PROGRAMMING IT: CLASSROOM ACTIVITY (CA-02) DUE 5:00 PM MONDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2020 Use your favorite IDE to write and run a Java program that performs the tasks described below. Submit the source code on Canvas by 5:00 pm today (Monday February 24, 2020). 1. Create the class SavingsAccount, according to the following specifications. Make sure you provide constructor(s), accessor method(s), and mutator method(s). 2. Your class should use the static variable annualinterest Rate to store the annual interest rate for all account holders. 3. Each object of the class should contain a private instance variable savings Balance that indicates the amount the saver currently has on deposit. 4. The class should also provide the method calculateMonthlyInterest to calculate the monthly interest by multiplying the savings Balance by annualInterestRate divided by 12, and this interest should be added to savings Balance 5. The class should also provide the static method modifyInterest Rate that sets the annualInterest Rate to a new value. 0. Write a driver class named Test Savings Account to test the Savings Account class 7. The driver class should instantiate two SavingsAccount objects, saverl and saver2 with balances of $2000.00, and $3000.00, respectively. You should create saverl using the default constructor that initializes the balance to zero, and then use the mutator method to set the balance to S2000.00; saver2 should be created using the constructor that takes the balance of $3000.00 as an argument and sets it at the time of creation of saver2 8. Set annualInterest Rate to 4%, and calculate the monthly interest for each of 12 months and print the new balances for both savers. Remember to update the balance af- ter each month 9. Next, modify the annualInterest Rate to 5%, calculate the next month's interest, and print the new balances for both savers, for just one month after the interest rate has been modified