Questions answered are based on the City of Miami CAFR FY 2017, 2018, 2019.
+ [ Page view A Read aloud A PAD 6209 Group Project This project is designed to serve as a kind of intellectual "glue" for a good portion of the semester's work. It calls for an assessment of material that is in our readings and discussions which cannot be "tested" in a traditional sense. You need to look at one of the largest cities in Florida-Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Port St. Lucie, Tallahassee. Your primary information source is the latest Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR, FY 2017, FY 2018, and FY 2019). What Should You Report On? The following are stated as minimal. You might read or see other things worthy of note. But here are the starters: I. Overview A brief overview of city' budget process and fiscal institutions. II. Revenue Forecasting Practice: Does the city use consensus revenue forecasts? Does the state provide a long-term projection for both revenues and expenditures? How accurate is the revenue forecasting? Does the city need to adjust their orecasting after the budget is adopted? III Management Discussion and Analysis: GASB 34 calls for governments to discuss their financial condition in the so-called MD&A. What does the MD&A reveal? Are there any important revelations (doubtful) or is everything "cool"? Does management discuss employment or earnings patterns? IV Fiscal condition Analysis: (See Wang's textbook). What is the fiscal condition of the city before the COVID 19 pandemic? Is the city becoming more or less liquid? Is it adding to its asset base, etc.? Wang presents eight measures. While they may not be comprehensive, they are a good place to start! Impact of COVID 19: Discuss the revenue and expenditure shocks that the city is facing. How does the city close the FY 2020 budget? How is the impact discussed in the proposed budget of FY 2021? Responses to COVID 19: How does the city respond to the COVID 19 recession? What are the conditions and expectations entering FY 202 1 VII Other: You might note other factors that weigh in your collective assessment? There o magic wand in this business. which many view as part art, and part science. You can do web searches on the city (please cite appropriately). Finally, if you are presenting