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Q3. Recall a barter trade case, where the number N of prices needed to complete exchanges among n goods and services (G&S) is equal to
Q3. Recall a barter trade case, where the number N of prices needed to complete exchanges among n goods and services (G&S) is equal to N = n(n-1)/2 without money (but to N = n if money is instead used). This case can be used to account for why the U.S. dollar plays a pivotal role in global forex markets as a vehicle currency. Explain why the U.S. has maintained trade deficits with about 100 countries because of this role of its currency since it de linked the dollar from gold in 1970. An awful situation is that the U.S. prints the dollar and uses it to buy various G&S all over the world. Q3. Recall a barter trade case, where the number N of prices needed to complete exchanges among n goods and services (G&S) is equal to N = n(n-1)/2 without money (but to N = n if money is instead used). This case can be used to account for why the U.S. dollar plays a pivotal role in global forex markets as a vehicle currency. Explain why the U.S. has maintained trade deficits with about 100 countries because of this role of its currency since it de linked the dollar from gold in 1970. An awful situation is that the U.S. prints the dollar and uses it to buy various G&S all over the world
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