Problem wolvizg in one of the basic procedures of TQM. In order to be saccessful, problem. solving efforts stould follow a standand approach. Table 9.7 describes the basic steps in the TQM problem-sotving process. An imporant aspect of problem solving in the TQM approach is eliminuting the cuuse m that the problem does eot rocur. This is why users of the TQM apprewkt often like to think of problens as "epportunities for improwement" The Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle The plan-do-study-act (PDSA) eycle, also referred to as cither the Shewhart cycle or the Deraing whoel, is the conceptual basis for problem-solving activities. The cycle is illustrated in Figure 9.1. Representing the process with a circle indersceses its continuing nafure. There are four basic steps in the cycle: Plan. Hegain by stodying the current process. Document that process, Then collect data on tho process or problem. Next, analyze the data and develop a plan for improwement. Spocify measures for evaluating the plan. Do. Implement the plan, on a small scale if possible. Document any changes made doring this phase. Collect dats systematically for evaluation. Study. Fvaluate the datu collection during the do phase. Check how closely the results. match the original goals of the plan phase. Act. If the results are successful, slandaritize the new method and comunusicate the new method to all people assoclated with the process. Implement training for the new method. If the resulte are unsticeessful, revise the plan and repeat the peocess or cease: this project. Employing this sequence of steps provides a systematic approach to continuous improyetuent. Process improvement is a systematic approsch to improving a process. It involves doeimeatation, measurement, and analysis for the purpose of impecwing the functioning of a