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PLEASE HELP Problem 1: Sparse Vector Using Linked List (5 pts) Implement the linked list sparse vector class ( so that LLMainClass can be executed.


Problem 1: Sparse Vector Using Linked List (5 pts)

Implement the linked list sparse vector class ( so that LLMainClass can be executed.

Nodes in the linked list are nonzero elements of the vector, sorted according to their indices. The length of a vector is specified at construction.

When an element is set to zero, the corresponding node should be removed!

Implement the constructor, accessor methods, getElement, setElement, clearElement, getAllIndices, getAllValues. In otherwords, when LLMainClass is called using VEC argument and with a single input file, the program should be able to run correctly and give the same output as ArrayMainClass.

Implement both the addition, substraction and multiplication methods in LLSparseVec. The method substraction(otherV) means the current vector minus otherV.

The algorithm has to be O(m), in which m is the maximum number of nonzero elements in a vector (length of the list). To achieve this, you cannot simply use get and set in Problem 1. Only algorithms with O(m) complexity will get credit.

All operations return a new sparse vector object, storing the result.

If the two vectors length do not match, return a null object.

When LLMainClass is called using VEC argument and with multiple input files, the program should be able to run correctly and give the same output as ArrayMainClass.

You are NOT allowed to use any native implementation of lists (ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.).

// Linked List Sparse Vector Class

public class LLSparseVec implements SparseVec {

public LLSparseVec(int len){ return; } @Override public int getLength() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0;}

@Override public int numElements() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0;}

@Override public int getElement(int idx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0;}

@Override public void clearElement(int idx) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub}

@Override public void setElement(int idx, int val) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub}

@Override public int[] getAllIndices() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null;} @Override public int[] getAllValues() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null;} @Override public SparseVec addition(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; }

@Override public SparseVec substraction(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; }

@Override public SparseVec multiplication(SparseVec otherV) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; }


// Linked List Main Class

import java.util.Scanner; import;

public class LLMainClass {

public static SparseM ParseMatrix(String file_name){ Scanner sc = null; String tmps; SparseM M = null; try { sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name)); while (sc.hasNext()) { tmps =; if(tmps.equals("MATRIX")){ // initialize the matrix int nr = sc.nextInt(); int nc = sc.nextInt(); M = new LLSparseM(nr,nc); }else if(tmps.equals("END")){ // finished, return the matrix sc.close(); return M; }else if(tmps.equals("SET")){ // set an element int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index int val = sc.nextInt(); // value M.setElement(ridx, cidx, val); }else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){ // clear an element int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index M.clearElement(ridx, cidx); } } sc.close(); return M; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static SparseVec ParseVector(String file_name){ Scanner sc = null; String tmps; SparseVec V = null; try { sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name)); while (sc.hasNext()) { tmps =; if(tmps.equals("VECTOR")){ // initialize the matrix int len = sc.nextInt(); V = new LLSparseVec(len); }else if(tmps.equals("END")){ // finished, return the matrix sc.close(); return V; }else if(tmps.equals("SET")){ // set an element int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index int val = sc.nextInt(); // value V.setElement(idx, val); }else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){ // clear an element int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index V.clearElement(idx); } } sc.close(); return V; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static void main(String[] args) { try{ int n = args.length; if(n < 2){ System.out.println("java LLMainClass VEC/MAT File1 A/S/M File2 ..."); return; } String fname; String operator; String dtype = args[0]; // matrix or vector if(dtype.equals("VEC")){ fname = args[1]; SparseVec V = ParseVector(fname); // read V from the first file if(V == null){ // if invalid input file, print NULL and exit System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname); return; } SparseVec tmpV; for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){ operator = args[i]; fname = args[i+1]; tmpV = ParseVector(fname); // read tmpM from the next file if(tmpV == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname); return; } if(operator.equals("A")) V = V.addition(tmpV); // add tmpV to V else if(operator.equals("S")) V = V.substraction(tmpV); // substract tmpV from V else if(operator.equals("M")) V = V.multiplication(tmpV); // multiply tmpV to V else{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator ); return; } if(V == null) // operation failed { System.out.println("NULL: Operator "+operator+" Failed, Fname "+fname); return; } } // output the final matrix System.out.println("Final_Vector"); int[] idx = V.getAllIndices(); int[] val = V.getAllValues(); int len, ne; len = V.getLength(); // length ne = V.numElements(); // number of elements System.out.println("LENGTH " + len + " NELEMS " + ne); for(int i = 0; i < ne; i++) System.out.println("IDX " + idx[i] + " VAL " + val[i]); System.out.println("END"); }else if(dtype.equals("MAT")){ fname = args[1]; SparseM M = ParseMatrix(fname); // read M from the first file if(M == null){ // if invalid input file, print NULL and exit System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Matrix Input, Fname " + fname); return; } SparseM tmpM; for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){ operator = args[i]; fname = args[i+1]; tmpM = ParseMatrix(fname); // read tmpM from the next file if(tmpM == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input, Fname " + fname); return; } if(operator.equals("A")) M = M.addition(tmpM); // add tmpM to M else if(operator.equals("S")) M = M.substraction(tmpM); // substract tmpM from M else if(operator.equals("M")) M = M.multiplication(tmpM); // multiply tmpM to M else{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator ); return; } if(M == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Operation "+operator + " Failed, Fname "+ fname); return; } } // output the final matrix System.out.println("FINAL_MATRIX"); int nr, nc, ne; nr = M.nrows(); // number of rows nc = M.ncols(); // number of columns ne = M.numElements(); // number of elements System.out.println("NROWS " + nr + " NCOLS " + nc + " NELEMS " + ne); // print the matrix in rows int[] ridx_list = M.getRowIndices(); System.out.println("NUM_ROWS "+ridx_list.length); for(int ridx : ridx_list){ System.out.println("ROW "+ridx); int[] one_row_cidx_list = M.getOneRowColIndices(ridx); int[] one_row_vals_list = M.getOneRowValues(ridx); for(int i = 0; i < one_row_cidx_list.length; ++i) System.out.println("RIDX "+ridx+" CIDX " + one_row_cidx_list[i] + " VAL " + one_row_vals_list[i]); } // print the matrix in cols int[] cidx_list = M.getColIndices(); System.out.println("NUM_COLS "+cidx_list.length); for(int cidx : cidx_list){ System.out.println("COL "+cidx); int[] one_col_ridx_list = M.getOneColRowIndices(cidx); int[] one_col_vals_list = M.getOneColValues(cidx); for(int i = 0; i < one_col_ridx_list.length; ++i) System.out.println("RIDX "+one_col_ridx_list[i]+" CIDX " + cidx + " VAL " + one_col_vals_list[i]); } System.out.println("END"); }else{ System.out.println("The first argument has to be either VEC or MAT, meaning the data is Vector or Matrix"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("NULL: Something is wrong"); return; } } }

// Array Main Class

import java.util.Scanner; import;

public class ArrayMainClass {

public static SparseM ParseMatrix(String file_name){ Scanner sc = null; String tmps; SparseM M = null; try { sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name)); while (sc.hasNext()) { tmps =; if(tmps.equals("MATRIX")){ // initialize the matrix int nr = sc.nextInt(); int nc = sc.nextInt(); M = new ArraySparseM(nr,nc); }else if(tmps.equals("END")){ // finished, return the matrix sc.close(); return M; }else if(tmps.equals("SET")){ // set an element int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index int val = sc.nextInt(); // value M.setElement(ridx, cidx, val); }else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){ // clear an element int ridx = sc.nextInt(); // row index int cidx = sc.nextInt(); // col index M.clearElement(ridx, cidx); } } sc.close(); return M; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static SparseVec ParseVector(String file_name){ Scanner sc = null; String tmps; SparseVec V = null; try { sc = new Scanner(new File(file_name)); while (sc.hasNext()) { tmps =; if(tmps.equals("VECTOR")){ // initialize the matrix int len = sc.nextInt(); V = new ArraySparseVec(len); }else if(tmps.equals("END")){ // finished, return the matrix sc.close(); return V; }else if(tmps.equals("SET")){ // set an element int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index int val = sc.nextInt(); // value V.setElement(idx, val); }else if(tmps.equals("CLEAR")){ // clear an element int idx = sc.nextInt(); // index V.clearElement(idx); } } sc.close(); return V; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static void main(String[] args) { try{ int n = args.length; if(n < 2){ System.out.println("java ArrayMainClass VEC/MAT File1 A/S/M File2 ..."); return; } String fname; String operator; String dtype = args[0]; // matrix or vector if(dtype.equals("VEC")){ fname = args[1]; SparseVec V = ParseVector(fname); // read V from the first file if(V == null){ // if invalid input file, print NULL and exit System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname); return; } SparseVec tmpV; for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){ operator = args[i]; fname = args[i+1]; tmpV = ParseVector(fname); // read tmpM from the next file if(tmpV == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input File "+fname); return; } if(operator.equals("A")) V = V.addition(tmpV); // add tmpV to V else if(operator.equals("S")) V = V.substraction(tmpV); // substract tmpV from V else if(operator.equals("M")) V = V.multiplication(tmpV); // multiply tmpV to V else{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator ); return; } if(V == null) // operation failed { System.out.println("NULL: Operator "+operator+" Failed, Fname "+fname); return; } } // output the final matrix System.out.println("Final_Vector"); int[] idx = V.getAllIndices(); int[] val = V.getAllValues(); int len, ne; len = V.getLength(); // length ne = V.numElements(); // number of elements System.out.println("LENGTH " + len + " NELEMS " + ne); for(int i = 0; i < ne; i++) System.out.println("IDX " + idx[i] + " VAL " + val[i]); System.out.println("END"); }else if(dtype.equals("MAT")){ fname = args[1]; SparseM M = ParseMatrix(fname); // read M from the first file if(M == null){ // if invalid input file, print NULL and exit System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Matrix Input, Fname " + fname); return; } SparseM tmpM; for(int i = 2; i < n; i+=2){ operator = args[i]; fname = args[i+1]; tmpM = ParseMatrix(fname); // read tmpM from the next file if(tmpM == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Illegal Input, Fname " + fname); return; } if(operator.equals("A")) M = M.addition(tmpM); // add tmpM to M else if(operator.equals("S")) M = M.substraction(tmpM); // substract tmpM from M else if(operator.equals("M")) M = M.multiplication(tmpM); // multiply tmpM to M else{ System.out.println("NULL: Illegal operator: " + operator ); return; } if(M == null) // if the file is invalid, skip { System.out.println("NULL: Operation "+operator + " Failed, Fname "+ fname); return; } } // output the final matrix System.out.println("FINAL_MATRIX"); int nr, nc, ne; nr = M.nrows(); // number of rows nc = M.ncols(); // number of columns ne = M.numElements(); // number of elements System.out.println("NROWS " + nr + " NCOLS " + nc + " NELEMS " + ne); // print the matrix in rows int[] ridx_list = M.getRowIndices(); System.out.println("NUM_ROWS "+ridx_list.length); for(int ridx : ridx_list){ System.out.println("ROW "+ridx); int[] one_row_cidx_list = M.getOneRowColIndices(ridx); int[] one_row_vals_list = M.getOneRowValues(ridx); for(int i = 0; i < one_row_cidx_list.length; ++i) System.out.println("RIDX "+ridx+" CIDX " + one_row_cidx_list[i] + " VAL " + one_row_vals_list[i]); } // print the matrix in cols int[] cidx_list = M.getColIndices(); System.out.println("NUM_COLS "+cidx_list.length); for(int cidx : cidx_list){ System.out.println("COL "+cidx); int[] one_col_ridx_list = M.getOneColRowIndices(cidx); int[] one_col_vals_list = M.getOneColValues(cidx); for(int i = 0; i < one_col_ridx_list.length; ++i) System.out.println("RIDX "+one_col_ridx_list[i]+" CIDX " + cidx + " VAL " + one_col_vals_list[i]); } System.out.println("END"); }else{ System.out.println("The first argument has to be either VEC or MAT, meaning the data is Vector or Matrix"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("NULL: Something is wrong"); return; } } }

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