Let's play with the stars 1) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number n and displays a row of n stars side by side 2) Write a program that asks a user to enter a number n and displays a column of n stars 3) Write a program that asks a user to enter a number n and displays a square full of n stars 4) Write a program that asks a user to enter a number n and displays a hollow square of n stars 5) Write a program that asks a user to enter a number n and displays a hollow square of n stars, we will put + on its diagonals The pyramids 1) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number n and displays (with stars) an isosceles right triangle of n stars high/ wide with the right angle in bottom right 2) The same but with the right angle at the bottom left 3) Combine these two programs to make a pyramid of height n and base 2n-1 Ruler 1) Write a program that asks a user to enter a number n and displays a rule start of size n. Example for n = 12:I---------- 2) Modify this program to ask for two numbers n and k and display a rule of length n graduated from k tok. Example for n= 12, k = 3:1-1-1-1-1 Chifoumi, Stone, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock We want to make a program that allows you to play rock, paper, scissors (Each player chooses one of the three, and wins if he chooses the one who beats the choice of the other. Scissors> Paper Stone> Scissors) Write an algorithm that chooses a number at random between 1 and 3 and associates the corresponding sign. (Scissors 1, Paper 2, Stone 3) Now ask the user to enter a number and do the same Show machine choice, user choice and say who won. Repeat the game until one of the players (human or machine) reaches a score 3, and display the winner. A variation of the game is to add 2 other symbols, Lizard and Spock. The paytable then becomes: Pierre bat: Scissors and Lizard Paper bat: Pierre and Spock Scissors bat: Paper and Lizard Lizard bat: Paper and Spock Spock beats: Stone and Scissors Modify your previous program to allow this variation to be played. There are many other variations. As long as there are 2n + 1 possibilities, we can place them on a circle, say that for each value it beats the next n and loses against the previous n, and the game remains balanced