Question 2 In a pilot survey, thirty (30) respondents were asked to indicate their preference for sneakers (measured on a 7-point scale where 1-not at all preferred and 7-greatly preferred) and their emphasis on the attributes of comfort, durability, and style (measured on a 7-point scale where 1=not at all important and 7=very important). Results of the pilot survey are presented below: Variables Entered/Removed Variables Entered Variables Removed Method Model Enter Style Durability, Comfort a. Dependent Variable: Preference for Sneakers b. All requested variables entered Model Summary Adjusted R Square Square Std. Emor of me Estimate Model R STO" 324 246 1/437 Predictors (Constant, style, Durability Comfort ANOVA Sum of Squares Model or 50 Mean Square 1 160 016 Regression 3 25.773 8591 53,693 Residual 26 2.065 Total 79.467 29 a Dependent Variable Preference for Sneakers D. Predictors (constant. Style Durat. Confort Coeficients Standard Coments Bu 137 153 standard Contents Model SEO Constant 1977 1470 Condor 403 150 Durat 194 172 tie 120 150 -Deendent van Preference Tones one 436 190 -111 200 230 2.063 Assuming you are the senior analyst in the marketing research department, the marketing manager is interested in knowing whether consumers' preference for sneakers can be explained by their emphasis on the attributes of comfort, durability, and style. Following the hypothesis testing process, please interpret the results presented above and provide a short managerial report. Question 2 In a pilot survey, thirty (30) respondents were asked to indicate their preference for sneakers (measured on a 7-point scale where 1-not at all preferred and 7-greatly preferred) and their emphasis on the attributes of comfort, durability, and style (measured on a 7-point scale where 1=not at all important and 7=very important). Results of the pilot survey are presented below: Variables Entered/Removed Variables Entered Variables Removed Method Model Enter Style Durability, Comfort a. Dependent Variable: Preference for Sneakers b. All requested variables entered Model Summary Adjusted R Square Square Std. Emor of me Estimate Model R STO" 324 246 1/437 Predictors (Constant, style, Durability Comfort ANOVA Sum of Squares Model or 50 Mean Square 1 160 016 Regression 3 25.773 8591 53,693 Residual 26 2.065 Total 79.467 29 a Dependent Variable Preference for Sneakers D. Predictors (constant. Style Durat. Confort Coeficients Standard Coments Bu 137 153 standard Contents Model SEO Constant 1977 1470 Condor 403 150 Durat 194 172 tie 120 150 -Deendent van Preference Tones one 436 190 -111 200 230 2.063 Assuming you are the senior analyst in the marketing research department, the marketing manager is interested in knowing whether consumers' preference for sneakers can be explained by their emphasis on the attributes of comfort, durability, and style. Following the hypothesis testing process, please interpret the results presented above and provide a short managerial report