 4) Calculate the p-value: a. Find the sample mean for each group (1 , 2 , 3 ... ). b. Find the grand mean i. = ( ) i stands for each individual value. ii. OR = ( ) = 1 1 +2 2 + 3 3 ...+ J stands for each group. iii. OR if equal n's then = = 1 +2 + 3 ...+ c. Find : Sum of Squares between the sample means. 2 i. = ( ) = 1 (1 )2 + 2 (2 )2 + 3 (3 )2 ... + ( )2 d. Find the : Sum of Squares for within the sample means: It is the sum of squares for each group added up. 2 i. = ( ) = 1 + 2 + 3 ... + e. Find degrees of freedom: i. ( ) = 1 Subtracting off 1, because we estimated the grand mean. ii. ( ) = 1 + 2 + 3 ... . . f. OR = a. . b. ( ) i. Have to subtract off 1 for each sample mean we estimated. Find the : The Mean Square Between is the variance between the sample means. i. = g. Find the : The Mean Square Within is the variance within sample means. i. = h. Calculate the observed F statistic: = i. ANOVA Table Often times an ANOVA table is made. Below is a generic version of the table. The table can be used in number 4 to calculate the F-statistic. Sum of Squares Degrees of Mean Square F-statistic Freedom ( ) Between = = 2 = 1 = ( ) ( ) Within = 2 = = ( ) Total = 1 = ( )2 = + is the total sums of squares. It is the sum of the squares of the differences between the individual observations and the grand mean. The is the total amount of variability there is for the observations (not specifically variance, because it is not divided by the sample size or degrees of freedom, but is still a measure of variability). It also happens to equal to the sum of the and . Part of the total variability is due to the grouping ( ) and some is unexplained ( ). = ( )2 = + j. Calculate p-value with Excel: Use the function \"f.dist.rt.\" The f statistic is replaces the x, deg_freedom1 is the between degrees of freedom and the deg_feedom2 is the within degrees of freedom. 5) Conclusion Statement a. If p-value is less than alpha, then reject the null. i. There is statistical significant evidence to conclude that there is a difference in the population means (be more specific about what you are comparing). b. If p-value is greater than alpha, then fail to reject the null. i. There is not statistical significant evidence to conclude that there is a difference in the population means (be more specific about what you are comparing). 6) When the null is rejected, than follow t-tests should be done. Each of the groups should be compared to each other. There will be (1) 2 number of t-tests that should be conducted. For instance, if there are 3 groups, there will be three comparisons ( 32 2 = 3; 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. 3, and 2 vs. 3) For this class you will not be required to do the follow up tests, but you should know if they should be conducted or not. If you fail to reject the null, then it is not appropriate to do following up t-tests, because the omnibus (name for the overall test, in this case the ANOVA test) did not indicate there was a difference, so you should not look for differences with follow up tests. ANOVA Example A researcher is interested in comparing four diets. Below is sample data of pounds lost for 20 individuals (positive numbers indicate weight loss and negative numbers indicate weight gain) on various diets. Is there statistically significant evidence that the four population means differ? Conduct the steps of hypothesis testing using an alpha of .05. Low Calorie Low Fat Low Carbohydrate Control 8 2 3 2 9 4 5 2 6 3 4 -1 7 5 2 0 3 1 3 3 1) 0 : = = = 1 : . 2) Assumptions a. Random selection from all populations: ?. b. All sampling distributions are normally distributed: One or both of the following are true: ? i. All population distributions are normally distributed: ? ii. The sample size for each group is at least 30: X 3) Set alpha level: a. = .05 4) Calculate the observed F: a. Find the sample means: Low Calorie Low Fat Low Carbohydrate Control n1=5 n2=5 n3=5 n4=5 1 = 6.6 2 = 3.0 3 = 3.4 4 = 1.2 b. Find grand mean: i. = 71 20 ii. OR = = 3.55 (71 is the sum of all the observations). 6.65+35+3.45+1.25 20 = 71 20 = 3.55 iii. OR BECAUSE THERE ARE EQUAL N'S: = 6.6+3.0+3.4+1.2 4 = 14.2 4 = 3.55 c. Find Sum of Squares Between: i. = 5(6.6 3.6)2 + 5(3.0 3.6)2 + 5(3.4 3.6)2 + 5(1.2 3.6)2 = 45 + .02 + 28.8 + 1.8 = 75.8 d. Find the Sum of Squares Within: i. Find the SS for each group: Low Calorie (X - 6.6) (X - 6.6)2 8 1.4 2.0 9 2.4 5.8 6 -0.6 0.4 7 0.4 0.2 3 -3.6 13.0 0 21.4 Low Fat (X - 3.0) (X - 3.0)2 2 -1.0 1.0 4 1.0 1.0 3 0.0 0.0 5 2.0 4.0 1 -2.0 4.0 0 10.0 Low Carbohydrate (X - 3.4) (X - 3.4)2 3 -0.4 0.2 5 1.6 2.6 4 0.6 0.4 2 -1.4 2.0 3 -0.4 0.2 0 5.4 Control (X - 1.2) (X - 1.2)2 2 0.8 0.6 2 0.8 0.6 -1 -2.2 4.8 0 -1.2 1.4 3 1.8 3.2 0 10.6 2 ii. Add the SS's: = = ( ) = 21.4 + 10.0 + 5.4 + 10.6 = 47.4 e. : i. = = 4 1 = 3 ii. = = = 20 4 = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 f. Source of Variation Make the ANOVA Table: Sums of Squares (SS) Degrees of freedom (df) Mean Squares (MS) F Between 75.8 4-1=3 75.8/3 = 25.3 25.3/3.0 = 8.43 Within 47.4 20-4=16 47.4/16 = 3.0 Total 123.2 20-1=19 g. Find the p-value: 0.001374 5) Conclusion statement: < : Reject the null a. There is statistically significant evidence to conclude that there is a difference between the four population means of weight lost for each of the weight loss groups. 0.01% = 8.43 6) In this instance, because we rejected the null, follow up t-tests would be appropriate. There would a. b. c. d. e. f. 43 2 = 6 follow up t-tests. Low Calorie vs. Low Fat Low Calorie vs. Low Carb Low Calorie vs. Control Low Fat vs. Low Carb Low Fat vs. Control Low Carb vs. Control ID Job Satisfaction 1997 Weight 1997 Income 1996 Gender 142 2 161 104 178 2 110 1000 200 2 142 2500 216 3 220 2500 225 1 130 200 266 2 125 500 278 4 160 4400 282 2 105 800 307 3 130 250 331 3 120 500 404 1 150 2000 480 3 128 2800 483 2 140 6000 511 3 150 1400 535 3 100 1000 621 3 155 4800 641 3 117 350 648 2 185 1000 654 1 135 998 672 1 160 300 720 2 190 360 731 2 160 1500 745 1 150 100 757 3 120 100 763 4 135 19 769 1 165 2800 775 1 200 2000 789 3 267 300 803 3 145 1000 819 1 145 624 837 2 160 2500 839 3 125 800 843 4 145 2000 856 3 175 500 893 3 125 150 962 2 160 3100 975 1 240 500 995 3 115 6000 997 3 205 900 1025 2 210 150 1065 3 165 2000 1094 1 180 420 1126 3 190 6000 1152 4 115 700 1167 2 160 3500 1182 2 130 1000 1186 2 135 3600 Race 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Income 2010 4 35000 4 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4504.3 999 1999 2999 3999 4999 5999 6999 7999 8999 9999 0 0 8984 1 Hard Minimum: [0] TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO VALID SKIP(-4) Max: 0 9022 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Mean: Hard Maximum: [99999999] Lead In: R72976.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05363.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------R02447.00 [YEMP-101200.01] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS JOB SATISFACTION EMP 01 Which of the following best describes how you [feel/felt] about your job with [this employer]? UNIVERSE: R >= 14 has valid employer; not military; employer stopdate >= 16; job last 13+ weeks 353 295 1 Like it very much 2 Like it fairly well 321 89 47 ------1105 3 Think it is OK 4 Dislike it somewhat 5 Dislike it very much Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 0 0 0 1105 VALID SKIP(-4) 7879 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Lead In: R02440.00[Default] Default Next Question: R02454.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------R03227.00 [YHEA-2200] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE WEIGHT OF R - POUNDS Can you tell me approximately what your weight is? (INTERVIEWER: PRESS FOR "REFUSE", FOR "DON'T KNOW".) UNIVERSE: All 0 14 1077 5341 1865 349 57 5 1 0 0 0 ------8709 0 1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) Invalid Skip(-3) TOTAL =========> 0 Min: 132.26 Hard Minimum: [1] TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 49 99 149 199 249 299 349 399 449 499 999999: 500+ 54 205 16 8984 4 VALID SKIP(-4) Max: Hard Maximum: [999] 0 390 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Mean: Lead In: R03226.00[Default] Default Next Question: R03228.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------R04902.00 [YINC-1700] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE TOTAL INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY IN PAST YEAR During 1996, how much income did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or anything else? UNIVERSE: R received income from job 64 2141 613 277 135 143 46 52 19 18 8 38 10 5 2 0 ------3571 0 1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 7000 10000 20000 50000 Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 0 Min: 681.63 Hard Minimum: [0] Soft Minimum: [0] TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 499 999 1499 1999 2499 2999 3499 3999 4499 4999 6999 9999 19999 49999 999999: 50000+ 15 368 3954 0 (Go To R04903.00) (Go To R04903.00) VALID SKIP(-4) 5030 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Max: Mean: 40000 Hard Maximum: [5000000] Soft Maximum: [200000] Lead In: R04899.00[Default] R04900.00[Default] Default Next Question: R04904.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------R05363.00 [KEY!SEX] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!SEX, RS GENDER (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Gender of Youth 4599 4385 0 ------8984 1 Male 2 Female 0 No Information Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 0 0 0 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Lead In: R00001.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05364.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------R14826.00 [KEY!RACE_ETHNICITY] Survey Year: 1997 PRIMARY VARIABLE KEY!RACE_ETHNICITY, COMBINED RACE AND ETHNICITY (SYMBOL) COMMENT: Combined race - ethnicity variable 2335 1901 83 4665 ------8984 1 2 3 4 Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 0 Black Hispanic Mixed Race (Non-Hispanic) Non-Black / Non-Hispanic 0 0 8984 VALID SKIP(-4) 0 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Lead In: R05387.00[Default] Default Next Question: R05389.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------T75456.00 [YINC-1700] Survey Year: 2011 PRIMARY VARIABLE TOTAL INCOME FROM WAGES AND SALARY IN PAST YEAR During 2010, how much income did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs, before deductions for taxes or for anything else? UNIVERSE: R received income from job Truncated values are applied to the top 2 percent of respondents with valid non-missing responses. The lowest value for the top 2 percent of cases is used as the truncation level ($ 94,000 for this variable). Values for all cases at or over that level are averaged. That average is then assigned to each of the top 2 percent of the cases. 24 80 59 50 56 57 67 59 58 58 49 390 473 546 2226 1050 ------5302 0 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 15000 20000 25000 50000 Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 1561 Min: 34163.66 Hard Minimum: [0] Soft Minimum: [0] TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 999 1999 2999 3999 4999 5999 6999 7999 8999 9999 14999 19999 24999 49999 99999999: 50000+ 64 523 5889 0 (Go To T75457.00) (Go To T75457.00) VALID SKIP(-4) 1534 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Max: Mean: 146002 Hard Maximum: [5000000] Soft Maximum: [200000] Lead In: T75454.00[Default] T75455.00[Default] Default Next Question: T75458.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------T87350.00 [YEMP-101200.01] Survey Year: 2013 PRIMARY VARIABLE RS JOB SATISFACTION EMP 01 Which of the following best describes how you [feel/felt] about your [{job_assignment}] [as/with] [employer name]([(loop)])? UNIVERSE: R >= 14 has valid employer; not military; employer stopdate >= 16; job last 13+ weeks; job last 2+ weeks since DLI 2093 1724 1241 213 146 ------5417 1 2 3 4 5 Like it very much Like it fairly well Think it is OK Dislike it somewhat Dislike it very much Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 1843 5 1 5423 VALID SKIP(-4) 1718 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Lead In: T87234.00[Default] T87329.00[Default] T87344.00[Default] T84717.00[Default] T86194.00[1:1] Default Next Question: T87359.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------T90393.00 [YSAQ-000B] Survey Year: 2013 PRIMARY VARIABLE R'S WEIGHT - POUNDS Approximately what is your weight? UNIVERSE: All 0 3 0 46 16 394 1164 1483 1405 1038 588 789 ------6926 0 1 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 24 49 74 99 124 149 174 199 224 249 99999999: 250+ Refusal(-1) Don't Know(-2) TOTAL =========> 1843 Min: 185.53 93 117 7136 1 VALID SKIP(-4) Max: 5 474 Hard Minimum: [1] Hard Maximum: [999] Soft Minimum: [50] Soft Maximum: [400] Lead In: T90389.00[Default] T90392.00[Default] Default Next Question: T90394.00 NON-INTERVIEW(-5) Mean

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