Question 1. Consider the First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling Algorithm with the following data Process Execution Time P. 30 Pa 6 P 8 Suppose that the processes arrive in the order:P, P2, and P3. Then find 1) Gantt chart 10 Waiting time III) Averake walting time Question 2: Consider the Priority Scheduling Algorithm with the following data Process PL P Execution Time 15 4 Priority 3 Then find D) Gantt chart lo ) Waiting time 1) Average waiting time Question 3: Consider the shortest-Job- First (SJF) Scheduling Algorithm Process Execution Time Pi 12 6 10 8 Ps 20 Then find 1) Gantt chart 10 1) Waiting time iv) Average waiting time Question 4: Consider the Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm with Quantum Q= 4 Process Execution Time P 12 P 8 10 PA 18 Ps Then draw the corresponding Gantt chart 0 II) Waiting time Average waiting time Question 5. Consider the following data about processes created in order p1, p2 then p3 Process CPU burst P1 24 P2 3 P2 3 1. Consider the scheduling algorithm First Come First Served : FCFS Illustrate the GANTT chart 0 Calculate the waiting time for each process and the Average Waiting Time *** 2. Consider the scheduling algorithm Round Robin RR with quantum Q=6 illustrate the GANTT Chart 0 Question 6. Process A B CPU burst time 100 10 300 60 150 Priority 3 1 D 3 5 4 E 1. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED : FCFS, IN ORDER ABCDE Draw the corresponding GANTT chart 0 I 2. SHORT JOB FIRST: SJF Draw the corresponding GANTT chart 10 3. PRIORITY Draw the corresponding GANTT chart O 1 Question 7: Consider the First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling Algorithm with the following data Process Execution time Arrival time P: 5 P2 4 3 P 6 0 PA 3 2 PS 7 1. Is this Algorithm preemptive or non-preemptive? 4 2. Wustrate the Gantt chart P3 0 3. Calculate the waiting time of each process 4. Calculate the average waiting time