Problem Statement Thanks to your compater science education at NC AKT, you've graduatesd and landed a job at Netlix Its your first wwk on the job, and you are ready to i your boss. As a Netlix end-s, you've noticed that Netflix occasionallg makes suts to you Soe mowes that you have no leest in watrhing This sees e wthing yon could ine Yon deeide to "coad-source the mmmedation fature You know Netflix maintain a database of preteresce lsts fo os for a lrge set of users You woald like to esamise this datalaar in-nch a way that, gnen auer, yenan determin' wlat 'ater uMrs lade-me..inila. similar ranking. An important step in this proose i-quaatifying the dfrene between two each rankings Yos figre this is something your boss can then hand off to the reccmdation department and they can figie ont how they wast to leveage your mplemestation,Le your concern is with measaring how similar two user's rankings are, and smone else will ligure ot how to e that measure to make wagzstions to similar ens Conisder comparinug a ew divat's rauking to an misting ceut's ranking of che ss t of n movies A straigt-forwaed approach would lalel the ois rn 1 to n according to the new iet's ranking, then oeder these labels accoeding to the existing elien's rankings We evald then a the lattee to se ho y pairs of indioes in the array ace "out of onder Geerically consider being gives a seqaence of n mbers a..., wlre all a, are distinet We ond to Tomate our mravure, wr arr ping calculate thr disti" let wren our two tmkings An edn distce isametric sed in natural laguage paocessing to quastify how dissimilar two Programming Awigawme #1: September 19, 2018 11:30pm trings are by conting the nomber of operstios reded to tron one string into ancther. Foe oar problem, we are going to cunt the smler of ittances wheee the ollowing situation holkls vlere i and j are indexes in an array,fmetler wreck, weinement our ed dstance if our new ranking ipped the order in wikh we eoanter two movies To grt a feel for thin, eonsider the Our olit distance would be 3 for the Sollowing Eipped movies (2.1),(4.1), and (4,3 Whe segetice is i. oeg hte agreeint, the edit distance itwim a seqwwr bin complete de agrwsont, tbe edit diliare (1). (Note: (3) expresas a perwatation, It a wind fraction.) Part 1: Implement the Brute Force Algorithm 15 points our initial thought to sole this is pretty straight-forwand Yos are to inplemrnt a beute Sonce algoeithm that solves the prollem. You have been provided a skeleton ile called BruteForceava It has a method named auestDistance which bas an array called rankingaits pr der. The secarsce of inegs stoeed in raakingo) are initialiand outsile this clex do not clange the inpsut lacks inside oar easureEdi Distance etled The beute fonce algoethm worls in the Sollowing wa Examine ewery peir ofintegers in the sequrtice and detemine id the movis are ipped If they are, iscrement the edt distance Your method shoald terninate by reterning the edit distace We have created ae variabile or your seasur EditDistasce method called editDistance that you may use throaphout the mthod (bat you dont have to). Part 2 A Divide and Conqaer Algorithm (35 points Since yos 've taken an agoeits class, you pasuse before handing the program over to your bons at Netfix. You eline that you'we just prodced an iterative algorithm, and that eats thre migt be a chaice to isprove on your run-tise In fact, yo start to see that this problen leads ie You decile to implement a new lgoeithes employing this design paradign. The i ollows the stradegy od MERCESORT discsed in clm We define an index m and divide the list ed rankings into two sively ind the edit distance oe these two halves Then we incresont the edit distae for situations that eross the two halves 1 this latter situati a. we inetrtant the edit datance ife, in the lint hi, a, is in the Hmudbalf, and a, a, The est way to ind this out is to actually sent the list as you go. Problem Statement Thanks to your compater science education at NC AKT, you've graduatesd and landed a job at Netlix Its your first wwk on the job, and you are ready to i your boss. As a Netlix end-s, you've noticed that Netflix occasionallg makes suts to you Soe mowes that you have no leest in watrhing This sees e wthing yon could ine Yon deeide to "coad-source the mmmedation fature You know Netflix maintain a database of preteresce lsts fo os for a lrge set of users You woald like to esamise this datalaar in-nch a way that, gnen auer, yenan determin' wlat 'ater uMrs lade-me..inila. similar ranking. An important step in this proose i-quaatifying the dfrene between two each rankings Yos figre this is something your boss can then hand off to the reccmdation department and they can figie ont how they wast to leveage your mplemestation,Le your concern is with measaring how similar two user's rankings are, and smone else will ligure ot how to e that measure to make wagzstions to similar ens Conisder comparinug a ew divat's rauking to an misting ceut's ranking of che ss t of n movies A straigt-forwaed approach would lalel the ois rn 1 to n according to the new iet's ranking, then oeder these labels accoeding to the existing elien's rankings We evald then a the lattee to se ho y pairs of indioes in the array ace "out of onder Geerically consider being gives a seqaence of n mbers a..., wlre all a, are distinet We ond to Tomate our mravure, wr arr ping calculate thr disti" let wren our two tmkings An edn distce isametric sed in natural laguage paocessing to quastify how dissimilar two Programming Awigawme #1: September 19, 2018 11:30pm trings are by conting the nomber of operstios reded to tron one string into ancther. Foe oar problem, we are going to cunt the smler of ittances wheee the ollowing situation holkls vlere i and j are indexes in an array,fmetler wreck, weinement our ed dstance if our new ranking ipped the order in wikh we eoanter two movies To grt a feel for thin, eonsider the Our olit distance would be 3 for the Sollowing Eipped movies (2.1),(4.1), and (4,3 Whe segetice is i. oeg hte agreeint, the edit distance itwim a seqwwr bin complete de agrwsont, tbe edit diliare (1). (Note: (3) expresas a perwatation, It a wind fraction.) Part 1: Implement the Brute Force Algorithm 15 points our initial thought to sole this is pretty straight-forwand Yos are to inplemrnt a beute Sonce algoeithm that solves the prollem. You have been provided a skeleton ile called BruteForceava It has a method named auestDistance which bas an array called rankingaits pr der. The secarsce of inegs stoeed in raakingo) are initialiand outsile this clex do not clange the inpsut lacks inside oar easureEdi Distance etled The beute fonce algoethm worls in the Sollowing wa Examine ewery peir ofintegers in the sequrtice and detemine id the movis are ipped If they are, iscrement the edt distance Your method shoald terninate by reterning the edit distace We have created ae variabile or your seasur EditDistasce method called editDistance that you may use throaphout the mthod (bat you dont have to). Part 2 A Divide and Conqaer Algorithm (35 points Since yos 've taken an agoeits class, you pasuse before handing the program over to your bons at Netfix. You eline that you'we just prodced an iterative algorithm, and that eats thre migt be a chaice to isprove on your run-tise In fact, yo start to see that this problen leads ie You decile to implement a new lgoeithes employing this design paradign. The i ollows the stradegy od MERCESORT discsed in clm We define an index m and divide the list ed rankings into two sively ind the edit distance oe these two halves Then we incresont the edit distae for situations that eross the two halves 1 this latter situati a. we inetrtant the edit datance ife, in the lint hi, a, is in the Hmudbalf, and a, a, The est way to ind this out is to actually sent the list as you go