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QUESTION:2 The goal of this assignment is to practise object-oriented programming (OOP) with Decisions, Loops, Arrays and ArrayLists, Input/Output Files, and Constructing Objects and Classes.

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QUESTION:2 The goal of this assignment is to practise object-oriented programming (OOP) with Decisions, Loops, Arrays and ArrayLists, Input/Output Files, and Constructing Objects and Classes. Create a HW2 Yourld NetBeans project. Create classes for the solutions that are required. Important: Use good programming techniques. Using the Java standard form for documentation comments described in this course, provide API documentation comments for your class(es), class constructor(s), and method(s). Use names for variables and constants that are meaningful. At the start of each lesson, leave a comment with your name, university ID, and section number. Submit a zipped file of your project with the name "HW2 your D" to Moodle, along with a PDF file containing all of your code. Problem: Write a programme that takes student grade information from an input file provided by a user at the end of a semester and generates a semester report with course information as shown in the sample runs. The input file contains information on the student, such as name, ID, and college, as well as a cumulative of past semesters' total credits attempted, credits earned, and total grade points. As indicated in the sample inputs, the grades and information for the most recent semester courses are provided at the end of the input file. According to the grades in the courses and the number of credit hours in the courses, your programme will calculate the total attempted credits, semester earned credits, Semester grade point average (GPA), and cumulated grade point average (CGPA). Table 1 shows the scales for each grade. The grades F, FSP, FW, and NPW will have no value Table 1 shows the grade scales. A 3.70 C+2.30 A+ 4.00 C+2.30 A+4.00 +2.30 A+ 4.00 C+2.30 A 3.00 D+ 1.30 B-2.70 D 2.00 B+3.30 1.70 B 1.00 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average that sums up each of the two levels of activity: semester and cumulative work completed to date. The semester GPA is based on the courses completed during that semester, the cumulative GPA is based on all courses completed to date, across all semesters. The GPA for the semester (semester GPA) is determined as follows: The numeric value (ie, scale) of the grade obtained times the number of credit hours for that course equals the grade point received in that course. The sum of the grade points obtained in that semester divided by the total credit hours attempted during that semester equals the semester's GPA. 1 The goal of this assignment is to practise object-oriented programming (OOP) with Decisions, Loops, Arrays and ArrayLists, Input/Output Files, and Constructing objects and Classes. Create a HW2 Yourld NetBeans project. Create classes for the solutions that are required. Important: Use good programming techniques: Using the Java standard form for documentation comments described in this course, provide API documentation comments for your class(es), class constructors), and method(s). Use names for variables and constants that are meaningful. At the start of each lesson leave a comment with your name, university ID, and section number. Submit a zipped file of your project with the name "HW2 your D" to Moodle, along with a PDF file containing all of your code. Problem: Write a programme that takes student grade information from an input file provided by a user at the end of a semester and generates a semester report with course information as shown in the sample runs. The input file contains information on the student, such as name, ID, and college, as well as a cumulative of past semesters' total credits attempted, credits earned, and total grade points. As indicated in the sample inputs, the grades and information for the most recent semester courses are provided at the end of the input file. According to the grades in the courses and the number of credit hours in the courses, your programme will calculate the total attempted credits, semester earned credits, semester grade point average (GPA), and cumulated grade point average (CGPA). Table 1 shows the scales for each grade. The grades F, FSP, FW, and NPW will have no value. 1st Table Scales of evaluation A 2.00 B+3.30 1.70 B 4.00 C+2.30 A-3.70 2.70 D+ 1.30 8+3.00 D 1.00 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average that sums up each of the two levels of activity: semester and cumulative work completed to date. The semester GPA is based on the courses completed during that semester; the cumulative GPA is based on all courses completed to date, across all semesters. O The GPA for the semester (semester GPA) is determined as follows: The numeric value i.e. scale) of the grade obtained times the number of credit hours for that course equals the grade point received in that course. The semester grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points achieved in that semester by the number of grade points gained in the previous semester. The total number of credit hours attempted that semester. 100. The cumulative GPA (CGPA) will be calculated using all courses taken and credits attempted to date. The entire number of credits attempted is divided by the total number of grade points earned. Only courses with numeric-value grades are evaluated in both circumstances. (Please keep in mind that in such a calculation.) The grade point average does not include the grade designations #xl, W, P, NP, IP, TC, AU, and OP. Three classes should be included in your programme: Course, TeimTranscript, and HW2 yourld. Course class should include all of a course's required instance variables and methods, as well as at least these methods: getGradePointo: returns a course's grade point using table 1. If the student has one of the grades from table 1, getCreditEainedo returns the number of earned credits; otherwise, it returns zero. getCreditAttempted() returns the number of credits attempted in a course. Student information, prior semester information, and all course information should be included in the Term Transcript class. Any relevant methods, as well as the following, should be included in the class: Calculate a semester GPA with the getSemesterGPA function Calculate cumulative GPA using the getoGPA function (CGPA). The semesterCreditEarned() method returns the amount of credit earned in a semester. The semesterCreditAttemptedl) method returns the credit that was attempted throughout the semester. The generate Report) method generates an output file called "ID semester Rep.txt and shows the report as shown in the sample outputs. HW2 yourld class is a testing class that prompts users for an input file name, reads student data and builds a Term Transcript object, and calls generate Report() to create an output file with a student report. Sample input/output files 1. data 12344.txt - Notepad Filc Edit Format View Help Abdul Al Rahman Al Quri is the student's name. College: Science Credit Student ID: 12311/19 Credits for grades Credits attempted: 15 COMP1007, Amazing Applications of AI, COMP 2202 Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming, MATH2108, Calculus (2), MATH3340, Discrete Math, for Como. Sci., STAT2101, Introduction to Statistics, STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340 -- Figure 1 Input file 11 X 12344 semster Rep.ext in 1, Coll 100 percent Windows CRF UTF-8 ID: 12344/19 Notepad File Edit Format View Help Name Science COURSE NO COURSE Abdul AlRahman Al Ouft College COMP1087 COMP2292 MATH2188 MATH3340 STAT2101 Amazing Applications of AI TITLE CREDITS GRADE COMP1087 COMP2292 MATH2188 MATH3340 STAT2101 3 Calculus (2) 3 Discrete Math. for Comp Sci. 3 Introduction to Statistics B C-CC-TOTAL CREDIT, IN 1 Col 1 100 percent Unix DLTF-8 Figure 2 Output file ATTEMPTED 30 EARNED 15 ATTEMPTED 15 SEM GPA 2.23 CUM GPA 2.49 > IN 1 Col 1 100 percent Unix D LITF-8 1 Input/output sample files 2 Notepad File Edit Format View Help data 13116.Dxt Student ID: 13116/19 College: Education Credits Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student ID: 13116/19 Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student Name Credits attempted: 11 CHEM2101, General Chemistry (1), COMP1987, Amazing Applications of AI, PHYS 2101, General Physics (1), SOCY1005, Oman: State and People (UR), Credit: 11 Grade Points: 21.1 Course Code Course Title CHEM2101, General Chemistry (1) COMP1937, Amazing Applications of AI, PHYS 2101, General Physics (1), SOCY1005, Oman: State and People (UR). Credit: 11 Grade FB- BCCD-13116 semsterRep.txt - Notepad File Edit Format View Help ID: 13116/19: Manal Al Al Hanai College: Education NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, Name of the TITLE GRADE FOR CREDIT Amazing Al Applications (1) CHEM2101 QUESTION:2 The goal of this assignment is to practise object-oriented programming (OOP) with Decisions, Loops, Arrays and ArrayLists, Input/Output Files, and Constructing Objects and Classes. Create a HW2 Yourld NetBeans project. Create classes for the solutions that are required. Important: Use good programming techniques. Using the Java standard form for documentation comments described in this course, provide API documentation comments for your class(es), class constructor(s), and method(s). Use names for variables and constants that are meaningful. At the start of each lesson, leave a comment with your name, university ID, and section number. Submit a zipped file of your project with the name "HW2 your D" to Moodle, along with a PDF file containing all of your code. Problem: Write a programme that takes student grade information from an input file provided by a user at the end of a semester and generates a semester report with course information as shown in the sample runs. The input file contains information on the student, such as name, ID, and college, as well as a cumulative of past semesters' total credits attempted, credits earned, and total grade points. As indicated in the sample inputs, the grades and information for the most recent semester courses are provided at the end of the input file. According to the grades in the courses and the number of credit hours in the courses, your programme will calculate the total attempted credits, semester earned credits, Semester grade point average (GPA), and cumulated grade point average (CGPA). Table 1 shows the scales for each grade. The grades F, FSP, FW, and NPW will have no value Table 1 shows the grade scales. A 3.70 C+2.30 A+ 4.00 C+2.30 A+4.00 +2.30 A+ 4.00 C+2.30 A 3.00 D+ 1.30 B-2.70 D 2.00 B+3.30 1.70 B 1.00 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average that sums up each of the two levels of activity: semester and cumulative work completed to date. The semester GPA is based on the courses completed during that semester, the cumulative GPA is based on all courses completed to date, across all semesters. The GPA for the semester (semester GPA) is determined as follows: The numeric value (ie, scale) of the grade obtained times the number of credit hours for that course equals the grade point received in that course. The sum of the grade points obtained in that semester divided by the total credit hours attempted during that semester equals the semester's GPA. 1 The goal of this assignment is to practise object-oriented programming (OOP) with Decisions, Loops, Arrays and ArrayLists, Input/Output Files, and Constructing objects and Classes. Create a HW2 Yourld NetBeans project. Create classes for the solutions that are required. Important: Use good programming techniques: Using the Java standard form for documentation comments described in this course, provide API documentation comments for your class(es), class constructors), and method(s). Use names for variables and constants that are meaningful. At the start of each lesson leave a comment with your name, university ID, and section number. Submit a zipped file of your project with the name "HW2 your D" to Moodle, along with a PDF file containing all of your code. Problem: Write a programme that takes student grade information from an input file provided by a user at the end of a semester and generates a semester report with course information as shown in the sample runs. The input file contains information on the student, such as name, ID, and college, as well as a cumulative of past semesters' total credits attempted, credits earned, and total grade points. As indicated in the sample inputs, the grades and information for the most recent semester courses are provided at the end of the input file. According to the grades in the courses and the number of credit hours in the courses, your programme will calculate the total attempted credits, semester earned credits, semester grade point average (GPA), and cumulated grade point average (CGPA). Table 1 shows the scales for each grade. The grades F, FSP, FW, and NPW will have no value. 1st Table Scales of evaluation A 2.00 B+3.30 1.70 B 4.00 C+2.30 A-3.70 2.70 D+ 1.30 8+3.00 D 1.00 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average that sums up each of the two levels of activity: semester and cumulative work completed to date. The semester GPA is based on the courses completed during that semester; the cumulative GPA is based on all courses completed to date, across all semesters. O The GPA for the semester (semester GPA) is determined as follows: The numeric value i.e. scale) of the grade obtained times the number of credit hours for that course equals the grade point received in that course. The semester grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points achieved in that semester by the number of grade points gained in the previous semester. The total number of credit hours attempted that semester. 100. The cumulative GPA (CGPA) will be calculated using all courses taken and credits attempted to date. The entire number of credits attempted is divided by the total number of grade points earned. Only courses with numeric-value grades are evaluated in both circumstances. (Please keep in mind that in such a calculation.) The grade point average does not include the grade designations #xl, W, P, NP, IP, TC, AU, and OP. Three classes should be included in your programme: Course, TeimTranscript, and HW2 yourld. Course class should include all of a course's required instance variables and methods, as well as at least these methods: getGradePointo: returns a course's grade point using table 1. If the student has one of the grades from table 1, getCreditEainedo returns the number of earned credits; otherwise, it returns zero. getCreditAttempted() returns the number of credits attempted in a course. Student information, prior semester information, and all course information should be included in the Term Transcript class. Any relevant methods, as well as the following, should be included in the class: Calculate a semester GPA with the getSemesterGPA function Calculate cumulative GPA using the getoGPA function (CGPA). The semesterCreditEarned() method returns the amount of credit earned in a semester. The semesterCreditAttemptedl) method returns the credit that was attempted throughout the semester. The generate Report) method generates an output file called "ID semester Rep.txt and shows the report as shown in the sample outputs. HW2 yourld class is a testing class that prompts users for an input file name, reads student data and builds a Term Transcript object, and calls generate Report() to create an output file with a student report. Sample input/output files 1. data 12344.txt - Notepad Filc Edit Format View Help Abdul Al Rahman Al Quri is the student's name. College: Science Credit Student ID: 12311/19 Credits for grades Credits attempted: 15 COMP1007, Amazing Applications of AI, COMP 2202 Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming, MATH2108, Calculus (2), MATH3340, Discrete Math, for Como. Sci., STAT2101, Introduction to Statistics, STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340, Discrete Math. for Como. Sci., STAT3340 -- Figure 1 Input file 11 X 12344 semster Rep.ext in 1, Coll 100 percent Windows CRF UTF-8 ID: 12344/19 Notepad File Edit Format View Help Name Science COURSE NO COURSE Abdul AlRahman Al Ouft College COMP1087 COMP2292 MATH2188 MATH3340 STAT2101 Amazing Applications of AI TITLE CREDITS GRADE COMP1087 COMP2292 MATH2188 MATH3340 STAT2101 3 Calculus (2) 3 Discrete Math. for Comp Sci. 3 Introduction to Statistics B C-CC-TOTAL CREDIT, IN 1 Col 1 100 percent Unix DLTF-8 Figure 2 Output file ATTEMPTED 30 EARNED 15 ATTEMPTED 15 SEM GPA 2.23 CUM GPA 2.49 > IN 1 Col 1 100 percent Unix D LITF-8 1 Input/output sample files 2 Notepad File Edit Format View Help data 13116.Dxt Student ID: 13116/19 College: Education Credits Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student ID: 13116/19 Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student Name: Manal Ali Al Hanai Student Name Credits attempted: 11 CHEM2101, General Chemistry (1), COMP1987, Amazing Applications of AI, PHYS 2101, General Physics (1), SOCY1005, Oman: State and People (UR), Credit: 11 Grade Points: 21.1 Course Code Course Title CHEM2101, General Chemistry (1) COMP1937, Amazing Applications of AI, PHYS 2101, General Physics (1), SOCY1005, Oman: State and People (UR). Credit: 11 Grade FB- BCCD-13116 semsterRep.txt - Notepad File Edit Format View Help ID: 13116/19: Manal Al Al Hanai College: Education NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, Name of the TITLE GRADE FOR CREDIT Amazing Al Applications (1) CHEM2101

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