Project 1: Book Rep Customer Relations Management difficulty level: Beginners Overview Edit chos-projt htal and cho5 projlicas to the page loois similar to that shown in Figure 5,4.19 Instructions 1. Within the first caeetiens element create the order table. Be sure to add a ceaptions. The color status values ate aeated using markup similar to kspas and atatur-pensing have aiready been defined for you. 2. Style the table ueing CSs. 3. Within the second aroctons eiernent, aeale the form. De sare to wise the and clepests elements for the form. As well, be sure to tie the appropaiate accessibdity features in the form. 4. Sot up the form's nethod attribute to ott and its action attribute to hitpis//wwirandyconnolly,com/tents/processphp. Guidance and Testing 1. Test the form in the browier. Verity that the oulput trom process. ghp mutches that shown in Figure 5.43e 2. Change the form method to voss and retent. o chos-projthemt x Edit chos-projtihtml and chos.profl.css so the puge loois similar to that ahown fn Figure 5.43 Instructions 1. Within the first caections element create the order table. Be sure to add a cosptions. The color status values ate created asing marlap similar to copan elannu* ntatus statumependisg*priadinge/mpans. The CSS classes status and status-pending have alteady been dellned for you. 2. Style the table uning CSS. 3. Within the second cnectsens eleanent, create the form. Be sure to tace the ctseldnets and eingends elements for the form. As well, be sure to use the appropriate accessibility foatures in the form. 4. Set up the formis nethod attribute to atz and its action attribute to htipse//www.randyconnolly,rom/ tests/process.php. Guidance and Testing 1. Tent the form in the browser. Verify that the output from procens. php matches that shown in Figure 5.43g 2. Change the form method to foss and rutent. projpet1 > o chos-projuhtmi > EioocTYPE hteb. cheads eneta charsete"uti-gen ititieschapter 5e/titles aliak rel="styleshect" hrefu"reset, cas" is elink relen"stylesheet" hrefu" chofaprollicst" is afead ehodys i soction Lsection I sections asection alsodyo shints