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Read Case 14.2 Flying to Armenia, Textbook Page 470 - 472 and prepare a written analysis by discussing the case study questions. Read the case

Read Case 14.2 Flying to Armenia, Textbook Page 470 - 472 and prepare a written analysis by discussing the case study questions.
Read the case and answer the case study questions #1-#3 on Page 472
Requires the minimum two (2) pages in APA format: double-spaced, excluding a cover and a reference page.
Include citations of the websites addresses or other sources from which you found the factual information stated in your analysis.
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Case 14.2 Flying to Armenia Batish Airvays (BA) is one of the wodld's largest international aidines, flying passengens to 143 destinations in 69 countries. One such destination was the Republic of Amenia, a small country at the crossroads of Europe and Aia The whole temtoty of Amenia is only 11,506 squate miles with a population of three million. Howevel, an additional seven million thnie Amenians live outide Amenia This Amenian diaspora remains intimataly tied to its homeland acfoss generations, Amerian communities atound the wodd attend Ameian churohes, teach their children the Armenian language and celebeate Amenian national and eultual days with great passion Many Amenians live in vaious countries of the Middle East and Eaxopes, and one of the largest Amenian communities tesides in the United States During the past 20 yean, Armenia has been uedergoing a mpid but difficult transition from a Soviet, centrally planned eoonomy to a demoeratie todety with a madket ecotomy. The 1990s wete partietularly diffieult for the country. Amenia shared all the economie problems that tesulted from the breakup of established eoonomie telations among what had been the Soviet tepublict. In addition, it faced an clectricity arisis combined with a military teritorial conflit with neighboning Azerbaijan. Theic problems led to a marked lowening of the standard of living of the population in the country and to overall economic difficulties. However, with forrign aid from the IMF, the World Bank, the BU and the U.S. goremment, as well as substantial assistance fxom the diaspora, the economy began to stabilize. By the end of the decade, a legal and regulatory famework for the paivate seetor was being cteated, and an incteasting mamber of MNC, inchuding Coca-Cola, Adidas, Samsung Eleetronict, Mercedes -Benz and Kodak, had eitablithed a ptesence in the country Amenia had attracted several intemational aidines that competed alongside its national carriet, Amenian Aidines. Thete camen indluded BA Swiss Air, Austrian Ait, Russian Aetoflot and Syian Air Although traveling was not something many Armenians could afford, it remained the only viable way to travel in and out of the country. Amenia was landlocked, and traveling through neighboning countries was not practical becatuse of poor transportation infrastrueture and intermittent political tensions. Afost air travelens wete employoes of diaspora Armenians visiting their homeland organizations operating in Amenia, buinets travele or BA fint enteted the Amenian market with a twioe weekly tetvice from London to Yetevan, the capital of Aamenia Along with Swiss Air and Austrian Air, BA charged higher poices than Amenian Airlines, Aetoflot or Syrian Air. BA embaked on leveral successful promotions to attract eustomens, to establish brand teoognition in the market and to enhanoe its international teputation as a caring company To mark the second annivenary of its instituting flights between London and Yeteran, BA put togethet a program of events detigned to support cultural and humanitarian programs in Amenia Fot mample, it supported the Third Intemational Chambet Music Festival, which took place in Yetevan, by bainging two leading Amenian musicins cellist Alexandet Chaoshian and pianist Seda Danyel fiom London to Yetevan to partieipate in the event. The company also announoed a special discount rate to about a dozen destinations, substantially incteasing the number of tickets sold During this campaign, BA contrabuted $10 from the price of each cconomy-class tiaket and $50 from the price of each business-class ticket to one of Amenia's largest sold. Duning ths campagn, Ba contnbuted $10 trom the price of each inctreasing the number of tickets economy-class ticket and $50 from the price of each business-dlass ticket to one of Amenia's largest orphanages. (For comparison, per-capita spending fot a child in such institutions was atound $700 per year) A special oetemony was held to bestow the funds on the ophanage For that oetemony, the BA hot-air balloon, a familiar ambassador around the wodld, wa beought to Aamenia for the fist time. The balloon was set to spend a day in Opera Squate, the fotemost center fot eultural activities in Yetevan. Priot to that, BA an a competition in which questions about BA were posed in the local media People who phoned in with the night antvers otuld meet the etew of the balloon and go for a thort nide. This event was widely ooveted in the Armenian prets and on the television neus. BA alto introdueed the Executive Club, BA's frequent-flyet progam, to the Amenian macket As with othet frequent-flyer programs, members of the Execeutive Chub could can free flight miles by traveling via BA an well as using oertain hotels and ear tental. Club membenhip alto offered a vaniety of other benefits, such as prionty on flight waiting lists and a special agent to handle inquares. BA an a special ptomotion of the Exeeutive Club at the elite Wheel Club a favonite dining place of aspatriates working in Amenia, especially English speakes. Any membet of the Esecutive Club who ate at the Wheel teceived an entry into a prize darw. Anyone twho uas not a membet of the Executive Club could join at the Wheel. The top paize was a pair of tickets to any destination BA albo ran a "Whete in the World?" competition. People wete invited to wate in and say whete in the wodd they dreamed of spending Valentine's Day with the person they loved and why they wanted to go thete. The thtee most cteative, funny ot touching entries won a pair of tickets to the dream destination. The event was announoed on Hay FM, one of Amenia's most popular adio channels among young people. The event enjoyed a high response rate and engendered considerable wond of mouth among Hay FM listenens, as well as publieity in the local press. 459 Discussion Questions 1. Fot each of the five promotions disetsed in the cate, identify the target market, explain the motivation behind the promotion and suggest ways in which to measure the sUccess of the 2. Why do you think each of these promotions worked well in the Amenian mariket 3. Would thete promotions be as successful in your country? Why or why not? Source. Case prepared by Anna V. Andriasova Used by penmision Notes 1 J. Lynn Lunsford, Daniel Michaels and Andy Pasztor, "At the Panis Air Show, Bosing-Airbus Duel Has New Tuist" Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2001, p. B4. 2 Diana Middleton, "B-Schools Redouble Effocts Orecseas," Wall Street Joumal, November 9, 2010, p. B11. 3 "Sealed Air Taiwan (A)" Harvard Business Sehool, Case No. 9-399-058 s chael Esing Albest Carana and Hancy Wong "Some Cosequences of Guansi: A Sino Singppocian Penpactive," Jourmal ef Intemational Consumer Marketing vol 12, no. 4 (2000), pp. 75-89. 5 Hussain G. Rammal "International Business Negotiations: The Case of Pakitan Tate Case 14.2 Flying to Armenia Batish Airvays (BA) is one of the wodld's largest international aidines, flying passengens to 143 destinations in 69 countries. One such destination was the Republic of Amenia, a small country at the crossroads of Europe and Aia The whole temtoty of Amenia is only 11,506 squate miles with a population of three million. Howevel, an additional seven million thnie Amenians live outide Amenia This Amenian diaspora remains intimataly tied to its homeland acfoss generations, Amerian communities atound the wodd attend Ameian churohes, teach their children the Armenian language and celebeate Amenian national and eultual days with great passion Many Amenians live in vaious countries of the Middle East and Eaxopes, and one of the largest Amenian communities tesides in the United States During the past 20 yean, Armenia has been uedergoing a mpid but difficult transition from a Soviet, centrally planned eoonomy to a demoeratie todety with a madket ecotomy. The 1990s wete partietularly diffieult for the country. Amenia shared all the economie problems that tesulted from the breakup of established eoonomie telations among what had been the Soviet tepublict. In addition, it faced an clectricity arisis combined with a military teritorial conflit with neighboning Azerbaijan. Theic problems led to a marked lowening of the standard of living of the population in the country and to overall economic difficulties. However, with forrign aid from the IMF, the World Bank, the BU and the U.S. goremment, as well as substantial assistance fxom the diaspora, the economy began to stabilize. By the end of the decade, a legal and regulatory famework for the paivate seetor was being cteated, and an incteasting mamber of MNC, inchuding Coca-Cola, Adidas, Samsung Eleetronict, Mercedes -Benz and Kodak, had eitablithed a ptesence in the country Amenia had attracted several intemational aidines that competed alongside its national carriet, Amenian Aidines. Thete camen indluded BA Swiss Air, Austrian Ait, Russian Aetoflot and Syian Air Although traveling was not something many Armenians could afford, it remained the only viable way to travel in and out of the country. Amenia was landlocked, and traveling through neighboning countries was not practical becatuse of poor transportation infrastrueture and intermittent political tensions. Afost air travelens wete employoes of diaspora Armenians visiting their homeland organizations operating in Amenia, buinets travele or BA fint enteted the Amenian market with a twioe weekly tetvice from London to Yetevan, the capital of Aamenia Along with Swiss Air and Austrian Air, BA charged higher poices than Amenian Airlines, Aetoflot or Syrian Air. BA embaked on leveral successful promotions to attract eustomens, to establish brand teoognition in the market and to enhanoe its international teputation as a caring company To mark the second annivenary of its instituting flights between London and Yeteran, BA put togethet a program of events detigned to support cultural and humanitarian programs in Amenia Fot mample, it supported the Third Intemational Chambet Music Festival, which took place in Yetevan, by bainging two leading Amenian musicins cellist Alexandet Chaoshian and pianist Seda Danyel fiom London to Yetevan to partieipate in the event. The company also announoed a special discount rate to about a dozen destinations, substantially incteasing the number of tickets sold During this campaign, BA contrabuted $10 from the price of each cconomy-class tiaket and $50 from the price of each business-class ticket to one of Amenia's largest sold. Duning ths campagn, Ba contnbuted $10 trom the price of each inctreasing the number of tickets economy-class ticket and $50 from the price of each business-dlass ticket to one of Amenia's largest orphanages. (For comparison, per-capita spending fot a child in such institutions was atound $700 per year) A special oetemony was held to bestow the funds on the ophanage For that oetemony, the BA hot-air balloon, a familiar ambassador around the wodld, wa beought to Aamenia for the fist time. The balloon was set to spend a day in Opera Squate, the fotemost center fot eultural activities in Yetevan. Priot to that, BA an a competition in which questions about BA were posed in the local media People who phoned in with the night antvers otuld meet the etew of the balloon and go for a thort nide. This event was widely ooveted in the Armenian prets and on the television neus. BA alto introdueed the Executive Club, BA's frequent-flyet progam, to the Amenian macket As with othet frequent-flyer programs, members of the Execeutive Chub could can free flight miles by traveling via BA an well as using oertain hotels and ear tental. Club membenhip alto offered a vaniety of other benefits, such as prionty on flight waiting lists and a special agent to handle inquares. BA an a special ptomotion of the Exeeutive Club at the elite Wheel Club a favonite dining place of aspatriates working in Amenia, especially English speakes. Any membet of the Esecutive Club who ate at the Wheel teceived an entry into a prize darw. Anyone twho uas not a membet of the Executive Club could join at the Wheel. The top paize was a pair of tickets to any destination BA albo ran a "Whete in the World?" competition. People wete invited to wate in and say whete in the wodd they dreamed of spending Valentine's Day with the person they loved and why they wanted to go thete. The thtee most cteative, funny ot touching entries won a pair of tickets to the dream destination. The event was announoed on Hay FM, one of Amenia's most popular adio channels among young people. The event enjoyed a high response rate and engendered considerable wond of mouth among Hay FM listenens, as well as publieity in the local press. 459 Discussion Questions 1. Fot each of the five promotions disetsed in the cate, identify the target market, explain the motivation behind the promotion and suggest ways in which to measure the sUccess of the 2. Why do you think each of these promotions worked well in the Amenian mariket 3. Would thete promotions be as successful in your country? Why or why not? Source. Case prepared by Anna V. Andriasova Used by penmision Notes 1 J. Lynn Lunsford, Daniel Michaels and Andy Pasztor, "At the Panis Air Show, Bosing-Airbus Duel Has New Tuist" Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2001, p. B4. 2 Diana Middleton, "B-Schools Redouble Effocts Orecseas," Wall Street Joumal, November 9, 2010, p. B11. 3 "Sealed Air Taiwan (A)" Harvard Business Sehool, Case No. 9-399-058 s chael Esing Albest Carana and Hancy Wong "Some Cosequences of Guansi: A Sino Singppocian Penpactive," Jourmal ef Intemational Consumer Marketing vol 12, no. 4 (2000), pp. 75-89. 5 Hussain G. Rammal "International Business Negotiations: The Case of Pakitan Tate

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