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Project - OR course Spring 2021, EPF CAPACITATED FACILITY LOCATION PROBLEM CONTEXT A company is looking to build multiple warehouses around France. The building of these warehouses is subject to clients' demand and some costs related to the implantation of the warehouse. They seek your expertise to help them decide which warehouses they should open to minimize the costs. There are n facilities and m customers. Each customer has a demand do. The capacity of each facility is denoted caps. When a customer c is assigned to a facility f, a cost is imposed, noted dist(f,c). When a facility is built, a cost s, is imposed. The objective is to minimize the costs while respecting the demands of all clients. The function dist(f,c) corresponds to the Euclidian distance between facility f and customer c. DATA The file containing the data is formatted in following manner: INI IMI s_0 cap_0 x 0 y_0 s_1 cap_1 x 1 y_1 . . . s_IN|-1 cap_IN|-1 x_IN|-1 y_IN|-1 d_IN| x_IN| y_IN| d_IN| +1 x_IN|+1 y_IN|+1 d_IN|+ IM| -1 x_IN|+ IM| -1 y_IN|+[M|-1 The first line contains the number of facilities | N | and the number of customers | M|. The following n lines correspond to the facility information. For instance, for the first facility 0, the building cost so, the capacity cap. and the coordinates Xo and yo are given. The following n-1 lines give the information for the remaining facilities. Following that, the information of customers is given. For each customer, the demand d and the coordinates x and y are given. Here is an example of such data: 3 4 100 100 1065.0 1065.0 100 100 1062.0 1062.0 100 500 0.0 0.0 50 1397.0 1397.0 50 1398.0 1398.0 75 1399.0 1399.0 75 586.0 586.0 For this example, we have 3 facilities and 4 customers. The third facility has a building cost of 100, a capacity of 500 and is located in the coordinates (0.0, 0.0). The third customer's demand is 75 and they are located in the coordinates (1399.0, 1399.0)