sorofind tieriod of timit. It reports a firmis gross income, expenses, het incomi, and the income that is available for distribution to its preferted and compon sharehsiders. The inoome staterient is prepared using the generaly accepted acenunting principles (GAMP) that match the firris rrvenues and eapenses to the persed in which ther were incurred, not necessany when cosh was rectived or pold, Investers and analysta we the infermation giver in the income utatement and other financiel statnments and reports to evaluate the compsty's finanoli perfermance and condwion. vear: arvarturation tepenses inmein constant from yoar te yeaf 3. The componyd tus rate intmains censanit at 25 Wet its pre-tax bicorte er earpiogs before taves (faT). ablojedotat Given the results of the previous income statement calculations, complete the following ieatements: - In Year 2. If Cold Gooce has 5,000 shares of prefeered stock lasued and outstanding, then each preferred share should rxpect to inceivi in ovnual dividends. - If Cold Goose has 400,000 shares of cormman stock lasized and outstanding, then the firmis earnings per share (Eps) is expected ta charige frum Ch 03: Assignment - Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes Given the resuls of the previous income statement calculations, complete the folloming atatements: - In Year 2, If Cold Goose has 5,000 shares of preferred stock issued and outsfanding, then each preferred share should espect to receive in annual dividends. - If Cold Goose has 400,000 shares of common stock isiued and outstanding, then the firmis earnings per thare (ers) is thisectes to change from In Year 1 to in Year 2. - Cold Goose's rarnings before interest, takes, depreciation and amortiration (fortod) value changed from in Year? - It is to say that Cold Goose's net inflows and outflows of cath at the end of years 1 and 2 are equal to the companyy annual contribution to retained earnings, $3,485,500 and 54,284,812, respectively. This is because of the items reported in the income 5tatement iavolve pryments and receipts of cash