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Question 1 (2 points) _____ is a physiological measure of pretesting finished commercials in which viewers are asked to view an ad while a sensor

Question 1 (2 points)

_____ is a physiological measure of pretesting finished commercials in which viewers are asked to view an ad while a sensor aims a beam of infrared light at the eye.

Question 1 options:


Eye tracking

Electrodermal response

Alpha activity

Eye lateralization

Question 2 (2 points)

The buying period that takes place before the TV season begins and where networks sell much of their commercial time is referred to as the:

Question 2 options:

scatter market.

regional market.

off-network market.

spot market.

up-front market.

Question 3 (2 points)

Chris O'Brian, an avid skier, takes a weeklong ski vacation every winter. To help plan his vacation, O'Brian consults all of the past issues of Scend magazine, a publication on adventure sports destinations. Which of the following advantages of magazines as an advertising medium is demonstrated in the way O'Brian's uses this publication?

Question 3 options:




Creative flexibility

Geographic selectivity

Question 4 (2 points)

An ad for Novell solutions targeting businesspeople used the headline, "ERP: Sound made by CIO when people see data they shouldn't." The actor playing the executive in the ad has a distressed, almost fearful look on his face. Which of the following execution techniques has been used in this ad?

Question 4 options:

Problem-solution execution

Slice-of-death advertising

Slice-of-life advertising

Reminder execution

Informational advertising

Question 5 (2 points)

Attention, awareness, and knowledge are all examples of the _____ stage of the response process and appear in all of the models describing the consumer response process.

Question 5 options:






Question 6 (2 points)

The ad for an investment company opens with the statement, "You can't plan for tomorrow if you don't know where your money is today," and continues with relevant information about investment and its benefits. This ad is an example of _____ advertising.

Question 6 options:






Question 7 (2 points)

_____ are secondary headlines that usually appear in a type size smaller than the main headline but larger than the body copy of a print ad.

Question 7 options:

Direct headlines

Indirect headlines


Story lines


Question 8 (2 points)

The state of Colorado runs an ad which shows an obviously scared third grader getting ready to go on stage for his first public stage appearance. He is dressed as a carrot. The ad tells the reader that being a third grader is much more stressful than we remember and causes us to feel great sympathy for the child dressed in the ridiculous costume. The tag line at the end of the ad reads, "Your kids need a carefree Colorado vacation as much as you do." This is an example of a:

Question 8 options:

dramatization technique.

testimonial technique.

fear technique.

personality symbol technique.

scientific evidence technique.

Question 9 (2 points)

According to Positioning Advertising Copy Testing (PACT), the purpose of copy testing is to:

Question 9 options:

use a single measurement to adequately assess ad performance.

aid in the judgment of specific advertising executions.

isolate causes of viewers' evaluations of ads.

eliminate the use of controls to avoid the biasing effects of an exposure context.

isolate each contributing factor of an ad performance.

Question 10 (2 points)

In 2013, which of the following companies introduced cross-platform campaign ratings?

Question 10 options:

Rockbridge Associates, Inc.

Burke Research

Roy Morgan Research

Nielson Media Research

Arbitron Co.

Question 11 (2 points)

The AIDA model was developed to represent the stages during the _____ process.

Question 11 options:


magazine advertising

mass marketing

sales promotions

radio advertising

Question 12 (2 points)

Advertisements that focus on the dominant attributes or characteristics of a product or service are making use of _____ appeals.

Question 12 options:




product popularity

competitive advantage

Question 13 (2 points)

Sapid Inc. wished to test consumer reactions to its new ad campaign. A particular test included aiming a beam of infrared light at the viewer's eye and the beam was programed to follow the movement in the eye. This test was designed to show the exact sport of the ad the viewer is focusing on. Which of the following physiological measures did Sapid use in this scenario?

Question 13 options:

Hemispheric eye lateralization

Gamma activity

Electrodermal response

Foveated eye imaging

Eye tracking

Question 14 (2 points)

Synergy Drinks, an energy drink manufacturer, launches a television ad in which people are seen feeling energized after consuming Synergy's drinks. "Revitalization of body and mind" is the message the ad is intended to deliver. However, those who view the ad interpret it as being boorish and lacking context. One of the possible explanations for such a highly differential perception of the ads is due to the absence of:

Question 14 options:

an interpretative link.

a feedback mechanism.

response hierarchies.

a common ground.

binding influences.

Question 15 (2 points)

A transformational advertisement must connect the audience with the advertisement in such a way that the experience of the product/service is independent of the experience generated by the advertisement.

Question 15 options:



Question 16 (2 points)

Which of the following is true of image advertisements?

Question 16 options:

They are transformational in nature.

They are designed to transfer the image of a company to its brand.

They are typically utilized in radio advertisements.

They are not suitable for print media.

They typically utilize emotional integration.

Question 17 (2 points)

_____ are individuals who act as salespersons for a number of local stations and represent them in their dealings with national advertisers.

Question 17 options:

Station managers



Station reps


Question 18 (2 points)

One of the newest uses of eye tracking is to determine:

Question 18 options:

the effectiveness of websites, online ads, and e-mails.

how long an individual has to read an interstate billboard message.

why certain coupons have higher redemption rates than others.

the connotations of the colors used in print ads.

whether an individual is aware of exposure to split-run ads.

Question 19 (2 points)

With respect to common television dayparts for eastern and Pacific time zones, the slot between 11:30 P.M.-2:00 A.M. from Monday through Friday is called:

Question 19 options:

late fringe.

early fringe.

late news.

early news.

prime access.

Question 20 (2 points)

_____ is conducted very early in a campaign development process in order to explore the targeted consumer's response to a potential ad or campaign or have a consumer evaluate advertising alternatives.

Question 20 options:


Concept testing

Recognition testing

Copy testing

Recall testing

Question 21 (2 points)

The _____ is an approach to explain the curvilinear nature of fear appeals that suggests that both the cognitive appraisal of information in a fear appeal message and the emotional response mediate persuasion.

Question 21 options:

protection motivation model

non-monotonic model

cognitive response model

response-stimuli hierarchy

persuasive delimiter model

Question 22 (2 points)

Newspaper ads are unlikely to have any impact beyond the day of publication, and repeat exposure is very unlikely as well.

Question 22 options:



Question 23 (2 points)

Under a _____ arrangement, national advertisers can participate in the syndication market with the convenience of a network-type media buy, while local stations get free programming as well as some advertising time to sell to local or spot advertisers.

Question 23 options:



barter syndication

local syndication

spot syndication

Question 24 (2 points)

Jake is planning to buy a new smartphone. He studied the contents of an ad describing the superiority of TL smartphones and scrutinized how the advertising message argued in favor of TL's superiority. According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), Jake is engaging in which of the following routes to persuasion?

Question 24 options:

Support arguing

Central processing

Peripheral processing

Source bolstering

Comparative analysis

Question 25 (2 points)

_____ is the number of magazine copies distributed to original subscribers or purchasers.

Question 25 options:

Primary circulation

Total circulation

Tangential readership

Guaranteed circulation

Pass-along circulation

Question 26 (2 points)

During which stage of commercial production process do activities such as editing, recording of sound effects, audio/video mixing, and agency approval occur?

Question 26 options:






Question 27 (2 points)

The written version of a television commercial that provides a detailed description of its video and audio content is known as a:

Question 27 options:






Question 28 (2 points)

Typically, most network television advertising time is sold as:

Question 28 options:




spot announcements.

affiliated offerings.

Question 29 (2 points)

Physiological measures of advertising effectiveness:

Question 29 options:

are the most common methods for evaluating finished commercials in a laboratory setting.

indicate a receiver's involuntary responses to ads.

measure the effects of subliminal advertising.

are only used for pretesting broadcast advertising.

are neither valid nor reliable.

Question 30 (2 points)

Commercials and print ads undergo posttesting in order to:

Question 30 options:

gain relatively inexpensive feedback.

avoid the use of surveys.

determine if a campaign is accomplishing the objectives sought.

determine if an organization's mission statement needs to be modified.

locate new product ideas.

Question 31 (2 points)

Health care publications targeted at specific streams such as dental, medical and surgical, nursing, biotechnological sciences, and hospital administration are classified as:

Question 31 options:

business publications.

special-interest consumer magazines.

trade magazines.

general-interest consumer magazines.

independent publications.

Question 32 (2 points)

_____ are a laboratory methodology designed to expose a group of respondents to a system consisting of both control and test ads.

Question 32 options:

Controlled tests

Portfolio tests

Dummy tests

Unstructured focus groups

Field tests

Question 33 (2 points)

Which of the following provides the sender of an advertising message with an appropriate way of monitoring the effectiveness of an intended message?

Question 33 options:

Encoding mechanisms

Decoding mechanisms


Noise filters


Question 34 (2 points)

Which of the following statements best explains the reason that consumers are more receptive to magazine advertising than to television advertising?

Question 34 options:

Unlike television ads, magazine ads are invasive and not easy to ignore.

Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable.

The number of ads in magazines is much fewer than that of television, so consumers are not bothered by advertising clutter.

More creative advertising options are available for magazines than those available for television advertising, implying that magazine ads are more interesting.

Magazine advertising does not provide the psychographic or demographic selectivity that television advertising does.

Question 35 (2 points)

National advertisers tend to avoid weekly newspapers because of:

Question 35 options:

their poor image.

their high absolute cost.

their duplicate circulation with daily newspapers.

their broad geographic focus.

the large number of local ads they typically contain.

Question 36 (2 points)

TV is a popular medium among companies selling mass-consumption products because of:

Question 36 options:

its capacity to reach a precisely defined market segment.

its capacity to eliminate the problem of commercial clutter.

its ability to reinforce radio messages through adjacency techniques.

its ability to reach large audiences in a cost-efficient manner.

its ability to prevent the zipping and zapping effects.

Question 37 (2 points)

The communication process begins with the process of _____.

Question 37 options:






Question 38 (2 points)

Which of the following statements is true about the use of color in magazine advertising?

Question 38 options:

The more the color used in an ad, the lower the advertising cost.

Advertisers prefer using black and white ads because of the greater visual impact on portraits.

Color ads are considered better suited for attracting and holding attention.

Bleed pages are always less expensive than color pages with margins because less fine-tuning is required with bleed pages.

Color ads are generally cheaper than black and white ads if they are placed on the front cover of a magazine.

Question 39 (2 points)

An ad for a vacation resort in Virginia begins by stating that the resort has "Dozens of sporting diversions for the entire family." Under that statement, it reads, "Translation: guilt-free golf." Which execution style is seen in this ad?

Question 39 options:






Question 40 (2 points)

A(n) _____ is something that moves people, speaks to their wants or needs, and excites their interest.

Question 40 options:

recency sequence

advertising stock

advertising appeal

creative sequence

creative review

Question 41 (2 points)

The _____ tests are used in order to determine whether an ad or commercial conveys the meaning intended.

Question 41 options:

day-after recall





Question 42 (2 points)

Pupillometrics, electrodermal response, and electroencephalographic measures are all forms of:

Question 42 options:

field posttests.

rational measures of promotional success.

portfolio tests used in association with single-source field tests.

physiological measures of advertising effectiveness.

focus group interaction measures.

Question 43 (2 points)

The relatively low cost of radio advertising time makes it an effective medium through which advertisers can build more _____ into their media schedules.

Question 43 options:

absolute cost

reach and frequency

inherent drama

audience selectivity


Question 44 (2 points)

Which of the following is a vital component of ads that use emotional integration to market a product?

Question 44 options:






Question 45 (2 points)

An ad for Hush designer handbags shows the company's new line of affordable handbags made from genuine alligator leather. After seeing the ad, Erika stated, "You can't get a genuine alligator handbag for $50! Please!" Erika's response to the ad is an example of a:

Question 45 options:

negative ad execution thought.

negative source derogation.

support argument.


positive source bolster.

Question 46 (2 points)

The notion that a low-credibility source may be just as effective as a high-credibility source with the passage of time is known as the:

Question 46 options:

sleeper effect.

time/place consequence.

open source paradox.

decay effect.

mirage effect.

Question 47 (2 points)

Mars Inc., an automaker, hires a popular celebrity, Emma Hunt, as the spokesperson for its "Keep the World Green" campaign, an initiative for preserving trees. The viewers of the commercial perceive Emma as being sincerely interested in citizen initiatives to preserve trees. Emma as a message source is said to have:

Question 47 options:

perceived control.

control persuasion.

perceived scrutiny.


perceived concern.

Question 48 (2 points)

Which of the following statements about commercial length is true?

Question 48 options:

Fifteen-second spots are the most common commercial length.

Increasing media costs have resulted in advertisers preferring shorter commercials.

Most advertisers believe shorter commercials cannot deliver a message as effectively as longer commercials.

Fifteen-second spots typically sell for about the same amount as 30-second spots.

Most 15 second commercials are being converted to 5 second commercials that are known as split commercials.

Question 49 (2 points)

Which of the following statements is true about the use of corporate leaders as advertising spokespersons?

Question 49 options:

Many companies believe the use of a company president or CEO is an ineffective way of expressing the company's commitment to quality and customer service.

Only Fortune 500 companies use corporate leaders as spokespersons.

If a firm's image is too closely tied to its leader, it will face problems if and when the leader leaves the company.

Corporate spokespersons are ineffective for consumer products.

Corporate spokespersons improve the message source image but have no effect on its trustworthiness.

Question 50 (2 points)

An ad for a brand of tea states that according to laboratory research, "A serving of tea has more antioxidants than a serving of carrots or broccoli." Which type of ad execution is being used in this example?

Question 50 options:



Scientific evidence



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