Qusation 1 Prepare a bank recencilation for Grier Food Store at April 30 using the following information for the month of Aprit: (35 marks) Balance per books Apri 30: 5905 Batance per bank statement Apri 30:511,300 a Checks wertien in Agril tut still outatanding $5,300 b Checks witten in March but stat outstanding $2.800 c. Deposits of Apri 30 not yel recorded by bark $4.900 d NSF check of cuatomer returned by bank $500 e Check no. 210 for $5 Ch was correctly bsued and paid by bark but noorectly entered in the cash payments record as payment on acocunt for $549 f Back terviee charge for Aprit wat $40 i A payment on abcount was heerrecty entered in the cash paymeits record and endered in the accounts papabie record for Se24 when Check No. 318 was eorrectly prepared for $284. The check cleared the busk in A act. h The bank cobected a nole reselvalis for the conpery of $6000 piss $240 iterest revenup Question 2 Pregare adjusting entries for the following transactions (25 makw 5 marks each) 1. Depresisson on equipment is $1,340 for the acoounting period 2 interest owed on a ban but not paid or recorded is 5275 3 There was no becining balance of supples and $550 of offee supples were purchased during the period. At the and of the pariod 5 too of aucples were co hant. 4 Prepaid rent had a 51,000 aenual blance proe to adputrinent Ey year end 5700 had expred 5 Accrued salsries at the end of the peried amounted to $900 Question 1 Propare a bank meeneillation for Grier Food Store at Aprl 30 using the following intormation for the month of April: (35 marks) Eliance per books Apri 30: $905 Blalance per bank statement Apri 30.511,300 a Checks writen in Aprib but stil outstanding $6,300 b) Checis writien in March but still outstanding $2,800 c Deposits of A gail 30 not yet reoorded by bank $4,900 d NBF check of customer returned by bank $500 e Check mo. 210 far 5504 was correctly ssuod and paid by bank but incorrectly ensered in the cash paymerts recerd as payment on account for $549 f Bank sorvice charge for Aprit was $40 g. A paymont on account was incorrecty entered in the cash psyments recoed and entered ht the ecoounts payablo rocord for $624 when Check No. 318 was correcty peopared for $284. The check chared tho bank in April. h The back cobected a note recetrable for the compary of $6000 ples $240 interest revenue Question 2 Prepare adjusting entries for the following transactions (25 marks: 5 marks each) 1 Depreciation on equesment in 51,340 for the egcounthy period 2 intereat owed on a ban tut not paid or recorded is 5275 3. There was no begiring balince of auppet and 5550 of office supplos were purchated during the period. Ar the end of the period 5100 of aupples wore on hand. 4 Prepad rent had a $1,000 annual bance price to adjus trent thy year end $700 had expred. 5 Accrued salarke at the end of the gored amouried to $000