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Preparation This next week you will be finishing up your first case study. The case studies in this course are unlike any case studies you

Preparation This next week you will be finishing up your first case study. The case studies in this course are unlike any case studies you have done before. They are not a re-summarization of material presented in the case nor are they a collection of opinions by other authors. In these case studies you are to write your analysis in a format that is suitable to be directed to the Board of Directors (BoD) of the company. In many ways they are a close parallel to what you are working on achieving in the BSG. In the BSG simulation you have measures that the BoD is interested in. Since the study is written to the BOD you must not waste space recounting history, commenting on the company's rapid growth and share price, or problems that happened several years ago. You are provided the case study as a starting point it understanding the company only. The information must be updated to the present time using the most current company 10K annual report and other industry reports from you research. The BOD is interested in how the company performed last year versus the previous year and what it should do going forward. This means at least you are comparing 2015 results against 2014 and projecting into the future for 2016. How is your company doing against the competition in the BSG? In this course we will use a couple of tools to analyze a company, some of which you may be familiar with from marketing; the SWOT analysis. You also will be exposed to Michael Porter's competitive analysis in the text. How the company is positioned vis--vis the competitors and customers is also an important consideration. These two tools will help you understand where the company is strategically. Further, as noted earlier, a numeric analysis will show how the company is doing with growth, profitability, and the execution of its strategy. There is a specific format, as indicated in the Course Instructions. It is essential that you complete the executive summary in the exact format required. An example of what a report would look like for the BSG follows. Remember that busy managers cannot read lengthily reports. Often, they are required to scan an executive summary in order to gain a quick understanding of what the report contains. If they need more detail, then they can open the report and search out the details. Again it is suggested that you think of the reader of the report as the BoD. They know the history of the company. Remember there is a strict limit to the number of pages to be used. Exceeding this limit will cause a reduction in your score. The body of your report should be no more than five pages. You can use appendices for charts and graphs that are not included in the body of your paper but you must refer to them. The following is an example of a proper Executive Summary build on the BSG. Executive Summary: (These are examples, do not follow verbatim) Problem Statement: How to grow the five measures at a rate greater than the competition. Analysis: What are the major points from the competitive analysis? What are your major strengths and weaknesses versus the competition? Major opportunities or threats? What is the financial position relative to the competition? Where is the product position relative to your competitors How are your financial results meeting expectations? What are the major problems going forward? Managing forecasts and inventory? Alternatives: Improve Quality Reduce Rejects Increase the number of stores or outlets Add increased advertising Reduce Prices (Which of these alternatives work to improve the competitive position relative to the five Recommendation; Reduce rejects: Rejects should be reduced by implementing factory upgrades. How will the upgrades be financed by earnings, debt or equity? Implementation: Install factory upgrade in two factories in Year (blank) and finance through debt and retained earnings. Expand in this format for your Costco and subsequent cases and you have a correct summary of the case study. Remember that you have to look at the competition and how they are doing as well. The following are notes from some pervious courses. A Guide to Case Analysis I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew) Their names are What and Why and When; And How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling Case analysis provides an insight and understanding of what managers do in building successful businesses. Case analysis allows you to size up big companies review strengths and weaknesses as compared to its competition and give you insight into strategic issues that must be addressed before formulating strategic alternatives, and formulating workable plans of action. Case analysis helps you build a sense of business judgment as opposed to answers derived from the text or from a professor. Gaining in-depth exposure to a variety of industries helps you get close to understanding the actual business experience. The case analysis you do for this course will be unlike any of the cases you have done before. In the past you have read cases, understood the history of where the company was at through the eyes of an (or multiple) authors. You built your conclusions on their interpretation of the data. Here you are the individual that is doing the analysis to draw out the strategic direction for the company. Repeating the history, who the managers are, or what happened through the eyes of an author a couple of years ago will not score well. The analysis of a case doesn't require you to rush off to the library or the Internet for information at the outset. Rather it is important that you size up the company, its situation, and define what needs to be done and how to do it. Since the cases have been written some time ago and markets are dynamic, it is appropriate to use outside resources to assist in the completion of your case analysis. I look for at least four references from outside the textbook as you complete your casework. Here are some possible steps to use as you prepare your case analysis. One of the most important resources is the company's 10K, annual report, or even the 8Q report. Situations change quickly and have impacts that ripple through the economy. Take for example the situation that exists in mid-August 2015. Oil inventories are at an all-time high (highest in 80 years). The demand for oil is falling. New wells are not being drilled. As a result of this and a slow commercial real estate business, the demand for steel has been severely reduced. The lack of economic growth can have negative or positive effects on the market at the same time. First you should review the case quickly to get an overview followed by a deeper reading to understand the facts and details behind the case. Review all of the information given in the exhibits and tables. It is important to understand what the numbers mean and how they affect the case, the strategic direction, and the possible recommendations. Do some number crunching to determine what the major issues are. The essential financial ratios are given in Table 4.1 on page 104 and 105. How have these ratios changed and how do they compare to the industry? How is the company growing? What are the rates in revenue and profit in the latest periods? What has happened with the competition; growing or declining? Be sure to validate your remarks and support opinions sound reasons and evidence sound reasons and evidence. Prepare arguments as to why your selected alternative is better than others. The rubric for the case scoring is in the Master Syllabus. Be sure you cover all the points well. Here are some suggestions from Thompson The 10 Commandments of Case Analysis 1. Go through the case twice, once for a quick review and once to gain full command of the facts; then take care to explore the information in every one of the case exhibits. 2. Make a complete list of the problems and issues that the company's management needs to address 3. Be thorough in your analysis of the company situation (take a minimum of 1 to 2 pages of notes detailing your diagnosis) 4. Look for opportunities to apply the concepts and analytical tools in the text chapters-all of the cases in the book have very definite ties to the material in one or more of the text chapters 5. Do enough number crunching to discover the story told by the data presented in the case. (To help you comply with this commandment, consult the information in Table 4.1, pages 104 and 105 6. Support any and all off-the-cuff opinions with well reasoned arguments and numerical evidence; don't stop until you can purge "I think" and "I feel" from your assignment and instead are able to rely completely on "My analysis shows." 7. Prioritize your recommendations and make sure that they can be carried out in an acceptable time frame with the of available resources 8. Support each recommendation with a persuasive argument and reasons as to why it makes sense and should result in improved company performance 9. Review your recommended action plan to see if it addresses all of the problems and issues you identified. Any set of recommendations that does not address all of the issues and problems you identified is incomplete and insufficient 10. Avoid recommending any course of action that could have disastrous consequences if it doesn't work out as planned; therefore, be as alert to the downside risk of your recommendation as you are to their upside potential and appeal. Quoted from Thompson, BSG-simulation Case Study Report: Your report should include: I. NSU Cover page (1 page in length). It will present the name of the case and the author(s) of the report. II. Executive Summary (1 page in length). The Executive Summary is a concise overview of the report. It notes the essential points of the report and should have the following sections: A. B. C. D. E. Problem Statement: State the main problem facing the firm (or industry) in one, succinct sentence. Analysis: Summarize the main findings of your analysis. You may use bullet points, bold, italics - any means to convey and highlight the key factors you have determined based on your analysis. Alternatives: State briefly (one sentence or a bullet point each) 2 or 3 alternative courses of action that could be implemented Recommendation: Choose one course of action and support your choice. Implementation: Briefly (2 or 3 sentences) present how the plan would be implemented. This tests the viability of the choice. For example, your plan would demonstrate that the company has the people, financial resources and time to implement your recommendation. FORMATTING for Executive Summary: Single-space One inch all margins Use bullet points, lists, or other means to convey information briefly. Further explanation can be found in the main body of the report. Use headings and subheadings to organize the material in an easy to read and understandable manner that highlights the essential points of your analysis. Do not include a summary or overview of the firm in your report. All parties are knowledgeable and need no background presented. III. Case Study Report (6 pages maximum). Charts, Appendices, supplementary material are not part of the page count for the Case Study Report. The Case Study Report should be written from the perspective of an outside consultant, writing to the CEO of the firm. The format of the report should follow the guidelines of the Executive Summary but address the points of the rubric used for scoring the case studies. A. Summary: Briefly summarize the situation presented in the case B. C. D. E. IV. Analysis: Present your analysis of the situation using tools of Strategic analysis. Include in your analysis the main problems facing the firm (or industry) including a quantitative analysis. Alternatives: State suggest alternative courses of action that could be implemented Recommendation: Recommend the best course of action and explain your choice. Implementation: Briefly (2 or 3 sentences) present how the plan would be implemented. This tests the viability of the choice. For example, your plan would demonstrate that the company has the people, financial resources and time to implement your recommendation. Bibliography. Report must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced. FORMATTING for the body of the report: Double-spaced Page numbers One inch all margins All responses should be in full sentences and paragraph form. Bullets or lists should be explained in the text. Appendices should be explained in text, numbered and labeled No grammar or spelling mistakes V. Attach the Rubrics for the case study to the end of the report. It will be returned to you with your grade. Academic integrity is of the utmost importance in this case study. All work must to be your own; all sources must be cited and referenced properly. Rubric for reference. TITLE OF RUBRIC: Strategy Case Study Course: MGT 5170 LEARNING OUTCOME/S: See attached (CC 1 and 2) Date: Aug 18, 2015 PURPOSE: Applying theory to practice and consistently using Strategy Name of Professor: Dr. Ron Steffel VALIDITY: Strategy Best Practices Name of Student: COMPANION DOCUMENTS: Individual Cases Earning maximum points in each box in 'PROFICIENT' column and / or points in columns to the right of 'PROFICIENT' meets standard. <<<<<<<<<< less quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more quality >>>>>>>>>> Performance Basic Developing Proficient Accomplished Exemplary Score Criteria States Problem Effectively Analyzes the situation using tools and concepts of Strategic Management Analyzes quantitative factors Generates realistic Strategic alternative Solutions Evaluates Solutions/ Selects Optimal Generates an Implementation Plan Does not identify the problem (4pts) Does not present analysis Identifies a symptom Identifies a significant problem (12 pts) Generally analyzes the situation Identifies a critical problem (4 pts) Does not present quantitative analysis (2pts) Provides no realistic Strategic solutions (8 pts) Presents irrelevant quantitativ e analysis (4pts) Provides ambiguous Strategic solutions (12 pts) Generally analyzes the situation (16 pts) Analyzes some key quantitative measures (8pts) (2 pts) Selects without evaluation (4 pts) Selects with little evaluation (6 pts) Evaluates alternatives and selects one (8 pts) Evaluates alternatives and explains rationale for selection (4 pts) (8 pts) (12 pts) (16pts) Provides no plan Provides cursory plan Provides an implementation plan Provides realistic implementation plan (8pts) (8 pts) Vaguely analyzes material (2 pt) Writes at the Graduate Level Does not use designated format or standard (2 pt) (6 pts) Provides Strategic solutions (6 pts) (4 pts) Does not write clearly or in an organized format (4 pts) Uses effective format, style, grammar, punctuation, and references (6 pts) (16pts) Analyzes some key strategic factors Provides realistic Strategic solutions Uses effective format and writes at the graduate level (8 pts) Effectively identifies the crucial problem (20pts) Insightfully analyzes key strategic factors (20 pts) Insightfully analyzes key quantitative measures (10pts) Provides realistic Strategic solutions related to the problem (10 pts) Evaluates alternatives, provides rationale, and selects optimal Strategic solution for the main problem (20 pts) Provides implementation plan considering major factors (10 pts) Uses effective format and writes at the publishable level (10 pts) % A Guide to Case Analysis I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When; And How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling \u0015 STRATEGY: Core Concepts and Analytical Approaches Q\u0003PRVW\u0003FRXUVHV\u0003LQ\u0003VWUDWHJLF\u0003PDQDJHPHQW\u000f\u0003VWXGHQWV\u0003XVH\u0003FDVHV\u0003DERXW\u0003DFWXDO\u0003FRPSDQLHV\u0003WR\u0003SUDFWLFH\u0003VWUDWHJLF\u0003DQDO\\VLV\u0003 DQG\u0003WR\u0003JDLQ\u0003VRPH\u0003H[SHULHQFH\u0003LQ\u0003WKH\u0003WDVNV\u0003RI\u0003FUDIWLQJ\u0003DQG\u0003LPSOHPHQWLQJ\u0003VWUDWHJ\\\u0011\u0003$\u0003FDVH\u0003VHWV\u0003IRUWK\u000f\u0003LQ\u0003D\u0003IDFWXDO\u0003 PDQQHU\u000f\u0003 WKH\u0003 HYHQWV\u0003 DQG\u0003 RUJDQL]DWLRQDO\u0003 FLUFXPVWDQFHV\u0003 VXUURXQGLQJ\u0003 D\u0003 SDUWLFXODU\u0003 PDQDJHULDO\u0003 VLWXDWLRQ\u0011\u0003 ,W\u0003 SXWV\u0003 UHDGHUV\u0003DW\u0003WKH\u0003VFHQH\u0003RI\u0003WKH\u0003DFWLRQ\u0003DQG\u0003IDPLOLDUL]HV\u0003WKHP\u0003ZLWK\u0003DOO\u0003WKH\u0003UHOHYDQW\u0003FLUFXPVWDQFHV\u0011\u0003$\u0003FDVH\u0003RQ\u0003VWUDWHJLF\u0003 PDQDJHPHQW\u0003FDQ\u0003FRQFHUQ\u0003D\u0003ZKROH\u0003LQGXVWU\\\u000f\u0003D\u0003VLQJOH\u0003RUJDQL]DWLRQ\u000f\u0003RU\u0003VRPH\u0003SDUW\u0003RI\u0003DQ\u0003RUJDQL]DWLRQ\u001e\u0003WKH\u0003RUJDQL]DWLRQ\u0003 LQYROYHG\u0003 FDQ\u0003 EH\u0003 HLWKHU\u0003 SURW\u0003 VHHNLQJ\u0003 RU\u0003 QRW\u0010IRU\u0010SURW\u0011\u00037KH\u0003 HVVHQFH\u0003 RI\u0003 WKH\u0003 VWXGHQWV\u0003 UROH\u0003 LQ\u0003 FDVH\u0003 DQDO\\VLV\u0003 LV\u0003 WR\u0003 GLDJQRVH\u0003DQG\u0003VL]H\u0003XS\u0003WKH\u0003VLWXDWLRQ\u0003GHVFULEHG\u0003LQ\u0003WKH\u0003FDVH\u0003DQG\u0003WKHQ\u0003WR\u0003UHFRPPHQG\u0003DSSURSULDWH\u0003DFWLRQ\u0003VWHSV\u0011 I Why Use Cases to Practice Strategic Management? 7KH\u0003 IRUHJRLQJ\u0003 OLPHULFN\u0003 ZDV\u0003 XVHG\u0003 VRPH\u0003 \\HDUV\u0003 DJR\u0003 E\\\u0003 3URIHVVRU\u0003 &KDUOHV\u0003 *UDJJ\u0003 WR\u0003 FKDUDFWHUL]H\u0003 WKH\u0003 SOLJKW\u0003 RI\u0003 EXVLQHVV\u0003 VWXGHQWV\u0003 ZKR\u0003 KDG\u0003QR\u0003H[SRVXUH\u0003WR\u0003FDVHV\u0011\u0014\u00037KH\u0003IDFWV\u0003DUH\u0003WKDW\u0003WKH\u0003PHUH\u0003DFW\u0003RI\u0003OLVWHQLQJ\u0003 WR\u0003OHFWXUHV\u0003DQG\u0003VRXQG\u0003DGYLFH\u0003DERXW\u0003PDQDJLQJ\u0003GRHV\u0003OLWWOH\u0003IRU\u0003DQ\\RQHV\u0003 PDQDJHPHQW\u0003 VNLOOV\u0003 DQG\u0003 WKDW\u0003 WKH\u0003 DFFXPXODWHG\u0003 PDQDJHULDO\u0003 ZLVGRP\u0003 FDQQRW\u0003 HIIHFWLYHO\\\u0003 EH\u0003 SDVVHG\u0003 RQ\u0003 E\\\u0003 OHFWXUHV\u0003 DQG\u0003 DVVLJQHG\u0003 UHDGLQJV\u0003 DORQH\u0011\u0003,I\u0003DQ\\WKLQJ\u0003KDG\u0003EHHQ\u0003OHDUQHG\u0003DERXW\u0003WKH\u0003SUDFWLFH\u0003RI\u0003PDQDJHPHQW\u000f\u0003 LW\u0003LV\u0003WKDW\u0003D\u0003VWRUHKRXVH\u0003RI\u0003UHDG\\\u0010PDGH\u0003WH[WERRN\u0003DQVZHUV\u0003GRHV\u0003QRW\u0003H[LVW\u0011\u0003(DFK\u0003PDQDJHULDO\u0003VLWXDWLRQ\u0003KDV\u0003XQLTXH\u0003DVSHFWV\u000f\u0003 UHTXLULQJ\u0003LWV\u0003RZQ\u0003GLDJQRVLV\u000f\u0003MXGJPHQW\u000f\u0003DQG\u0003WDLORU\u0010PDGH\u0003DFWLRQV\u0011\u0003&DVHV\u0003SURYLGH\u0003ZRXOG\u0010EH\u0003PDQDJHUV\u0003ZLWK\u0003D\u0003YDOXDEOH\u0003 ZD\\\u0003WR\u0003SUDFWLFH\u0003ZUHVWOLQJ\u0003ZLWK\u0003WKH\u0003DFWXDO\u0003SUREOHPV\u0003RI\u0003DFWXDO\u0003PDQDJHUV\u0003LQ\u0003DFWXDO\u0003FRPSDQLHV\u0011 A student of business with tact Absorbed many answers he lacked. But acquiring a job, He said with a sob, \"How does one fit answer to fact?\" 7KH\u0003FDVH\u0003DSSURDFK\u0003WR\u0003VWUDWHJLF\u0003DQDO\\VLV\u0003LV\u000f\u0003UVW\u0003DQG\u0003IRUHPRVW\u000f\u0003DQ\u0003H[HUFLVH\u0003LQ\u0003OHDUQLQJ\u0003E\\\u0003GRLQJ\u0011\u0003%HFDXVH\u0003FDVHV\u0003 SURYLGH\u0003 \\RX\u0003 ZLWK\u0003 GHWDLOHG\u0003 LQIRUPDWLRQ\u0003 DERXW\u0003 FRQGLWLRQV\u0003 DQG\u0003 SUREOHPV\u0003 RI\u0003 GLIIHUHQW\u0003 LQGXVWULHV\u0003 DQG\u0003 FRPSDQLHV\u000f\u0003 \\RXU\u0003WDVN\u0003RI\u0003DQDO\\]LQJ\u0003FRPSDQ\\\u0003DIWHU\u0003FRPSDQ\\\u0003DQG\u0003VLWXDWLRQ\u0003DIWHU\u0003VLWXDWLRQ\u0003KDV\u0003WKH\u0003WZLQ\u0003EHQHW\u0003RI\u0003ERRVWLQJ\u0003\\RXU\u0003 DQDO\\WLFDO\u0003VNLOOV\u0003DQG\u0003H[SRVLQJ\u0003\\RX\u0003WR\u0003WKH\u0003ZD\\V\u0003FRPSDQLHV\u0003DQG\u0003PDQDJHUV\u0003DFWXDOO\\\u0003GR\u0003WKLQJV\u0011\u00030RVW\u0003FROOHJH\u0003VWXGHQWV\u0003 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