php/1180629jmod CPT 341 Visual Basic NET Project 2-Spring Semester 2019 Basic Encryption must be dnglayed for a tew seconds to dulay the application ame and version bef the nd Form for enrption andom number generation, stringmntion and coersion OjtA php/11 %20341%20Spring%202019%20%20Project,pdf 1- inthe source code, make sure to include your name, dns, and date 2. The Windows Form should be easy to understand using appropriate Label and Tooftp through the application (see sample Form and sample ideo controls to help the user navigate placed throughout mar va code variables and controlobiect naming shold folow common namng conventions (see common naming conventions handout 4. Use Textbox controls to enter the sample data values and to display the solution s. 5. Use Label controls 6 Display a Splash Page at application startup . Provide an Exit Button on the emcryption form to shut down the application Use Eiror Handing (Try Catch Finally) to account for common enons For example, f a user enters incorrect data types into the sample data textboxes Display a message (using a Magbox) where necessary 9. Use a Picturetiox control to dsplay a representative image on the Windows Form 30. Use a TooT control to promet usersfer a mo se over) 11. The clear test message is to be stored in a text fie (created using Notepad,. The test can also be typed directly into the The test-file is to be selected using an Open le Dialog corresponding textbox contro runtime control object (see the Toolbox) s Test fle contents are to be displayed in a Textbox control located on the Windows Form tyou can also use this a Keys are to be randomly generated within a range of 0 to 100,000. Each key dgt will need to be added to the L Since there are a smited number of digts in a key, your program must wrap-back to the first digit textbox to input clear test characters) 12. Keys values are to be randomly generated corresponding character to shift it to a new character a random key of 217 Characte ANSI Code A 78 73 84 NSI Code Key Vaue82)04+) b The selected key must be stored in an array 13. Reverse the shifted characters back to their original characters using the same key digt Source code comments thoughout the project code Name class, and date in the source code comments Error Handing (Try Catch Tool Tips and representative tewt Creating and using a randomly eneted encryption key Picture Box Control Use of a message box (dspay emor condition to the ne) Use of Splash Page Forsm Use of namins conventions fne default control names)iprefis all ariables) Use of an Esit Button to Close the application Pram.logK Total 100 php/1180629jmod CPT 341 Visual Basic NET Project 2-Spring Semester 2019 Basic Encryption must be dnglayed for a tew seconds to dulay the application ame and version bef the nd Form for enrption andom number generation, stringmntion and coersion OjtA php/11 %20341%20Spring%202019%20%20Project,pdf 1- inthe source code, make sure to include your name, dns, and date 2. The Windows Form should be easy to understand using appropriate Label and Tooftp through the application (see sample Form and sample ideo controls to help the user navigate placed throughout mar va code variables and controlobiect naming shold folow common namng conventions (see common naming conventions handout 4. Use Textbox controls to enter the sample data values and to display the solution s. 5. Use Label controls 6 Display a Splash Page at application startup . Provide an Exit Button on the emcryption form to shut down the application Use Eiror Handing (Try Catch Finally) to account for common enons For example, f a user enters incorrect data types into the sample data textboxes Display a message (using a Magbox) where necessary 9. Use a Picturetiox control to dsplay a representative image on the Windows Form 30. Use a TooT control to promet usersfer a mo se over) 11. The clear test message is to be stored in a text fie (created using Notepad,. The test can also be typed directly into the The test-file is to be selected using an Open le Dialog corresponding textbox contro runtime control object (see the Toolbox) s Test fle contents are to be displayed in a Textbox control located on the Windows Form tyou can also use this a Keys are to be randomly generated within a range of 0 to 100,000. Each key dgt will need to be added to the L Since there are a smited number of digts in a key, your program must wrap-back to the first digit textbox to input clear test characters) 12. Keys values are to be randomly generated corresponding character to shift it to a new character a random key of 217 Characte ANSI Code A 78 73 84 NSI Code Key Vaue82)04+) b The selected key must be stored in an array 13. Reverse the shifted characters back to their original characters using the same key digt Source code comments thoughout the project code Name class, and date in the source code comments Error Handing (Try Catch Tool Tips and representative tewt Creating and using a randomly eneted encryption key Picture Box Control Use of a message box (dspay emor condition to the ne) Use of Splash Page Forsm Use of namins conventions fne default control names)iprefis all ariables) Use of an Esit Button to Close the application Pram.logK Total 100