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Similarity Index 74% Similarity by Source Internet Sources: 9% Publications: 8% Student Papers: 73% Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming

Similarity Index 74% Similarity by Source Internet Sources: 9% Publications: 8% Student Papers: 73% Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera 1 Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal; cultures, control is tight and there is high level of consistency. Such a structure enables the organization to carry out its operations smoothly. Efficiency is also very high in such organizations. Utah opera operations Culture comparison 1 and Utah Symphony has adopted hierarchal structure in its Both companies has authority distributed down the hierarchy While Utah symphony decisions are made at top management, those of Utah opera are made through consultations with employees at diverse levels The organizations have one overall top management While both companies indicates hierarchal structure, it is evident that employees with expert power and inference power cross ranks in influencing decisions Company structure Company structure is one of the key determinants of how companies engaging in merger will be (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). For instance, while one company may adopt a hierarchal structure which allows smooth running and consistency while avoiding overlap of duties and authority another organization may be having a flat structure where employees interact and work together irrespective of rank (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015). The organization structure of Utah Symphony and Utah opera differs significantly in two areas namely in decision making as well as in the manner in which it distributes authority. Bothe the Utah symphony and Utah opera has hierarchal company structure Key Factors Organization identity There are a number of factors that will be critical in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). One of such factors is the organization identity. Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical to the identity and success of the new merger 1 There will be a need for the organization to merge the identities of the two organizations and develop a unique identity that will resonate well with customers in the market. There will be a need for the organization to develop an identity that it will be associated with. For instance, the organization may develop its identity as one that succeeds through embracing diversity. Key Factors Collective Commitment Collective commitment is also another factor that will determine how well the organizations will integrate their cultures. Generating synergies between the two organizations will also boost perfomance 1 If there is compatibility of employees from both organizations and pursuit of a common goal, it is clear that team work will be promoted enhancing the success of the organization. The organization should be positioned as one that employees are normally proud to be associated with due to their common commitment to its success as well as to their welfare as a team Commitment will boost productivity among employees and the subsequent profitability Key Factors Social system stability There will be a need for the organization to develop a sound employee relations programs where employees interact with each other and demonstrate high level of respect to one another. Social stability denotes the extent to which an organization's work environment is positive and in a position to have change as well as conflict in the right way. This eliminates instances of social instability within the organization, something that may hinder team work. These are values that the new organization should adopt audience base 1 The organization will also succeed by growing and maintaining its Sense making Sense making will be important in the organization's merger process. It will enable the organization to exploit the talent of its work force effectively. This aspect of culture is aimed at enhancing understanding among employees as to why the organization operates in the manner in which it operates. This will be important in the new organization Good employees relations will increase motivation and subsequent productivity increasing the ability of the organization to boost productivity Communication strategy The objective of communication is to reduce resistance to change 1 It will also be the important to inform the audience on the progress of the merger and their fate after the merger A communication style adopted will be one where employees are actively involved in the debate As part of management team, the employees will be willing to listen to the communicator Audience strategy The organization will focus on the opera as well as orchestra employees. 1 When communicating with employees and contractors, Ann will need to engage them in active listening, be clear and arrange the meetings in a convenient place There will also be a need to ensure that they are provided with brochures to introduce the main points before the meeting convenes These are the 1 main employees that the organization should address as they may not be in a position to easily understand the new change. This audience is unsure of their fate after the merger 1 aware of the impeding major They are There is a need to inform them why such change is inevitable and why the organization stands out a better opportunity to offer services when merged than before. There will be a need to assure employees that the merger is to their best interest 1 The organization may also have to release the information to the shareholders as well as to the society via the media. Message strategy 1 organization will focus first on the importance of merger to the audience. The The information will be inform of hand outs although it will be explained during the meeting 1 Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). Employees are also benefiting from mergers when the company stability is enhanced, increasing chances of successful employment period Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools I would recommend a decision to integrate HRMS and payroll into a single system (Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). HRMS will assist in making management of operations easier 1 This will helps in reducing errors and streamlines employee information into a single database. Second, the company should deploy a remote and automatic systems management solution. This will give IT administrators complete control and visibility of the overall workstations and the servers. An integrated system reduces errors since it streamlines employee information into a single database. It also reduce the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). The major goal of the payroll is to economically and accurately pay employees. The HRM objective is to manage the workforce and increase returns on the HR expenditures. Technology implementation The organization will employ Microsoft consultants and technical team in integrating the soft wares in its information technology infrastructure The organization will also engage its employees on training on how to use this technology Training will take one week References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. 6 (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. 5 Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. 2 Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitra ge aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. 3 Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. LEADING & MANAGING INDIVIDUALS: Utah Symphony and Utah Opera STUDENT INSTITUTION Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal; cultures, control is tight and there is high level of consistency. Such a structure enables the organization to carry out its operations smoothly. Efficiency is also very high in such organizations. Utah opera and Utah Symphony has adopted hierarchal structure in its operations Culture comparison Both companies has authority distributed down the hierarchy While Utah symphony decisions are made at top management, those of Utah opera are made through consultations with employees at diverse levels The organizations have one overall top management While both companies indicates hierarchal structure, it is evident that employees with expert power and inference power cross ranks in influencing decisions Company structure Company structure is one of the key determinants of how companies engaging in merger will be (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). For instance, while one company may adopt a hierarchal structure which allows smooth running and consistency while avoiding overlap of duties and authority another organization may be having a flat structure where employees interact and work together irrespective of rank (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015). The organization structure of Utah Symphony and Utah opera differs significantly in two areas namely in decision making as well as in the manner in which it distributes authority. Bothe the Utah symphony and Utah opera has hierarchal company structure Key Factors Organization identity There are a number of factors that will be critical in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). One of such factors is the organization identity. Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical to the identity and success of the new merger There will be a need for the organization to merge the identities of the two organizations and develop a unique identity that will resonate well with customers in the market. There will be a need for the organization to develop an identity that it will be associated with. For instance, the organization may develop its identity as one that succeeds through embracing diversity. Key Factors Collective Commitment Collective commitment is also another factor that will determine how well the organizations will integrate their cultures. Generating synergies between the two organizations will also boost perfomance If there is compatibility of employees from both organizations and pursuit of a common goal, it is clear that team work will be promoted enhancing the success of the organization. The organization should be positioned as one that employees are normally proud to be associated with due to their common commitment to its success as well as to their welfare as a team Commitment will boost productivity among employees and the subsequent profitability Key Factors Social system stability There will be a need for the organization to develop a sound employee relations programs where employees interact with each other and demonstrate high level of respect to one another. Social stability denotes the extent to which an organization's work environment is positive and in a position to have change as well as conflict in the right way. This eliminates instances of social instability within the organization, something that may hinder team work. These are values that the new organization should adopt The organization will also succeed by growing and maintaining its audience base Sense making Sense making will be important in the organization's merger process. It will enable the organization to exploit the talent of its work force effectively. This aspect of culture is aimed at enhancing understanding among employees as to why the organization operates in the manner in which it operates. This will be important in the new organization Good employees relations will increase motivation and subsequent productivity increasing the ability of the organization to boost productivity Communication strategy The objective of communication is to reduce resistance to change It will also be the important to inform the audience on the progress of the merger and their fate after the merger A communication style adopted will be one where employees are actively involved in the debate As part of management team, the employees will be willing to listen to the communicator Audience strategy The organization will focus on the opera as well as orchestra employees. These are the main employees that the organization should address as they may not be in a position to easily understand the new change. This audience is aware of the impeding major They are unsure of their fate after the merger There is a need to inform them why such change is inevitable and why the organization stands out a better opportunity to offer services when merged than before. There will be a need to assure employees that the merger is to their best interest The organization may also have to release the information to the shareholders as well as to the society via the media. When communicating with employees and contractors, Ann will need to engage them in active listening, be clear and arrange the meetings in a convenient place There will also be a need to ensure that they are provided with brochures to introduce the main points before the meeting convenes Message strategy The organization will focus first on the importance of merger to the audience. The information will be inform of hand outs although it will be explained during the meeting Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). Employees are also benefiting from mergers when the company stability is enhanced, increasing chances of successful employment period Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools I would recommend a decision to integrate HRMS and payroll into a single system (Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). HRMS will assist in making management of operations easier This will helps in reducing errors and streamlines employee information into a single database. Second, the company should deploy a remote and automatic systems management solution. This will give IT administrators complete control and visibility of the overall workstations and the servers. Recommended Technology Tools An integrated system reduces errors since it streamlines employee information into a single database. It also reduce the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). The major goal of the payroll is to economically and accurately pay employees. The HRM objective is to manage the workforce and increase returns on the HR expenditures. Technology implementation The organization will employ Microsoft consultants and technical team in integrating the soft wares in its information technology infrastructure The organization will also engage its employees on training on how to use this technology Training will take one week References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitrage aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. SUBDOMAINS: 325.1 - LEADING & MANAGING INDIVIDUALS 325.3 - SOLVING PROBLEMS & MAKING DECISIONS 325.4 - COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY IN ORGANIZATIONS 327.1 - CREATING & MANAGING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS 328.1 - DEVELOPING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL ENTERPRISE 329.2 - EXECUTING ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 329.5 - USING INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Competencies: 325.1.6: Organizational Effectiveness - The graduate analyzes the impact of organizational culture, stress, and structural design on the effectiveness of the organization. 325.3.1: Leading Change - The graduate describes the organizational change process and recommends strategies for implementing a change. 325.4.3: Multicultural Communication - The graduate recognizes cultural differences in communication and develops strategies and techniques to effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders. 327.1.3: Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationship Management - The graduate evaluates a firm's customer relationship management practices and designs processes for maximizing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 328.1.1: InnovationNew Methods and Processes - The graduate selects new methodologies of doing things that will enhance efficiency and effectiveness, e.g., enhanced utilization of technology, process improvements, and innovation. 329.2.2: Corporate Culture - The graduate demonstrates knowledge of key concepts in managing corporate culture to achieve management purposes. 329.5.1: Strategy and Information Technology Systems - The graduate identifies strategic considerations for selecting and using information technology systems and tools. Introduction: In this task, you will develop a presentation with recommendations to the combined board of directors on key aspects of the merger process in the attached \"Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: A Merger Proposal\" case study. The presentation will encompass the coming year's strategic goals, assuming the merger happens. The strategic goals for the first year include the following: Integrate the business process of the two companies Reduce overall expenses as a percentage of profit Retain key employees Maintain audience base for both the opera and the symphony Identify and pursue synergistic opportunities between the two companies Requirements: Prepare a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote) (suggested length of 12-15 slides) in which you do the following: Note: The slides in your presentation should include only the main points you wish to make, with more extensive information included in the presenter notes section of the presentation. Include slides that explain the objective of the presentation and lead the audience to the desired conclusion. A. Compare the cultures of the two companies using the relevant values in the attached \"Competing Values Framework.\" Note: It is not necessary to address each value or culture individually. Rather, use the relevant values and cultures from the framework to draw a comparison between the two companies. 1. Compare how the organizational structure of each company differs in terms of distribution of authority and decision making. 2. Discuss what factors will be critical in the new company's culture to best ensure it supports the first-year strategic goals. B. Propose an audience strategy for Anne Ewers to use when preparing to speak with the opera contractors and orchestra employees. 1. Prepare a message strategy for Anne to use to best ensure key members of the opera contractors and orchestra employees are retained. C. Recommend two technology tools that can be used after the merger to help the companies merge their administrative technology applications. 1. Discuss how each of these tools will help the company achieve one or more of the first-year strategic goals. D. Include detailed presenter notes for each slide. Note: Presenter notes may be included either in the notes section of your presentation or may be in a word-processing document. E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points. Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section. Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment. Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section. File Attachments: 1. Competing Values Framework link opens in new window Web Links: 1. Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: A Merger Proposal link opens in new window Similarity Index Similarity by Source Internet Sources: 10% Publications: 9% Student Papers: 56% 56% Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal cultures, there is high level of consistency and control is tight. This 1 enables the organization to carry out its operations smoothly. Efficiency is always very high in such organizations. Utah opera 1 and Utah Symphony have adopted hierarchal structure in its operations Culture comparison Both companies has authority distributed down the hierarchy While Utah symphony decisions are made at top management bosses,where those of Utah opera are made through consultations with employees at diverse levels The organizations have a single overall top management While both companies indicates hierarchal structure, it is evident that employees with expert power have a major role 1 in influencing decisions Company structure It is one of the key determinants of how will the companies be which are engaging in merger .(Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). For instance, one company may adopt a hierarchal structure which allows smooth running and consistency while avoiding overlap of duties and authority another organization may be having a flat structure where employees interact and work together irrespective of rank (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015). The organization structure of Utah Symphony and Utah opera differs majorly in two areas namely decision making and the manner in which they distribute authority. Both the Utah symphony and Utah opera have hierarchal company structure Key Factors Organization identity A number of factors will be essential in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). They are : - A , organization identity. Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical to the identity and success of the new merger 1 The organization needs to merge the identities of the two organizations and develop a unique identity that will resonate well with customers in the market. There will be a need to develop an identity that will be associated with the organization. The organization should develop its identity as one that embraces diversity. Key Factors B, Collective Commitment Collective commitment is also another factor that will determine how well the organizations will integrate their cultures. Creating pacts or sharing information between the two organizations will also boost performance. Good relations between 1 employees from both organizations and pursuit of a common goal enhance 1 the success of the organization. The organization should be positioned as will definitely one that employees are normally proud to be associated with due to their common commitment to its success as well as to their welfare as a team. Productivity will promoted because of commitment 1 be among employees and the subsequent profitability. Key Factors C, Social system stability Organizations need to develop programs where employees interact and understand and value each other more. 1 Social stability denotes the extent to which an organization's work environment is positive and in a position to have change as well as conflict in the right way. The practice reduces instances of social instability within the organization, which otherwise will hinder team work. The organization should grow and maintain its audience base in other to succeed. D, 1 Sense making Sense making is important for the organization's merger process. It enables the organization to exploit the talent of its work force effectively It aims in enhancing understanding among employees in other to understand that why and how the organization 1 operates . This will be important in the new organization Good employees' relations will increase motivation which in turn will increase 1 the ability of the organization to boost productivity. Communication strategy The main reason for establishing communication strategy is to reduce resistance towards merge. It will also be helpful in informing 1 the audience about the progress of the merger and their fate after the merger. communication style adopted should be so where employees are of 1 an active part the debate. As part of management team, the employees will be willing to listen to the communicator Audience strategy The organization should focus on the opera and orchestra employees equally. Organization should provide them with brochure before the meetings, stating the main headlines. This audience should be informed that 1 why such change is inevitable and how does the organizations stand out a better opportunity to offer services when merged. The employees need to be assured that the merge is going to benefit them. The organization should also release the information to the shareholders and society with the help of the media. Message strategy The organization should focus first on the importance of merger and the information should be in form of hand outs which will be explained during the meeting later. 1 Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). Employees should also be benefiting from mergers which will increase the company' s stability, turn increases 1 which in successful employment period. Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools I would recommend a decision to integrate HRMS and payroll into a single system (Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). HRMS assists in making management of operations easier It 1 helps in reducing errors and streamlines employee information into a single database. The company should deploy a remote and automatic systems management solution giving 1 IT administrators complete control and visibility of the overall workstations and the servers. An integrated system reduces errors since it streamlines employee information into a single database moreover reducing the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). The main role of the payroll is to economically and accurately pay employees. The HRM objective is to manage the workforce and increase returns on the HR expenditures. Technology implementation The organization should employ Microsoft consultants and technical team in integrating the soft ware's in its information technology infrastructure. The organization should also ask its employees for joining the training which would guide them on how to use the new technology. Training will take one week . References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. 6 (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. 5 Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. 2 Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitra ge aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. 3 Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. Similarity Index 74% Similarity by Source Internet Sources: 9% Publications: 8% Student Papers: 73% Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera 1 Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal; cultures, control is tight and there is high level of consistency. Such a structure enables the organization to carry out its operations smoothly. Efficiency is also very high in such organizations. Utah opera operations Culture comparison 1 and Utah Symphony has adopted hierarchal structure in its Both companies has authority distributed down the hierarchy While Utah symphony decisions are made at top management, those of Utah opera are made through consultations with employees at diverse levels The organizations have one overall top management While both companies indicates hierarchal structure, it is evident that employees with expert power and inference power cross ranks in influencing decisions Company structure Company structure is one of the key determinants of how companies engaging in merger will be (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). For instance, while one company may adopt a hierarchal structure which allows smooth running and consistency while avoiding overlap of duties and authority another organization may be having a flat structure where employees interact and work together irrespective of rank (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015). The organization structure of Utah Symphony and Utah opera differs significantly in two areas namely in decision making as well as in the manner in which it distributes authority. Bothe the Utah symphony and Utah opera has hierarchal company structure Key Factors Organization identity There are a number of factors that will be critical in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). One of such factors is the organization identity. Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical to the identity and success of the new merger 1 There will be a need for the organization to merge the identities of the two organizations and develop a unique identity that will resonate well with customers in the market. There will be a need for the organization to develop an identity that it will be associated with. For instance, the organization may develop its identity as one that succeeds through embracing diversity. Key Factors Collective Commitment Collective commitment is also another factor that will determine how well the organizations will integrate their cultures. Generating synergies between the two organizations will also boost perfomance 1 If there is compatibility of employees from both organizations and pursuit of a common goal, it is clear that team work will be promoted enhancing the success of the organization. The organization should be positioned as one that employees are normally proud to be associated with due to their common commitment to its success as well as to their welfare as a team Commitment will boost productivity among employees and the subsequent profitability Key Factors Social system stability There will be a need for the organization to develop a sound employee relations programs where employees interact with each other and demonstrate high level of respect to one another. Social stability denotes the extent to which an organization's work environment is positive and in a position to have change as well as conflict in the right way. This eliminates instances of social instability within the organization, something that may hinder team work. These are values that the new organization should adopt audience base 1 The organization will also succeed by growing and maintaining its Sense making Sense making will be important in the organization's merger process. It will enable the organization to exploit the talent of its work force effectively. This aspect of culture is aimed at enhancing understanding among employees as to why the organization operates in the manner in which it operates. This will be important in the new organization Good employees relations will increase motivation and subsequent productivity increasing the ability of the organization to boost productivity Communication strategy The objective of communication is to reduce resistance to change 1 It will also be the important to inform the audience on the progress of the merger and their fate after the merger A communication style adopted will be one where employees are actively involved in the debate As part of management team, the employees will be willing to listen to the communicator Audience strategy The organization will focus on the opera as well as orchestra employees. 1 When communicating with employees and contractors, Ann will need to engage them in active listening, be clear and arrange the meetings in a convenient place There will also be a need to ensure that they are provided with brochures to introduce the main points before the meeting convenes These are the 1 main employees that the organization should address as they may not be in a position to easily understand the new change. This audience is unsure of their fate after the merger 1 aware of the impeding major They are There is a need to inform them why such change is inevitable and why the organization stands out a better opportunity to offer services when merged than before. There will be a need to assure employees that the merger is to their best interest 1 The organization may also have to release the information to the shareholders as well as to the society via the media. Message strategy 1 organization will focus first on the importance of merger to the audience. The The information will be inform of hand outs although it will be explained during the meeting 1 Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). Employees are also benefiting from mergers when the company stability is enhanced, increasing chances of successful employment period Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools I would recommend a decision to integrate HRMS and payroll into a single system (Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). HRMS will assist in making management of operations easier 1 This will helps in reducing errors and streamlines employee information into a single database. Second, the company should deploy a remote and automatic systems management solution. This will give IT administrators complete control and visibility of the overall workstations and the servers. An integrated system reduces errors since it streamlines employee information into a single database. It also reduce the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). The major goal of the payroll is to economically and accurately pay employees. The HRM objective is to manage the workforce and increase returns on the HR expenditures. Technology implementation The organization will employ Microsoft consultants and technical team in integrating the soft wares in its information technology infrastructure The organization will also engage its employees on training on how to use this technology Training will take one week References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. 6 (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. 5 Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. 2 Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitra ge aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. 3 Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. C1. Tools and Strategic Goals While slide #16 suggests that "Consultants and technical team from Microsoft should be employed to integrate software in the infrastructure of information technology," and that the employees should be trained, a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how each of the recommended technology tools will help the company achieve one or more of the given firstyear strategic goals, is needed to meet the requirement. E. Sources While "DeLong" is referenced, and had an in-text citation at one time, it does not have a detectable in-text citation in this version of the presentation. Please make sure an in-text citation is provided for "DeLong." LEADING & MANAGING INDIVIDUALS: Utah Symphony and Utah Opera STUDENT INSTITUTION Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal cultures, there is high level of consistency and control is tight . Enables the operations of the organization run smoothly. In such organizations, rate of efficiency always high. Utah Symphony and Utah Opera have adopted hierarchal structure in its operations Culture comparison Authority has been distributed in both the companies down the hierarchy Top management bosses make Utah Symphony decisions, whereas decisions of Utah Opera are made by consulting the diverse level employees of the organization There is single top management of the organization Hierarchical structure indicated by both the companies, which evident that in decisions are influenced by the employees having powers. Company structure It is one of the key determinants of how will the companies be which are engaging in merger. (Helmick, & Petersen,2001). One company may adopt flat structure where there is interaction and togetherness of work among the employees, no matter of their rank and another organization may be hierarchical which allows consistency and smooth functioning by avoiding any authority and duties overlapping. (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015) The structure of Utah Opera and Utah Symphony get differentiated in two areas such as authority distribution and decision making. Hierarchical company structure is common in both Utah Opera and Utah Symphony. Key Factors A number of factors will be essential in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). They are:Organization identity Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical for the identity and success of the new merger. The identities of both the organizations needs to be merged and a unique identity needs to be developed that will mark their presence to the customer in the market. An identity need to be developed which in turn will be linked to the organization Identity of an organization should be developed as that embraces diversity Key Factors Collective Commitment Creating pacts or sharing information between the two organizations will also boost performance. The good relation of the employees with each other in both the organization and common goal persuasion will help in enhancing the organization's success. The positioning of the organization should be done in such a way that the employees are involved and indulged fully in its welfare and success as team. Employee's commitment and profitability subsequently will promote productivity. Key Factors Social system stability The audience in order to succeed should be grown and maintained by the organization The social instability due to these practices within the organization will be reduced, which will hinder team work otherwise. A program needs to be developed by the organization where the emphasis should be given on employees interaction and enhancing their understanding of valuing each other. Sense making For the merger process of organization, sense making is important. The talent is efficiently exploited by the organization of its workforce. The aim is to make employees understand the operations of the organization. The motivation will be enhanced which in turn will enhance the productivity of the organization through good employees relations. Communication strategy To decrease the resistance towards the merge communication strategy should be established. The audience will be well informed about the merger progress and their fate after the merger. Style of communication should be adopted as such that will help the employees to be the active part of the debate. Audience strategy Equal focusing on the employees of orchestra and opera should be given. The brochure should be provided beforehand which should state the headlines by the organization Changes should be informed to the audience which will help them to understand why change is inevitable and what opportunities are offered when it merges. Merger benefits should be assured to the employees. With help of media, information to the society and shareholders should be released by the organization Message strategy Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). The merger and its importance should be the first focus of the organization and hand outs which contain all the information should be given which will be explained in meetings. he company's stability will increase along with the productivity only when the employees are benefited from the merger. Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools HRMS and Payroll should be integrated. (Cartwright, S., &, C. L. (1992) Management operations become easier with HRMS Errors are reduced and employee information is streamlined in a single database. IT administrators should be given control and visibility of servers and workstations by deploying management solution which are remote and automatic systems. Recommended Technology Tools Errors are reduced with integrated system as employee information is streamlined in a single database in turn the time spent on this task is reduced. It also reduce the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). Employees should be paid accurately and economically which is the main function of payroll Workforce management and HR expenditure return enhancement are the objectives of HRM Technology implementation Consultants and technical team from Microsoft should be employed to integrate software in the infrastructure of information technology. The training should be organized by the organization for the employees in order to guide them method of using the technology. Training will take one week References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitrage aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. LEADING & MANAGING INDIVIDUALS: Utah Symphony and Utah Opera STUDENT INSTITUTION Introduction The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined Utah Opera Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal cultures, there is high level of consistency and control is tight . Enables the operations of the organization run smoothly. In such organizations, rate of efficiency always high. Utah Symphony and Utah Opera have adopted hierarchal structure in its operations Culture comparison Authority has been distributed in both the companies down the hierarchy Top management bosses make Utah Symphony decisions, whereas decisions of Utah Opera are made by consulting the diverse level employees of the organization There is single top management of the organization Hierarchical structure indicated by both the companies, which evident that in decisions are influenced by the employees having powers. Company structure It is one of the key determinants of how will the companies be which are engaging in merger. (Helmick, & Petersen,2001). One company may adopt flat structure where there is interaction and togetherness of work among the employees, no matter of their rank and another organization may be hierarchical which allows consistency and smooth functioning by avoiding any authority and duties overlapping. (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015) The structure of Utah Opera and Utah Symphony get differentiated in two areas such as authority distribution and decision making. Hierarchical company structure is common in both Utah Opera and Utah Symphony. Key Factors A number of factors will be essential in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). They are:Organization identity Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical for the identity and success of the new merger. The identities of both the organizations needs to be merged and a unique identity needs to be developed that will mark their presence to the customer in the market. An identity need to be developed which in turn will be linked to the organization Identity of an organization should be developed as that embraces diversity Key Factors Collective Commitment Creating pacts or sharing information between the two organizations will also boost performance. The good relation of the employees with each other in both the organization and common goal persuasion will help in enhancing the organization's success. The positioning of the organization should be done in such a way that the employees are involved and indulged fully in its welfare and success as team. Employee's commitment and profitability subsequently will promote productivity. Key Factors Social system stability The audience in order to succeed should be grown and maintained by the organization The social instability due to these practices within the organization will be reduced, which will hinder team work otherwise. A program needs to be developed by the organization where the emphasis should be given on employees interaction and enhancing their understanding of valuing each other. Sense making For the merger process of organization, sense making is important. The talent is efficiently exploited by the organization of its workforce. The aim is to make employees understand the operations of the organization. The motivation will be enhanced which in turn will enhance the productivity of the organization through good employees relations. Communication strategy To decrease the resistance towards the merge communication strategy should be established. The audience will be well informed about the merger progress and their fate after the merger. Style of communication should be adopted as such that will help the employees to be the active part of the debate. Audience strategy Equal focusing on the employees of orchestra and opera should be given. The brochure should be provided beforehand which should state the headlines by the organization Changes should be informed to the audience which will help them to understand why change is inevitable and what opportunities are offered when it merges. Merger benefits should be assured to the employees. With help of media, information to the society and shareholders should be released by the organization Message strategy Many organizations are engaging in merger to boost their productivity as well as to gain competitive advantages (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). The merger and its importance should be the first focus of the organization and hand outs which contain all the information should be given which will be explained in meetings. he company's stability will increase along with the productivity only when the employees are benefited from the merger. Channel choice The organization will communicate to employees during the meeting as well as via emails It will also offer employees who needs personal clarification to present their concerns in the office Recommended Technology Tools HRMS and Payroll should be integrated. (Cartwright, S., &, C. L. (1992) Management operations become easier with HRMS Errors are reduced and employee information is streamlined in a single database. IT administrators should be given control and visibility of servers and workstations by deploying management solution which are remote and automatic systems. Recommended Technology Tools Errors are reduced with integrated system as employee information is streamlined in a single database in turn the time spent on this task is reduced. It also reduce the number of hours spent on the administrative tasks. However, since the payroll and HR systems have common data, the business characteristics are different (Barclay, & Shankar, 2015). Employees should be paid accurately and economically which is the main function of payroll Workforce management and HR expenditure return enhancement are the objectives of HRM Technology implementation Consultants and technical team from Microsoft should be employed to integrate software in the infrastructure of information technology. The training should be organized by the organization for the employees in order to guide them method of using the technology. Training will take one week References Barclay, J., & Shankar, H. H. S. S. R. (2015). Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992). Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. In Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitrage aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press. RUNNING HEAD: MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA NAME OF STUDENT NAME OF SCHOOL 1 MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 2 Abstract The focus of this presentation is to analyze the upcoming merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera. This study focuses on the culture of these organizations and its compatibility, key factors of success of the merger as well as communication strategy Utah Symphony Culture. Culture fit is one of the key sources of successful mergers. When organizations lack a common culture, chances of success of such mergers are usually minimal. There is a need for organizations engaging in merger to develop a common culture if their present cultures are not compatible. Utah Symphony has adopted a hierarchal culture where duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 3 Culture Hierarchy culture Under hierarchal cultures, there is high level of consistency and control is tight. Enables the operations of the organization run smoothly. In such organizations, rate of efficiency always high Utah Symphony and Utah Opera have adopted hierarchal structure in its operations. Culture comparison Authority has been distributed in both the companies down the hierarchy. Top management bosses make Utah Symphony decisions, whereas decisions of Utah Opera are made by consulting the diverse level employees of the organization There is single top management of the organization Hierarchical structure indicated by both the companies, which evident that in decisions are influenced by the employees having powers. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 4 Company structure It is one of the key determinants of how will the companies be which are engaging in merger. (Helmick, & Petersen,2001). One company may adopt flat structure where there is interaction and togetherness of work among the employees, no matter of their rank and another organization may be hierarchical which allows consistency and smooth functioning by avoiding any authority and duties overlapping. (Dolan, & Kawamura, 2015) The structure of Utah Opera and Utah Symphony get differentiated in two areas such as authority distribution and decision making. Hierarchical company structure is common in both Utah Opera and Utah Symphony. Key Factors A number of factors will be essential in ensuring that a new company culture is supportive of the organization's first year goals (Helmick, & Petersen, 2001). They are:A.) Organization identity Retention of key employees and cutting expenses will be critical for the identity and success of the new merger. The identities of both the organizations needs to be merged and a unique identity needs to be developed that will mark their presence to the customer in the market. An identity need to be developed which in turn will be linked to the organization Identity of an organization should be developed as that embraces diversity B.) Collective Commitment Creating pacts or sharing information between the two organizations will also boost performance. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 5 The good relation of the employees with each other in both the organization and common goal persuasion will help in enhancing the organization's success. The positioning of the organization should be done in such a way that the employees are involved and indulged fully in its welfare and success as team. Employee's commitment and profitability subsequently will promote productivity. C.)Social System Stability A program needs to be developed by the organization where the emphasis should be given on employees interaction and enhancing their understanding of valuing each other. The social instability due to these practices within the organization will be reduced, which will hinder team work otherwise. The audience in order to succeed should be grown and maintained by the organization C.)Sense making For the merger process of organization, sense making is important. The talent is efficiently exploited by the organization of its workforce. The aim is to make employees understand the operations of the organization. The motivation will be enhanced which in turn will enhance the productivity of the organization through good employees relations. D.) Communication strategy To decrease the resistance towards the merge communication strategy should be established. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 6 The audience will be well informed about the merger progress and their fate after the merger. Style of communication should be adopted as such that will help the employees to be the active part of the debate. E.)Audience strategy Equal focusing on the employees of orchestra and opera should be given. The brochure should be provided beforehand which should state the headlines by the organization Changes should be informed to the audience which will help them to understand why change is inevitable and what opportunities are offered when it merges. Merger benefits should be assured to the employees. With help of media, information to the society and shareholders should be released by the organization F.)Message strategy The merger and its importance should be the first focus of the organization and hand outs which contain all the information should be given which will be explained in meetings. The company's stability will increase along with the productivity only when the employees are benefited from the merger. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 7 Recommended Technology Tools HRMS and Payroll should be integrated. (Cartwright, S., &, C. L. (1992) Management operations become easier with HRMS Errors are reduced and employee information is streamlined in a single database. IT administrators should be given control and visibility of servers and workstations by deploying management solution which are remote and automatic systems. Errors are reduced with integrated system as employee information is streamlined in a single database in turn the time spent on this task is reduced. Employees should be paid accurately and economically which is the main function of payroll Workforce management and HR expenditure return enhancement are the objectives of HRM H.)Technology implementation Consultants and technical team from Microsoft should be employed to integrate software in the infrastructure of information technology. The training should be organized by the organization for the employees in order to guide them method of using the technology. MERGING UTAH SYMPHONY AND UTAH OPERA 8 References 1.) Mergers and acquisitions: The human factor. Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann. 2.) Dolan, S. L., & Kawamura, K. M. (2015). Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers. Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 3.) Delong, T. J. (2005). Utah Opera and Utah Symphony merger. Harvard Business School, (9), 1-16. 4.) Helmick, R. G., & Petersen, R. L. (2001). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press 5.) Conscious culture: How to build a high performing workplace through values, ethics, and leadership. Cartwright, S., & Cooper, C. L. (1992) 6.) Wollersheim, J., & In Welpe, I. (2015). Forum mergers & acquisitions 2014: Beitra geausrechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicherSicht

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