Problem 1: String Operations and Data Security: To improve data security in the transmission of data and information, dynamic character coding is being practiced. The modification of the original characters can be using the first 8 prime members [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17): First character enhanced by 1, second character by 2, third by 3, .. 8th character by 17, Next 8 characters use the prime numbers in the reverse order 17.1, and decrease the values. Use a total message of at least 32 characters and repeat the process of modifying 1-17 for the first 8; modifying by 17-1 for next 8, and so on. Make your own message. After the message is coded, decoding should also be done, to restore the original message. You may want to change the lower case and upper case transitions as well. You may use your modifications to make more security built in. Example: Original Message A B C D.. 65 66 67 68. Normal ASCII Prime Numbers Modified ASCII Coded Message 1 2 3 5. 66 68 70 73. B DFI Problem 1: String Operations and Data Security: To improve data security in the transmission of data and information, dynamic character coding is being practiced. The modification of the original characters can be using the first 8 prime members [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17): First character enhanced by 1, second character by 2, third by 3, .. 8th character by 17, Next 8 characters use the prime numbers in the reverse order 17.1, and decrease the values. Use a total message of at least 32 characters and repeat the process of modifying 1-17 for the first 8; modifying by 17-1 for next 8, and so on. Make your own message. After the message is coded, decoding should also be done, to restore the original message. You may want to change the lower case and upper case transitions as well. You may use your modifications to make more security built in. Example: Original Message A B C D.. 65 66 67 68. Normal ASCII Prime Numbers Modified ASCII Coded Message 1 2 3 5. 66 68 70 73. B DFI