solve the problem below with the proper code please. this is matlab. make sure to satisfy all the prestests !
pretests are below
Resistors in Parallel (simple formula with variables, a little algebra to do) O solutions submitted (max: Unlimited) The circuit diagram below shows resistors connected in parallel PR PR FR image source: in parallelsvg ) The equivalent resistance for resistors connected in parallel is given by 1+++ R + RRR Code has already been provided to define three resistance variables: Resistori, Resistor2 and Resistor3 Write commands to compute the equivalent resistance of the four possible parallel connections of two or three of these resistors and assign the results to the indicated variables as follows: Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistor1 and Resistor2 connected in parallel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance12 Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistori and Resistor connected in parallel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance13 Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistor2 and Resistor connected in parallel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance23 Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistori and Resistor2 and Resistor 3 connected in paralel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance123 Min the wake of the variables Resistori. Resistor2, and Resistor3 are defined in lines 24. Be sure not to overwrite these values in your code image source: Resistors in parallel.svg The equivalent resistance for a resistors connected in parallel is given by: R + RR Code has already been provided to define three resistance variables: Resistori Resistor2 and Resistor3. Write commands to compute the equivalent resistance of the four possible parallel connections of two or three of these resistors and assign the results to the indicated variables as follows: Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistori and Resistor2 connected in paralel and assign the result to a variablo named Equiv Resistance12. Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistori and Resistor3 connected in parallel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance 13 Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistor2 and Resistor3 connected in parallol and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance23 Compute the equivalent resistance of Resistori and Resistor2 and Resistor3 connected in paralel and assign the result to a variable named EquivResistance123 Note the values of the variables Resistori. Resistor2 and Resistor) are defined in inos 2-4. Be sure not to overwrite these values in your code Roset MATLAB Documenta Scripto 1 Define resistor values 2 Resistori = 100; ohms Resistor2333; ohms 4 Resistor 500; Sohns 5 Is value of EquivResistance 12 correct? (Pretest) Is value of EquivResistance 13 correct? Is value of EquivResistance 23 correct? Is value of EquivResistance 123 correct