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Program Specifications Write a program to play an automated dice game that uses two dice (GVDie class prowided). The player folis both dice and either wins one credit, loses one credit, or sets a goal for future rolls. Current round ends when player wins or loses a credit Game ends when credits are zero Note this program is designed for incremental development. Complete each step and submit for grading before starting the next step, Only a portion of tests pass after each step but confimm progress Step 0. Read starter template and do not change the provided code. Two GVDie objects are created A random seed is read from input and passed to a die. This supports automated testing and creates predictable results that would otherwise be random. Starting credins is read from input. Step 1 (3 pts). Roll both dice. Player wins one credit by rolling 7 or 11. Player losses one credir by rolling 2, 3, or 12 . Onherwise, credits do not change and the player's goal is set to the dice total. The player's goal must be repeated in Step "2 to win a credit. GVDie class includes roil0 and getValue0 methods. Output dice total and credits. Submit for grading to confirm 3 tests pass. Ex if input is Step 2 (4 pts). If player did not win or lose in step 1 ( (le a goal was set), continue rolling both dice until one of two outcomes: 1) player rolls a 7 and loses one credit or 2) player rolls the goal value and wins one credit. Current round ends: Set goal to-1 and output credits Submit for grading to confirm 5 tests pass. Ex If input is. 247 Sample output is: Dicetotal:8Dicetotal:12Dicetotal:7Credita:6 Step 3 (3 pts). Add a loop to repeat steps 1 and 2 until credits are zero. Count and output the number of rounds when game is over. Submit for grading to confirm all tests pasu Ex If input is: 434 Sample output ends with Credita: 2 Dice total: 0 bice total: 7 Credita: 1 Dice total: 5 Dica total: 6 Dice total: 6 Dice totali 4 bice total: 7 Creditat 0 Roands: 162 Current file: \begin{tabular}{l|l} 16 & ll Read starting credits \\ 17 & credits = scnr. nextInt(); \\ 18 & \\ 19 & \\ 20 & Insert your code here \\ 21 \\ 22 & 3 \end{tabular} File is marked as read only Current file: v File is marked as read only Current file: - 30 I/ Allows dice to be compared if necessary 31 public int compareTo(GVDie d) \{