Pina Colada Corporation prepares financial statements in accordances withifRS. Sulected accounts induded in the groperty plart, and equipment section of the company's statement of financial position at December 31, 2022, had the following balances: During 2023, the following transactions occurred: 1. A tract of land was acquired for $150.060 as a potential futare building site. 2. A plant facility consisting of land and a building was acquired from Knoman Corp. for use in production in exchanse for 19.860 of Pina Colada's common shares. The most recent sale of Pina Colada's commonshares toak place one anonthearliee: when 3.530 of Pina Colada's common shares sold for 555 per share. The plant facility was carried an Knormani book at $110,440 for land and $320,220 for the building at the exchange date. At the exchange date a rullable, independent valuator determined the fair value of the land and building to be $230,060 and $690.240 respectivelu. 3. Equipment was purchased for a totaf cost of $400000. Additional costs incurred were as followe 3. Equipment was purchased for a total cost of $400,000. Additional costs incurred were as follows: 4. Expenditures totalling $94,640 were made for new parking lots, streets. and sidewalks at the corporation's various plant locations. These expenditures had an estimated aseful life of 17 years. 5. A piece of equipment that cost $80,000 on January 1. 2015, was scrapped on June 30,2023 , Double-declining-balance depreciation had been recorded based on a 10 -vearlife. 6. A piece of equipment was sold for $19,580 on July 1, 2023. Its original cost was $44,280 on January 1, 2020, and it was depreciated on the stratght-line basis aver an estimated useful fife of 7 years, assuming a residual value of $1,640. (a) Calculate the balance at December 31.2023 in each of the following accounts: Land, Land improvements, Buidings, and Equipment. (Hint Ignore the related accumulated depreciation accounts) 6. A piece of equipment was sold for $19,580 on July depreciated on the straight-line basis over an estime (a) Calculate the balance at December 31,2023 in each of the Equipment. (Hint: lgnore the related accumulated depreciation Land Land Improvements $ Buildings Equipment