Please help to complete the following C++ program. Code:
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class course { public: string name; int section; int credits; string grade; course() {} course(string n, int s, int c, string g) { name = n; section = s; credits = c; grade = g; } //You might need to implement some overloaded operators here. }; //Implement the following functions. //When adding a student, if the student is already in DB, then ignore the operation. //When adding a course, if the course is already in DB, then ignore the operation. //When dropping a course, if the course does not exist, then ignore the operation. //When removing a student, if the student does not exist, then ignore the operation. //All courses in a semester need to be sorted. //When dropping or adding a course, overall GPA, semester GPA, overall credits and semester credits all need to be updated. //Semeser numbers: Spring 2019: 20191; Fall 2019: 20192, etc. void add_student(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id); void remove_student(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id); void add_course(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id, course c); //20171 Spring semester of 2017; 20172: Fall semester of 2017 //All courses in the list should be sorted according to name (increasing order) void drop_course(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id, course c); void print_student_semester_courses(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id); void print_student_all_courses(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id); //Implement additional functions such that you can do //cout << DB << endl; //You might need to implement some overloaded operators in the course class. int main() { list*> >*> >*> DB; add_student(DB, 11111); course C1("CIS554", 1, 3, "A-"), C2("CSE674", 1, 3, "B+"), C3("MAT296", 8, 4, "A"), C4("WRT205", 5, 3, "A"); add_course(DB, 20171, 11111, C1); add_course(DB, 20171, 11111, C4); add_course(DB, 20171, 11111, C3); add_course(DB, 20171, 11111, C2); print_student_semester_courses(DB, 20171, 11111); drop_course(DB, 20171, 11111, C1); print_student_semester_courses(DB, 20171, 11111); //sorted according to course name course C5("CIS351", 2, 3, "A-"), C6("PSY205", 5, 3, "B+"), C7("MAT331", 2, 3, "A"), C8("ECN203", 4, 3, "A"); add_course(DB, 20172, 11111, C5); add_course(DB, 20172, 11111, C6); add_course(DB, 20172, 11111, C7); add_course(DB, 20172, 11111, C8); add_course(DB, 20172, 11111, C3); print_student_all_courses(DB, 11111);//ID GPA add_student(DB, 11112); add_course(DB, 20171, 11112, C2); add_course(DB, 20171, 11112, C5); add_course(DB, 20171, 11112, C7); add_course(DB, 20171, 11112, C4); print_student_semester_courses(DB, 20171, 11112); add_course(DB, 20172, 11112, C8); add_course(DB, 20172, 11112, C3); add_course(DB, 20172, 11112, C5); add_course(DB, 20172, 11112, C1); print_student_semester_courses(DB, 20172, 11112); print_student_all_courses(DB, 11112); cout << DB << endl; remove_student(DB, 11111); cout << DB << endl; getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } void add_student(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id) { //Your code } void remove_student(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id) { //Your code } void add_course(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id, course c) { //Your code } void drop_course(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id, course c) { //Your code } void print_student_semester_courses(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int semester, int id) { //Your code } void print_student_all_courses(list*> >*> >*>& DB, int id) { //Your code }
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Authors: Andy Oppel
1st Edition
007160846X, 978-0071608466
Answered: 1 week ago
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