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Programming Assignment w/ python Description: In this programming assignment, you are to extend the program you wrote for Number Stats to determine the median and

Programming Assignment w/ python


In this programming assignment, you are to extend the program you wrote for Number Stats to determine the median and mode of the numbers read from the file.

You are to create a program called that reads a series of floating point numbers from a file into a list and determines and displays the following:

The name of the file.

The sum of the numbers.

The count of how many numbers are in the file.

The average of the numbers. The average is the sum of the numbers divided by how

many there are.

The maximum value.

The minimum value.

The range of the values. The range is the maximum value minus the minimum value.

The median of the numbers.

The mode of the numbers.

The grade distribution of the values (How many As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Fs. eg anything

about 90 is an A)

You must create and use specifically named value returning functions for each of these stats. getSum(), getCount(), getAverage(), getMax(), getMin(), getRange(), getMedian(), getMode(), getDistr().

For example:

def getSum(your_list_name): summation = 0

for number in your_list_name: summation += number

return summation

The output from the program is to display the information described above using the following strings preceding the values. There is to be a space between the colon and the value. There is a demo if output at the end of this PDF of what each should look like.

Red Only prints when The numbers range from 0-100

File name: Sum: Count: Average: Maximum: Minimum:

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

Range: Median: Mode: Grade Distribution: As:

Bs: Cs: Ds: Fs:

At the end of one attempt at reading, or a successful read, of a file the user it to be asked if they would like to evaluate another file of numbers. Use the prompt: Would you like to evaluate another file? (y/n) If the user answers y, then the program is to accept input for another file name. If the user answers with anything other than y, the program is to exit.


Once you have written your program you need to test it. A sample file called numbers.txt containing a list of integers is provided for testing. It is contained in a file attached to the assignment called You must unzip the file to get the numbers.txt file. You can also hand create files or use the random number writer from the prior programming assignment to create files for testing.


Put your file in a folder named NumStat2 and zip the folder. The zip file is to be submitted for this assignment.

Useful Information

You will want to read the values from the file into a list (see Chapter 7). A list is necessary because we need to sort the list for determining the median and a list will be convenient for coming up with a way to determine the mode. In addition, python has min() and max() functions that can be used to determine the minimum and maximum values in the list rather than having to implement code to do it yourself.(you cant use these)

The median is the middle value in an ordered list of values. If there is an odd number of values then it is the number at the middle position. If there is an even number of values then it is the average of the two values around the midpoint.

The mode is the number that is repeated most often. It is possible to have more than one mode. Example 1

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

Numbers: 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 15, 17, 17, 17

There are 11 numbers in this example. This means that the median is the middle value. The middle value is at (11+1)/2 = 6. The 11 is at the 6th position and is therefore the median. Note that to calculate the position of the middle value add 1 to the quantity of numbers and divide by 2.

The mode is 17 because it occurs the most frequently. 17 occurs three times. 15 and 6 occur two times. All the other numbers occur one time.

Example 2 Numbers: 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11

There are 10 numbers in this example. This means that the median is the average of the two numbers around the middle. The middle position is (10+1)/2 = 5.5. The numbers at position 5 and position 6 need to be averaged. The number 8 is at position 5 and the number 9 is at position 6. The average of 8 and 9 is (8+9)/2 = 17/2 = 8.5.

The list of numbers has three modes: 5, 9, and 10. The three of those numbers occurs two times. All the other numbers occur one time.

Helping You with the Algorithms

I am not going to write all the code for you here. So, keep in mind what I am providing are guideposts to help you along the path. You still have to analyze the problem to be solved, figure out the steps in solving the problem, and implement the code to follow those steps.

Calculating the Median

To calculate the median the list of numbers needs to be ordered from lowest to highest. The numbers in the file are not ordered. The easiest way to order the numbers is to read them from the file and put them in a python list. The list object in python has a method that can be called on it to sort the list. If the variable for the python list is called number_list then to sort it use number_list.sort().

The other piece of information needed to calculate the median is the length of the list. The len() function returns the length of a list. To get the length of number_list and store the value in a variable called count use:

count = len(number_list) or we can call out function we wrote called:

count = getCount(number_list)

Calculating the Mode

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

To determine the mode we need to know how frequently each value occurs in the list of numbers. What is needed is something that looks like a two column table where one column is the value and the other column is how frequently it occurs.


















What is needed is called a dictionary in Python. Dictionaries are covered in Chapter 9. In the above table the values are keys in the dictionary and the frequencies are values. Dictionaries are formed out of key / value pairs.

To create a new, empty dictionary use {}. To create a dictionary called number_counts use:

number_counts = {}

To fill the dictionary you are going to have to step through the list of numbers read from the file and:

See if the number is already in the dictionary. o If it is, you need to increment the count stored in the dictionary for that number. o If it is not, you need to create an entry in the dictionary and set the count to 1.

To step through a list of numbers in a variable number_list we can use: for number in number_list:

In the for loop number holds the number that has been read from number_list for that iteration of the loop. The for loop ends when there are no more numbers to read.

To determine if a key is in a dictionary use: if key in dictionary:

See page 371 of the textbook: Using the in and not in Operators to Test for a Value in a Dictionary.

If we have a dictionary called number_counts then we can check if a number is already in the dictionary by using:

if number in number_counts:

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

If the number is already in the dictionary we can increment the count of how many there are of that number by:

number_counts[number] += 1

If the number is not already in the dictionary we can create an entry in the dictionary and set the count to 1 by:

number_counts[number] = 1

Once we have gone through all the numbers in number_list we have a dictionary, number_counts, that holds the information about how many times each number appeared in the list.

The final steps in determining the mode is figuring out the maximum count and what numbers are associated with that maximum count.

Remember that number_counts is a dictionary and is comprised of key / value pairs. To step through the dictionary we can get the keys (the numbers) one at a time by using:

for number in number_counts:

For each number (dictionary key) obtained from the dictionary we can get the count (dictionary value) by:

count = number_counts[number]

The goal is to determine the maximum count, so each count has to be compared to a variable that holds the maximum and if the count is greater than the current maximum the maximum is set to the count that is the new maximum.

Once the maximum count is determined then it used to look in the dictionary for the numbers (dictionary keys) that are associated with that count (dictionary values). Those numbers are the mode values. To do this step through the dictionary, as shown before, comparing each count to the maximum count. If they match, then the number associated with that count is a mode value

Remember, this steps you through the dictionary: for number in number_list:

This gets the count from the dictionary associated with the number: count = number_counts[number]

Demo Output

What is the file you would like to evaluate? numbers.txt File name: numbers.txt Sum: 56110 Count: 100

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

Average: 561.1 Maximum: 995 Minimum: 8 Range: 987 Median: 564.5 Mode: [660, 476]

Please input the name of the file? numbersG.txt File name: numbersG.txt Sum: 11393.139999999998 Count: 127

Average: 89.70976377952753 Maximum: 100.0 Minimum: 0.0 Range: 100.0

Median: 94.2 Mode: [95.03, 96.41] Grade Distribution: A's: 84 B's: 30 C's: 9 D's: 1 F's: 3

Would you like to evaluate another file? (y/n) n

Extra Credit

If you would like to get extra credit. (20 points, so 120 for the assignment)

NOTE: You will have to convert the floats to ints

For a 3rd addition to this program, I would like you to also make a function called getPrime() This function will take in a list of all the numbers and return a list of prime numbers that are in the original list.

You CAN ONLY use 2 for loops to solve this. (no while loops) you CAN ONLY use %(mod) and //(integer division) (+,-,/,//,%,*) are acceptable as well but not needed. also,

for the list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] the primes are [2,3,5,7]

InfoTc 1040 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Number Stats 2

Here was the printout.

File name: numbers.txt

Sum: 56110 Count: 100 Average: 561.1 Maximum: 995 Minimum: 8 Range: 987 Median: 564.5 Mode: [476, 660]

Prime: [13, 101, 251, 263, 331, 373, 409, 419, 433, 461, 487, 641, 691, 881, 907, 929, 947]

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