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Project/Company Name Communication Plan Overview The purpose of a Communications Plan is to document the key elements of a communications strategy, including: Frequency (Schedule) Method

Project/Company Name Communication Plan Overview The purpose of a Communications Plan is to document the key elements of a communications strategy, including: Frequency (Schedule) Method of Delivery Recipients Format Owner Effective communication can be: Formal or Informal Verbal or Written Periodic or As Needed ELEMENTS TO INCLUDE IN THE COMMUNICATION PLAN The format of a Communication plan can vary, but they should include the following types of information: WHAT Type of Meeting WHEN Frequency Day Time WHAT WHEN Type of Communication Frequency Day (if applicable) VERBAL COMMUNICATION WHERE OWNER ATTENDEES Meeting Meeting Project Team Members (it is good to Location Owner identify them by role or title if possible) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY Electronic? Person or Group Paper? responsible for sending RECEIVER Person or Group who receives the information EXAMPLE OF A COMMUNICATION PLAN: This document outlines the plan of communication for the XYZ Project Team. WHAT Status Meeting Called Meetings WHEN Every 2 weeks Monday 10-noon As Needed WHAT Meeting Minutes Action Item Log Meeting Agenda Status Reports to Project Manager Status Reports to Strategic Alignment Team Project Schedule Updates WHERE 28G1 OWNER Project Manager ATTENDEES Project Team TBD Person who calls & leads meeting To Be Determined WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY 2 days after the EMAIL Note Taker meeting 4 days after the EMAIL Note Taker PMO Status meeting 2 days before a EMAIL Meeting meeting Facilitator Weekly Paper Copy Team Members Tuesday By noon DUE WHEN Every 2 weeks Tuesday By COB Update Project Schedule then EMAIL Team Members RECEIVER All participants All participants All meeting participants Project Manager Implementation Schedule Owner Project Scope Statement Project Name Citizens Coffee Shop Project Manager Owner(s) Statement of WorkProject Description and Project Product Project Number Prioritization In this project we will be create a local coffee shop called Citizen Coffee Shop. Our main focus for the coffee shop will be to provide an upbeat atmosphere for our customers. In our coffee shop we will not only serve coffee but we will also be providing small snacks like cookies, small snack cakes, etc. The coffee shop will provide services to all the area and provide a good competition to the other coffee shops in the area. In our coffee shop we will also have a lounge area so we are able to provide a nice, calm, and relaxing environment for local businessmen, college student, etc to have a place to come and complete work and assignments while enjoying our spectacular coffee and snacks. Our coffee shop will not only be a large competitor in our area but we will provide the most popular location for all the coffee addicts around. Our coffee shop will also be customer focused by providing the best customer service experience for our customers that make their desire for our coffee shop even more than just for the product we provide but the actual service they are being given. We will also be located in the best geographical location possible in order to help with our ultimate goal of an overall profit of 70% Project Deliverables Location The geographical location of our coffee shop will be strategically placed in order to target the largest market of coffee addicts possible. This will help play a large part in our goal of maintaining at least a 70% profit for our business. Lounge Our coffee shop will provide a relaxing and calming lounge within our shop. In this lounge we will have individual tables with plush chairs, couches, recliners, and a fireplace for our customers to kick back and relax while they enjoy their coffee. Service The customer service that will be provided will be the top in the industry. We will focus on selling behaviors and making sure that every customer feels their visit with us was appreciated. Without our customers we would not be successful. This attitude and service would be shown to our customers. Target Market We will have to research current trending and popular coffee recipes that our customers will continue to want to come back for more. We will have to make sure that we have all varieties from the simple to the most complex of drinks Moving in our location We will have to purchase all of our necessities in order to successfully run our coffee shop. Some things that would have to be purchased would be a commercial refrigerator, two to three espresso machines, furniture for lounge area, etc Funding of Location We will have to apply for a business loan to fund the startup of our coffee shop which will include but not be limited to the price of the location either by rent or owning, inventory, decorations, and furniture. Training We will also provide quarterly trainings to make sure that all of our employees are up to speed with the current trends in the market and also adjusting our products to our customer's needs. Loyalty We will invest in a loyalty program for all of our customers to be rewarded for a specific amount of visits and receive a small gift from our company. Recruitment/Advertisement Our team leaders will go out and recruit top talent in the area that would fit our company's common core values. These people will go around and provide samples to corporations in our area to help promote our business and allow new people to try our products. Project Objectives The objective of this project is to help coffee addicts and all residence of that region to get relieved from their duties and responsibilities by offering different types of high- quality coffee at a pocket- friendly price by 01/10/2016 at a budgeted cost of $200,000. The goals of the project include the following. To build one of the most attractive coffee shops that will attract many consumers to the shop. The shop will display a very different image and look from other shops which will make it outstanding in the eyes of consumers. Offer different types of coffee in different amount depending on consumer preference and choice. This will ensure that each and every person is accommodated and has an opportunity to enjoy coffee in our shop regardless of the amount they are willing to spend in an expense of coffee. This will also allow individuals be it young or old to enjoy the coffee. Project Assumptions Employ most of the local residence with required qualification to take the positions in managing and running the coffee shop affairs. As a result, it will give us a positive public image and attitude hence attracting more coffee consumers to our shop. Employ the modern technology to prepare coffee and keep it warm all the time so that customers are served as they come to avoid inconveniencing with their activities and operations. As we are aiming at setting up a coffee shop, there are various assumptions taken into account since we are not sure whether things will work out the way they are planned. These assumptions include; Our coffee shop will be the most preferred shop in the region. It will receive many coffee consumers than any other coffee shop in the region. The shop will be open on a daily basis for twenty- four hours a day. It is assumed that there will be no any operation failure or any interruptions that will lead to the closure of the shop at any particular time of the day. It will be only coffee shop offering unique services. Their will be no any other proving services and products similar to our shop. They uniqueness will be in terms of different types of coffee, quantities in which they are provided and how they are served. There will be always clients coming in the shop to consume coffee on a daily basis. There will be no day that the shop will miss consumers to serve the coffee. The shop will be recording, at least, $500,000 annually and the cost of running the shop inclusive of all expenses will be at least $200,000. This means that the shop is expected to record at least $300,000 as the annual profit. It is also assumed that the number of coffee consumers and addicts will be increasing day in day out. Each day the shop will be recording a higher number of customers than the previous day. Coffee offered in our shop will be of higher quality than any other coffee provided in another coffee shop in that particular region. There will be no competition for customers and resources in the area. The shop will operate as a monopoly in the area with no any other shop providing the products and services offered in our shop. There will be enough resources that are readily available to start the business and run to the foreseeable future without any interruptions. There will be no any external forces such as from the government that will affect or interrupt the normal operation of the business. How the business operates will be determined internally. It is also assumed that the business will grow and expand to other parts of the country. Thereafter, the business will go national and finally into the internal market. The business or the coffee shop will operate in the foreseeable future. It is assumed that the shop will neither close down nor wind up anytime soon. The coffee shop will make profits constantly. In business, one either makes profit or loss but in case, it is assumed that the business will make profits at the end of each year and not losses. The coffee addicts and other clients will be willing to pay higher for our products and services. Project Constraints The demand for coffee will be increasing as time goes by. The increase will mean an increase in supply. It is assumed that demand for our coffee will keep on increasing. Customers will be loyal to our products and services. The shop shall acquire and retain customers over a long period of time. There is an allocated budget of $250,000 to open the coffee shop. Two years is a set deadline to build the location and hire employees. Building must be in compliance with disability laws. All required construction, building, safety, and occupancy permits must be obtained before construction & opening. Parking area needs to be open enough to allow for multiple spots, but not too big so as to avoid congestion. Drive-through capabilities must be structured and not flow into traffic. Resistance upon entering the market due to brand loyalty. Competition daily with current leading coffee chain and their customer preferences. Potential lower-than-expected profits, especially around the holidays, due to the leading chain's long-standing promotional items. Customers will require quick turnaround on their orders. Citizen Coffee Shop will have to provide consistent quality amongst product offerings. Increasingly health-conscious consumers may request Free Trade coffees and earth-friendly ingredients. Exclusions Unexpected land restrictions impeding building progress. Supplier delay in shipping and/or failing to deliver all product purchased. Vendors discontinuing a product with short notice. Point of Sale (POS) systems failing to perform properly. Power failure resulting in inability to remain open, especially if generators are not an option. No e-commerce site that can accept online orders. Prevent the menu from becoming bloated; focus on perfecting menu items. Resist mimicking the competitor's items too closely. Resist focusing too much on counter service, maximize drivethrough attention. No loyalty card/program. Social media integration will be handled at a later time, but no controls will be implemented with word-of-mouth websites. Acceptance Criteria - Meets customer satisfaction - Variety of Choices of Coffee and desserts to meet Wants and Needs - Customer Service - Offers programs to attract customers. By accomplishing these areas the company will be able to accomplish its goals in customer satisfaction and the want to come back again for themselves and also friends. The standards for the employees will be set high to offer the best customer service to the clients offering an enjoyable time for all who come. The company will always grant that the customer is always right policy to ensure they get what they ask for without causing any stress to them. The company will also offer a frequent customer card to continue to bring the customers back to have a great coffee experience here at the shop. In order to make this project successful we will need to make sure we have Technical Requirements enough machines to produce the right amount of coffee to keep business moving without having long wait periods for the customers. The use of cash registers will also be needed to keep track of the money coming into the company and also help with inventory on products that may be needed. Along with the cash registers it will help any new employees if they have a question about a certain drink to see the direction with a touch of a button. The company plans to help keep the stress levels down to make sure we get equipment that will last to help both the employees and customers. Type Name Project Manager APPROVALS Signature Date January 24, 2016 Customer or Sponsor Approval January 24, 2016 Risk Register Workbook Instructions This template is to be used for identifying risks and creating plans for how to avoid them (negative risks) or how to make them happen (positive risks) and what to do if they happen (contingency plans) and managing them throughout the project. The first sheet, titled Risk Register, shows a number of fields to use for gathering the following information about risks. Risk ID is some unique value that identifies the risk. Risk Name is a short description of the risk. Risk Description "If this risk occurs, then what impact will it have on the project?" It should be written as an "If, then" statement. Impact as rated on a very low, low, medium, high, and very high scale. Probability as rated on a very low, low, medium, high, and very high scale. Risk Ranking: Using the risk matrix found on the right on the Risk Register sheet, detemine the color code (risk ranking) for each risk. Positive/Negative: Is this risk a positive risk (an opportunity) or a negative risk? Proactive Response Plan is a detailed plan of what changes will be made to the project, project scope, and/or WBS proactively to try to make the risk happen (positive risk) or stop it if it is a negative risk. Trigger Event is a description of how you will know if the risk has occurred or is about to occur. Reactive Contingency Plan is the description of what you plan to do if the risk happens. How will you react to the risk once it occurred? Risk Register ID Risk Name Risk Description Impact VH,H,M,L,VL Probability VH,H,M,L,VL Risk Ranking What is the risk color code ? Positive/Negative Proactive Response Plan Trigger Event What do you think will trigger the event? Reactive Contingency Plan Is this a positive or negative risk from the risk matrix? What proactively can be attempted to make the risk happen or prevent it? What are your backup plans if the risk should occur? Negative one is devising new transportation channels that ensure safety of cofffee, employment of new transportation obsolescence technologies and finally introducing cointainers with cool and try conditions employ new methods of transportings coffee raw matterials to the shop employ special experts from big coffee shops to train the employees 1 poor distribution channels the means of transporting coffee raw materials from suppliers is not good 2 unprofessional services to coffe customers employees of coffee shop providing poor H services in serving the customers L green Negative train employees hired in the shop to ensure that the chances of this risk occuring becomes minimal. The employees should be trained on their areas of specilization at the shop. 3 work injuries to employees the employees when serving customers get H injured due to accidents VH Red Negative insure the employees with an insurance Accidents caused by claim for the insurance cover from firm dealing with compensations on employee the insurance firm employee injuries recklessness 4 Attaining the shop objectives If the coffee shop meets its targeted goals in the business VH VH Green Positive All the stakeholders, directors and Commitment of all employees of the company should work the coffee shop towards attaining this objectives. stakeholders 5 the coffee shop coffee shop operating progesses into into a foreseeable foreseeable succees future due to commitment VH VH Green Positive provision of customer satisfactory services by empoyees serving them quality services offered to customers in the shop 6 competition from other coffee firms There may be competition that comes from other VH coffee firms that enter the market H Red Negative Different strategies to be set by the coffee shop on how to handle competitors New ventures to the Increase the quality and market diversification of coffee 7 Deficiency of finances The resources of maintaining the M resources may not be enough L Red Negative Enough resources should be put aside to meet constraints in future Lack of financial planning Financial planning that meet emergencies 8 profit attained the target profit is obtained in operations H of the coffee shop L Green Positive Wastages in various departments should be minimized and controls should be put in place effeciency Target higher profits 9 good reputation VH Green Positive quality services offered to coffee consumers and ensuring customer satisfaction the kind of services taking advantage of the good offered to reputatuon to win more customers consumers M Green Positve taking a larger market share in serving the stakeholders coffee customers from all corners of the commitment country VL Red Negative selling coffee and services offered to coffee in a higher price more than the cost lack of analysis on set methods of preventing the costs and expenses losses from occuring again L Green Negative training personnel on areas related to coffee services and enhancing quality service lack of training involve the unskilled employees in ground and training training grounds expertise 10 11 Larger market coverage losses inadequate skilled 12 personnel on coffee service provision H the firm earns a good public image from the H services offred to consumers the coffee shop serving a larger portion of the market VH shares when offering services losses are incurred from sales of coffee VH made this is where there is lack of enough employed personnel that can provide quality services H L Red lack of trainining tools and training experts Reward all the employees for the good work done in achieving this goals Very high continue serving customers with the same spirit High Medium Impact Low Very low Very low Low Medium Ensure a bigger market share is covered adverse government rules and regulations the government introduce strict rules H that hinder the operations of the shop M Green Negative poor services following of the laws and regulations of offered by other the government when providing sevices coffee firms obeying the laws of the country 14 diversification of coffee services this is where the shop will be able to provide diverse coffee H services like white, black coffee and chocolates H Green Positive introduce new product services apart from the current services offered quality and diverse services offered to customers 15 Provision of timely services the coffee services are offered on time to H the customers H Red Positive employ new technology that makes coffee processing faster 16 job creation and employment the coffee shop offering the public VH with jobs into the firm H Green Positive coming up with the shop that offers and need for winning servies customers of coffee addicts good public image more services and more sales are made to the public the number of coffee addicts increases and VH more is demanded VH Green Positive adverisements are made and public participation is encouraged in shows High demand relating to coffee services and products more sales hence higher profit earned L Red Negative do more adverisements in favor of innovations and coffee products and the importances of market entries coffee against the substitute effective promotion channels introduced L Green Negative improving the quality of the product to poor coffee quality suit a higher price in the shop increae the quality of coffee products and services L Red Negative employing the required equipment in provision of services at coffee shop poor financial planning buy the right equipment that will enhance quality services H Green Positive The management of the coffee shop should be aware on the trending technology so that they can employ quick services to customers quick services offered more profit and sales the shop will register a higher profit and make more sales Probability 13 increased customers 17 for coffee other products entry of substitutes to overtaking coffee 18 the market services enter the market such as tea H the clients and customers pay less for H coffee services the shop may not have adequate lack of enough 20 equipments and tools equipment that help H in provision of quality services th e coffee shop introduces a faster employment of 21 modern technology woring technoly that H provides services faster 19 low pricing of coffee aggressiveness of the stakeholders new technology timely serving of coffee 22 24-hour economy the coffee shop working day and night H without closing at any time possible VH Green Positive the stakeholders should agree on the introduction of a full time operation of the shop unique servces in 23 terms of quality and quantity the shop will be providing services different from what H other shops are offering in the market H Green Positive look on strategies and initiatives that winning more will involve new ways of offering unique customers in the services to customers market share 24 efficiency the shop operates at low cost and high profit and with minimal wastages VH Red Positive the shop shop introduce mechanisms that control costs and target a higher profit to the shop 25 language barrier the shop owners, employees and customers do not H understand each other due to language difference M Red Negative there should be a common language to be understood by all people in the diverse market or a language translator in the communities shop poor location of the 26 shop the coffee shop is located in a place that the suppliers and H customers cannot access lack of enough information relating to location of reallocate the coffee shop customers and suppliers H unfavorable change in the tastes and preferences of H preferences consumers change there may be fire in the coffee shop VH 28 Risk of fire building the envirornment friendly uncompetive sorrounding the coffee VH 29 envirornment shop may not have a competition 27 tastes and the need for coffee products and services 30 high demand of coffee becomes high in the H availability of enough the is available resources to carry out H day to day operations the need for earning succeful operations is achieved in profit the shop employ a language translator in the shop VL Green Negative set a new location for the shop that is accessible in the market by customers and suppliers VL Red Negative get informed about consumer changes in tastes and needs attitude adjust to meet consumer tastes and preferences L Red Negative insure the building that the shop is located with a insurance firm accidents or recklessness claim for the insurance cover from the insurance firm M Green Positive earning a big market share that prevents or undermines entry of other coffee firms into the market big market share enjoy profits and monopolism of the shop H Green Positive provision of customer satisfactory services by empoyees serving them quality services offered to customers in the shop high profit and sales earned VH Green Positive the shop should ensure that there are enough resources to perform its operations the targets of starting a coffee shop smooth operations in the shop is realized market 31 resources enjoying ecomies of scale Risk Matrix High Very high ID Risk Name Risk Description Impact the laws provided by government is friendly VH to the shop like incentives the shop executives practise such vices as frauds and H embezzlement of funds government charge high tax on coffee H services and products Probability Risk Ranking Positive/Negative Proactive Response Plan Trigger Event Reactive Contingency Plan M Green Positive make decisions that comply to government laws in the country obeying the laws and regulations of the country loyalty to the government laws and regulations VL Red Negative the management should involve the employees and other departments in the management function of the shop lack of integrity enrol a new management group H Red Negative comply to the law and make proposals to the government on the effect of the taxes imposed the need of adjust the pricing to suit the high government to earn tax imposed on the product and revenue services L Green Negative lack of employee educate employees on importance of motivation or commitment to work in the coffee shop management M VL Green Negative make plans about the shop that concerns markets and finances VH VH Green Positive engaging all the shop stakeholders in Commitment of all the service provision and operations of the coffee shop the cofee shop stakeholders 38 higher coffee pricing the clients and customers are willing to take services in the H coffee shop even at a higher price VH Green Positive provision of high quality coffee services need for more profit profits and revenues are registered that suit the pricing 39 customer loyalty the customers love to take services in the H coffee firm only H Green Positive provision of satisfactory quality services to customers quality services offered to customers in the shop increased customers to the shop 40 insecurity there is insecurity resulting from to buglary and robbery M Red Negative employ security personell to deal with security of the property in the shop greed employ more persons that ensure security is available the shop will register a higher profit and make more sales friendly government 32 rules and regulations 33 poor management 34 high taxation absenteeism of 35 employees 36 lack of planning expansion of the 37 coffee shop M employees become the coffee shop fails to do a business plan on market and finances the shop becomes bigger in size and services offered increase VH advice employees on the importance of being principled poor planning skills have a business plan profits and revenues are registered 41 requirements the shop is capable of meeting customer H needs at any time VH Green Positive provision of services based on customer need and preference increase in number of customers pollution of the 42 nearby envirornment there is polution to the immediate envirornment due to the operations of the coffee shop L Red Negative introduce methods of handling and controling pollution in the immediate envirornment of the shop availability of waste get involved in cleaning the products immediate envirornment meeting customer VH Citizen Coffee Shop Charter The following is a project charter for citizen coffee shop as reviewed. The coffee shop has a list of targets, objectives and privileges. It's a place aimed at targeting coffee addicts and helping get relieved from their daily life duties. The coffee shop is taking advantage on the raised demand of coffee in the area. Its main duties are to ensure they satisfy the customers, create employment and to get a gross profit of 70%. Marketing strategies are aimed at building strong customer base. This is done by for instance increasing the geographical area occupied by the coffee shop, increasing the diversity of customers served may it be old or young and the different forms in which both of them take the coffee in. For instance, young people take coffee as white coffee or in chocolates and stuff while elder people take it as simple black coffee with some cookies. Employees should be trained for better customer service. Workers could be professional waiters but that is not enough to serve customers since there is specialization in the field. For instance, there are always new ways of preparing coffee or tea and the supplements they come with be it cookies, cakes etc. Employee training could also come in how they treat customers and make them come again. For instance employees could be trained on how to give customers discounts after buying 5 coffees or even serving they fast to avoid keeping them waiting. Diversification of products is an essential tool to attract customers. For instance if coffee is sold white, black or even in chocolates it increases the numbers of customers coming to the coffee shop. The mission of the coffee shop is to create a society of relations and socializing to relive stress by their excellent customer service. This is done by reinvesting profits to allow growth of the coffee shop. This will make it outstanding and attract more people from the area. The products offered from the coffee shop are the best in the area and are diverse. This way customers will come more often due to the satisfaction. Market segmentation is aimed at serving particular markets in the industry to maximize profits and reduce competition if any. This can be done by differentiating the products and offering what is not being offered by other people. For instance offer coffee prepared by a recipe that is not common. There are purchased recipes that are prepared by the best chefs in the world. The industry analysis will enable the shop to prepare for any business dynamics in the market. It could change the market flow for instance increase the sale of other products like the supplements like cakes and cookies. It also changes the flow of the market in the sense that coffee becomes more marketable than other products. The coffee shop will focus on customer satisfaction. This will be necessary in order to curb competition. For instance the coffee shop could provide good programs to watch as people have coffee or games to play like chess, pools etc. The coffee shop could also do massive advertisement to create awareness and educate on the importance of coffee. References Executive summary of the Citizen coffee shop Gido, J., & Clements, J. (2014). Successful project management. Cengage Learning. Branch, L. J. (2015). The Impact of Project-Based Learning and Technology on Student Achievement in Mathematics. In New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies (pp. 259268). Springer Singapore. Andert, D., & Alexakis, G. (2015). Virtual Teaming and Digital Learning Strategies: Preparing Students for a Global Workplace. Journal of Online Learning & Teaching, 11(1). PART 1 - 1.1 - Estimating Method We chose the one-up estimating method because it allowed us to detail line items of our budget without going into extreme detail. This made it possible to allocate funds into each section of the budget without assigning too much to one task and not enough to another, i.e., too much money assigned to beams but not enough for L-joints while budgeting for lumber. 1.2 - Budget - Charter, Initial Estimated Labor $75,000 Estimated Materials $100,000 Estimated Contractors $100,000 Estimated Equipment and Facilities $50,000 Estimated Travel $5,000 Total Estimated Cost $330,000 Budget - Finalized EXPENDITURE Labor Staff Wages Building Contractors Electrical Contractors Plumbers IT/HR Consultants Landscapers Building Materials Concrete Lumber COST $9,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $140,000 Paint Electrical Wire/Fixtures Plumbing Pipes/Fixtures Roofing HVAC Unit Decorations Pictures Furniture Flowers Sod Shrubbery/Trees Equipment Computers/Phones/Routers Computer Software Coffee Makers Refrigeration Unit Panini Presses (unit x 2) Supplies Baked Goods Coffee/Syrups Napkins/Straws Utensils Cups/Holders Bags Contract Internet Provider HR Software Payment Processing System Utilities Setup Travel Expenses Gas Costs Train Tickets for New Hires Contingency Total 1.3 - Original v. Actual Comparison $2,000 $50,000 $8,800 $20,000 $1,600 $400 $400 $324 $160 $215 $3,500 $2,000 $1,200 $2,500 $500 $112 $112 $112 $112 $112 $112 $200 $3,100 $3,900 $500 $1,000 $800 $100,000 $ 489,771 In the charter, the budget originally allowed for $330,000 for Citizen's Coffee Shop. Many of the details were left out for a bigger-picture style presentation of the project proposal. Once the budget was itemized later in the process, it was decided a total budget of $ would be required, with a contingency amount of $100,000. In the charter, the building materials were underbudgeted, and once those were written out we found that is where the most money would have to be spent. Also, travel expenses weren't initially included with the charter budget, but they are estimated to be low as the owners live fairly close to the building site. Plus, train tickets were added just in case a highly desired candidate needed to travel for the interview process. Because the details were not mapped out, the originally estimated budget was under by $59,771, with the necessary addition of $100,000 for the contingency budget, totaling an underbudget estimation of $159,771. We are certain now that all line items are added on, this new budget is a better representation of what the coffee shop needs to be built and launched from the ground up, and successfully. All necessary expenditures are now included, and it is with greater confidence that we propose the new budget with plans to move forward. 1.4 - Contingency Plan For our contingency plan we will have $100,000 in case for overspending on the opening of our business. There are several things that could go wrong while opening a new business. Referencing back to our previous project constraints such as have a system failure with our POS systems. If our POS systems go down that will be a major setbacks and delays. Failure of our POS system is very likely to happen and will cause a large change in our budget. The time frame for the POS being down, is having back up manual card readers, paper slips, and having a way to take cash as a form of payment during the outage. This will all take place during the first ten minutes of the outage. Another reason why our contingency plan will be $100,000 is because of possibly having construction of the building being delayed. Delays in the construction will put back other things that are planned behind schedule. In turn, this could cause a huge deficit without having a buffer. The time frame to start preventing future delays would be within the first hour of knowing there is a delay. During this hour you will figure out how long the delay is going to last. If this delay is going to cause problems with other schedules, there will be a plan in place to contact all future companies that are scheduled with and advise them of the delay. This will help prevent being fined for breaking contracts with our other suppliers. Another major thing that could happen that might not be as planned as the above constraints is if one of our major suppliers goes bankrupt. If something like this were to happen our company would have to have a backup supply of funds in order to enter a new contract with another supplier. Most of the time this would require potentially paying out for half the products up front before actually receiving any of the products. In notice of one of our suppliers going bankrupt we will contact our back up supplier immediately of the loss and start a new contract immediately to prevent the halt of business. Finally, the last major thing that should be budgeted for in our contingency plan is planning for the unknown. This would include but not be limited to the potential of having a major natural disaster. With our company being located in San Francisco we would have to plan for major things like earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. If there were an earthquake and the store were to lose all the inventory it would have to all be replaced. In this situation the business would have to pay out to replace all of it. In order to keep business going we would make sure there is a backup location for us to operate out of and have inventory also located in another location. This will ensure there is the ability for business to keep operating smoothly to prevent large losses in income and allow the company to stay in business. Project/Company Name Communication Plan Overview The purpose of a Communications Plan is to document the key elements of a communications strategy, including: Frequency (Schedule) Method of Delivery Recipients Format Owner Effective communication can be: Formal or Informal Verbal or Written Periodic or As Needed ELEMENTS TO INCLUDE IN THE COMMUNICATION PLAN The format of a Communication plan can vary, but they should include the following types of information: WHAT Type of Meeting WHEN Frequency Day Time WHAT WHEN Type of Communication Frequency Day (if applicable) VERBAL COMMUNICATION WHERE OWNER ATTENDEES Meeting Meeting Project Team Members (it is good to Location Owner identify them by role or title if possible) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY Electronic? Person or Group Paper? responsible for sending RECEIVER Person or Group who receives the information EXAMPLE OF A COMMUNICATION PLAN: This document outlines the plan of communication for the XYZ Project Team. WHAT Status Meeting Called Meetings WHEN Every 2 weeks Monday 10-noon As Needed WHAT Meeting Minutes Action Item Log Meeting Agenda Status Reports to Project Manager Status Reports to Strategic Alignment Team Project Schedule Updates WHERE 28G1 OWNER Project Manager ATTENDEES Project Team TBD Person who calls & leads meeting To Be Determined WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY 2 days after the EMAIL Note Taker meeting 4 days after the EMAIL Note Taker PMO Status meeting 2 days before a EMAIL Meeting meeting Facilitator Weekly Paper Copy Team Members Tuesday By noon DUE WHEN Every 2 weeks Tuesday By COB Update Project Schedule then EMAIL Team Members RECEIVER All participants All participants All meeting participants Project Manager Implementation Schedule Owner Project/Company Name Communication Plan Overview The purpose of a Communications Plan is to document the key elements of a communications strategy, including: Frequency (Schedule) Method of Delivery Recipients Format Owner Effective communication can be: Formal or Informal Verbal or Written Periodic or As Needed ELEMENTS TO INCLUDE IN THE COMMUNICATION PLAN The format of a Communication plan can vary, but they should include the following types of information: WHAT Type of Meeting WHEN Frequency Day Time WHAT WHEN Type of Communication Frequency Day (if applicable) VERBAL COMMUNICATION WHERE OWNER ATTENDEES Meeting Meeting Project Team Members (it is good to Location Owner identify them by role or title if possible) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY Electronic? Person or Group Paper? responsible for sending RECEIVER Person or Group who receives the information EXAMPLE OF A COMMUNICATION PLAN: This document outlines the plan of communication for the XYZ Project Team. WHAT Status Meeting Called Meetings WHEN Every 2 weeks Monday 10-noon As Needed WHAT Meeting Minutes Action Item Log Meeting Agenda Status Reports to Project Manager Status Reports to Strategic Alignment Team Project Schedule Updates WHERE 28G1 OWNER Project Manager ATTENDEES Project Team TBD Person who calls & leads meeting To Be Determined WRITTEN COMMUNICATION METHOD OF SENDER DELIVERY 2 days after the EMAIL Note Taker meeting 4 days after the EMAIL Note Taker PMO Status meeting 2 days before a EMAIL Meeting meeting Facilitator Weekly Paper Copy Team Members Tuesday By noon DUE WHEN Every 2 weeks Tuesday By COB Update Project Schedule then EMAIL Team Members RECEIVER All participants All participants All meeting participants Project Manager Implementation Schedule Owner

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