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please answer these MCQ questions. NO explanation NEEDED JUST MARK THE RIGHT ANSWERS 1. Which one of the following is INCORRECT? Select one: a. A

please answer these MCQ questions. NO explanation NEEDED JUST MARK THE RIGHT ANSWERS

1. Which one of the following is INCORRECT?

Select one:

a. A computer battery has more energy per gram than a flashlight battery.

b. Uranium-235 has 30 million times more energy per gram than TNT.

c. Gasoline has more energy per gram than any other everyday substance.

d. TNT has more energy per gram than chocolate chip cookies.

2. At high velocities, most of the fuel of an automobile is used

Select one:

a. to keep the engine running (overcome internal friction)

b. to overcome air resistance

c. to increase the kinetic energy of the auto

d. to overcome tire-road friction

3. Muller wears a tritium watch because

Select one:

a. he is foolish but brave

b. the watch never needs a battery

c. the tritium provides a safe source of energy to make the hands glow

d. tritium is not radioactive

4.The microwaves in a microwave oven mostly heat

Select one:

a. water

b. carbon

c. oxygen

d. air

5. Which satellite is highest?

Select one:

a. oil exploration satellite

b. spy satellite

c. GPS

d. satellite TV

6. The "hydrogen economy" that is talked about in newspapers:

Select one:

a. will use fusion to convert hydrogen to helium

b. will use hydrogen to store energy

c. will burn hydrogen instead of gasoline in a piston engine (internal combustion) engines.

d. will pump hydrogen gas from oil wells

7. One food Calorie is approximately

Select one:

a. 4 grams

b. 4 joules

c. 4 kilojoules

d. 4 kilograms

8. Fallout is dangerous. Which of the following causes the greatest concern?

Select one:

a. plutonium

b. tritium

c. uranium

d. strontium

Clear my choice

9. To get high efficiency from an engine for mechanical motion you need:

Select one:

a. small temperature differences between the surrounding air and engine

b. about equal temperatures between the surrounding air and engine

c. large temperature differences between the surrounding air and engine

10. Based on the linear hypothesis, approximately how many cancers were caused by the Chernobyl accident?

Select one:

a. 24,000

b. 1,000,000

c. less than 1,000

d. 24,000,000

11. What (approximately) is the average speed of shaking molecules in a material at room temperature?

Select one:

a. the speed of sound (330m/s)

b. 100 miles per hour

c. the speed of light

d. zero (they are at rest)

12. Which of the following events is not caused by a chain reaction process?

Select one:

a. snow avalanche

b. tunneling

c. laser emission

d. lightning

13. The Drake equation attempts to predict

Select one:

a. the number of planets with intelligent life

b. the amount of dark matter

c. the number of stars in the universe

d. the number of WIMPs and MACHOs

14. The mystery of "firewalking" can be explained by

Select one:

a. Moore's Law

b. low conduction of sweat

c. Leidenfrost Effect

d. Ewing's Rule

15. Medium Earth orbit (MEO) is used for

Select one:

a. most spy satellite


c. TV broadcasting

d. GPS

16. LCD laptop computer displays use

Select one:

a. IR

b. polarizers

c. UV

d. light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

17. The danger China syndrome comes from

Select one:

a. release of huge amounts of energy into the Earth

b. a possible nuclear explosion

c. release of radioactivity into the environment

d. keeping the chain reaction going

18. Light emitted by the sun arrives at the Earth

Select one:

a. about 8 minutes later

b. about 1 million years later

c. about 1 second later

d. about 5 years later

19. The technology that made small earphones and computer motors possible is

Select one:

a. the Tesla Coil

b. rare-earth magnets

c. vacuum tubes

d. superconductivity

20. The photon has a rest mass approximately equal to:

Select one:

a. 3.14 g

b. the mass of an electron

c. 0

d. 0.000003g

21. Which of the following is not an electromagnetic wave?

Select one:

a. x-rays

b. alpha rays

c. UV

d. gamma rays

22. The phosphor of a fluorescent light bulb turns ____ into visible light:

Select one:

a. alpha rays

b. infrared light

c. ultraviolet light

d. x-rays

23. Liquid hydrogen, compared to gasoline, has

Select one:

a. 3 x more energy per gallon

b. 10 x more energy per gallon

c. 3 x less energy per gallon

d. about the same energy per gallon

24. The China Syndrome refers to:

Select one:

a. Chinese development of nuclear weapons

b. a nuclear meltdown

c. fear of nuclear power

d. anti-nuclear activism

25. At the same temperature, sound waves move fastest in:

Select one:

a. air

b. liquid (water)

c. rock (granite)

26. What is "Nemesis"?

Select one:

a. an asteroid found near Pluto, not considered a planet.

b. a nearby galaxy that we can view with the unaided eye.

c. a theoretical star that orbits the sun, making comets and asteroids veer towards Earth.

d. a recently discovered planet that orbits the sun.

27. MRI maps the distribution of which element to produce an image?

Select one:

a. Hydrogen

b. Calcium

c. Carbon

d. Iodine

28. We now know that an electron is made of

Select one:

a. strings

b. gluons

c. we don't know. It may be truly elementary.

d. quarks

29. If charges are moved twice as far apart, the force between them

Select one:

a. decreases by a factor of 2

b. increases by a factor of 2

c. increases by a factor of 4

d. decreases by a factor of 4

30. Jane and Lane synchronize their watches on Earth. Jane remains on Earth while Lane takes a round trip to Pluto at near light-speed. When they get back together, whose clock is correct?

Select one:

a. neither clock (since the Earth is always moving too).

b. both clocks are correct

c. Jane's clock (on Earth)

d. Lane's clock (on the spaceship)

31. The ozone layer is protects us from

Select one:

a. IR

b. UV

c. intense visible light

d. microwaves

32. Why does the L wave usually cause the most damage

Select one:

a. It is a pure longitudinal wave

b. It has the longest wavelength

c. It is closest to the epicenter

d. It travels on the surface of the earth

33. The Global Positioning System has satellites in this type of orbit:

Select one:

a. medium Earth orbit

b. low Earth orbit

c. solar orbit

d. geosynchronous Earth orbit

34. Which of the following are true statements? A refrigerator

Select one:

a. does nothing to the temperature of the room it is in

b. makes the room it is in colder

c. makes the room it is in hotter

35. Electricity is carried through wires primarily by

Select one:

a. electrons

b. molecules

c. protons

d. quarks

36. A big generator uses its own electricity to strengthen its magnetic field. Such a generator is called a:

Select one:

a. superconductor

b. transformer

c. dynamo

d. samarium

37. An hour of vigorous exercise will use up an amount of fat of approximately

Select one:

a. one pound(454 grams)

b. three pounds

c. one ounce (28 grams)

d. one gram

38. At which temperature does sound travel fastest in air?

Select one:

a. 100 C

b. 0 F

c. 0 C

d. 300 K

39. Lights and TVs in Europe tend to flicker because Europe uses

Select one:

a. 120 volts -- the US uses 240 volts

b. 50 Hertz -- the US uses 60 Hertz

c. 60 Hertz -- the US uses 50 Hertz

d. 240 volts -- the US uses 120 volts

40. A helium nucleus has 2 protons and 2 neutrons. How many quarks, including up quarks and down quarks, are in a helium nucleus?

Select one:

a. 12

b. 4

c. 2

d. 6

41. After 3 half lives, the remaining radioactivity is what fraction of the original?

Select one:

a. 1/3

b. 1/8

c. 1/6

d. 0

42. What is the cause for "windburn"?

Select one:

a. solar IR

b. cold from the wind

c. friction from wind

d. solar UV

43. Rail guns are not practical for launching humans to space because

Select one:

a. there is no need for ultra high velocities

b. they cannot achieve velocities greater than about 1 km/sec.

c. electricity is more expensive than rocket fuel

d. the g's are too high, for a reasonably short railgun

44. A Van de Graaff generator (the sphere with sparks) makes

Select one:

a. high voltage but low current

b. low voltage and low current

c. high current but low voltage

d. high voltage and high current

45. A reprocessing plant

Select one:

a. enriches U-235

b. can trigger the China Syndrome

c. separates Pu-239

d. destroys radioactive waste

46. Black holes have

Select one:

a. escape velocity greater than the speed of sound

b. escape velocity greater than the velocity of light c

c. escape velocity greater than the acceleration of gravity g

d. infinite escape velocity

47. Microwave ovens use radiation with a wavelength

Select one:

a. same as radar

b. same as lasers

c. about one micron

d. same as AM or FM radios

48. Neutron Activation is used to

Select one:

a. detect neutrons

b. make neutrons radioactive

c. to detect non-radioactive atom

d. detect radioactive atoms

49. An example of "invisible light" is

Select one:

a. beta rays

b. cathode rays

c. alpha rays

d. x-rays

50. According to our text book, the majority of mass in the universe is made up of:

Select one:

a. planets

b. stars

c. comets

d. dark matter

51. Sea level is rising primarily because

Select one:

a. oceans are warming and expanding

b. we don't know why

c. melting ice is adding more water to the oceans

d. continents are expanding, and that shrinks the space for the oceans

52. Liquid hydrogen compared to gasoline has

Select one:

a. Three times more energy per gallon

b. Higher density

c. A higher boiling point

d. Three times more energy per gram

53. Drake's Equation

Select one:

a. gives the mass of black holes

b. shows the Universe is expanding

c. gives the amount of "dark matter"

d. calculates numbers for SETI

54. What observations show that neutrinos have mass?

Select one:

a. Neutrinos have been seen to travel at the speed of light.

b. Neutrinos change from ordinary to exotic neutrinos meaning that they experience time.

c. Physicists have not been able to prove that neutrinos have mass.

d. Neutrinos being emitted in nuclear decays.

55. Airplanes fly by

Select one:

a. pushing air downward

b. pushing fuel upward

c. pushing fuel downward

d. making themselves lighter than an equal volume of air

56. At T = 300 K

Select one:

a. all molecular motion stops

b. oxygen moves faster than hydrogen

c. all molecules have the same velocity

d. hydrogen moves faster than oxygen

57. A "fifth" in music means the frequency changes by a factor of

Select one:

a. 1.5

b. two

c. five

d. eight

58. A positron is

Select one:

a. an anti-electron

b. the same as an electron

c. a hypothesized star

d. a kind of quark

59. The escape velocity, the speed necessary to escape the Earth's gravitational field, is approximately:

Select one:

a. 9.8 m/s

b. 300 km/s

c. 100 m/s

d. 11 km/s

60. Project Mogul used:

Select one:

a. reflections from nuclear explosions

b. large holes in snow from skiers

c. a sound channel

d. integrated circuits

61.The expansion of the Universe is

Select one:

a. remaining constant

b. we don't know

c. speeding up

d. slowing down

62. The force exerted on an astronaut who is in orbit 200 km above the surface of the earth is:

Select one:

a. nothing, since astronauts are weightless in space

b. slightly less than on Earth because the force of gravity is less when you are further away

c. the same weight as a feather; that's why they float

d. the same as it would be on Earth

63. The "population bomb" appears to be ending. Our best guess as to why:

Select one:

a. lower birth rates

b. wars

c. increased cancer from radioactivity


64. A plutonium bomb

Select one:

a. was used on Hiroshima

b. requires implosion

c. uses a gun design

d. follows Moore's Law

65. Mark all the following which are NOT part of our "solar system":

Select one:

a. the Andromeda Galaxy.

b. Halley's comet

c. asteroids

d. Jupiter

66. Gluons, which hold together protons, represent which force?

Select one:

a. gravitational

b. weak

c. strong

d. electromagnetic

67. At very high speed, all of these change except

Select one:

a. time

b. mass

c. length

d. electric charge

68. Tachyons

Select one:

a. have not yet been discovered

b. were first discovered in 1996

c. Were predicted by Einstein

d. are known to be impossible

69. The most dangerous part of nuclear fallout consists of:

Select one:

a. fission fragments

b. nuclear tunneling

c. neutrons

d. cathode rays

70. The photoelectric effect is used in

Select one:

a. spectral fingerprinting

b. Xerox machines

c. fiber optics

d. light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

71. The best evidence for the Big Bang, was which discovery:

Select one:

a. black holes

b. dark matter

c. dark energy

d. microwaves from all directions

72. A moving object, according to relativity theory, has

Select one:

a. time speed up and distances get shorter

b. time slow down and distances get shorter

c. time slow down and distances get longer

d. time slow down and distances get longer

73. An RTG (Radioisotope Thermal Generator) is used primarily to

Select one:

a. provide thrust for rockets

b. provide heat to warm a satellite

c. generate a magnetic field

d. provide electricity for satellites

74. Beats occur because waves

Select one:

a. bend towards the slow direction

b. change their wavelength but not their frequency

c. bend towards the fast direction

d. cancel and reinforce

75. A can of coke feels colder than a plastic bottle of coke because

Select one:

a. metal has a lower freezing point

b. plastic is lighter than metal

c. metal conducts heat better than plastic

d. the can gets colder in the refrigerator

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