SQL oracle
4 points List the (1) employee number, (2) last name (3) job id and (4) the modified or not modified salary for all employees Show only employees - If the salary without the increase is outside the range $6,000 - $11,000 - and who are employed as a Vice Presidents or Managers (President is not counted here). - You should use Wild Card characters for this. - the modified salary for a VP will be 30% higher - and managers a 20% salary increase. - Sort the output by the top salaries (before this increase). The output lines should look like this sample line: 205 Higgins - 15400 - Tables (Filtered) -- COUNTRIES - COUNTRY_ID 1 COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID CUSTOMERS CUST_NO CNAME STATUS 1 CUST_TYPE - COUNTRY_CD BRANCH_CD ADDRESS1 D ADDRESS2 I CITY PROV_STATE POST_ZIP - PHONE_NO FAX_NO CONTACT 1 SALES_REP - DEPARTMENTS 60 EMPLOYEES 6- E DEPARTMENTS I DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_NAME MANAGER_ID LOCATION_ID EMPLOYEES 1 EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST NAME LAST_NAME EMAIL IPHONE_NUMBER HIRE_DATE JOB_ID SALARY 1 COMMISSION_PCT 1 MANAGER_ID DEPARTMENT_ID JOB_GRADES GRADE 1 LOWEST_SAL HIGHEST_SAL JOB_HISTORY 1 EMPLOYEE_ID START_DATE E TTTTTTTTTTTTT 6- JOB_HISTORY " EMPLOYEE_ID O START_DATE END_DATE JOB_ID 1 DEPARTMENT_ID 6-0 LOCATIONS LOCATION_ID STREET_ADDRESS POSTAL_CODE D CITY STATE_PROVINCE 10 COUNTRY_ID ORDERLINES 0 ORDER_NO LINE_NO PROD_NO I PRICE 0 QTY DISC_PERC 0 ORDERS ID ORDER_NO - REP_NO LI CUST_NO I DISC_PERC ORDERS ORDER_NO REP_NO CUST_NO ORDER_DT U STATUS V CHANNEL DE PRODUCTS 1 PROD_NO 0 PROD_LINE - PROD_TYPE PROD_NAME I PROD_COST PROD_SELL STATUS PICTURE SALES_2016 SALES_2015 SALES_2014 SALES_2013 SID SUPPLIERS Loading... 4 points List the (1) employee number, (2) last name (3) job id and (4) the modified or not modified salary for all employees Show only employees - If the salary without the increase is outside the range $6,000 - $11,000 - and who are employed as a Vice Presidents or Managers (President is not counted here). - You should use Wild Card characters for this. - the modified salary for a VP will be 30% higher - and managers a 20% salary increase. - Sort the output by the top salaries (before this increase). The output lines should look like this sample line: 205 Higgins - 15400 - Tables (Filtered) -- COUNTRIES - COUNTRY_ID 1 COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID CUSTOMERS CUST_NO CNAME STATUS 1 CUST_TYPE - COUNTRY_CD BRANCH_CD ADDRESS1 D ADDRESS2 I CITY PROV_STATE POST_ZIP - PHONE_NO FAX_NO CONTACT 1 SALES_REP - DEPARTMENTS 60 EMPLOYEES 6- E DEPARTMENTS I DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_NAME MANAGER_ID LOCATION_ID EMPLOYEES 1 EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST NAME LAST_NAME EMAIL IPHONE_NUMBER HIRE_DATE JOB_ID SALARY 1 COMMISSION_PCT 1 MANAGER_ID DEPARTMENT_ID JOB_GRADES GRADE 1 LOWEST_SAL HIGHEST_SAL JOB_HISTORY 1 EMPLOYEE_ID START_DATE E TTTTTTTTTTTTT 6- JOB_HISTORY " EMPLOYEE_ID O START_DATE END_DATE JOB_ID 1 DEPARTMENT_ID 6-0 LOCATIONS LOCATION_ID STREET_ADDRESS POSTAL_CODE D CITY STATE_PROVINCE 10 COUNTRY_ID ORDERLINES 0 ORDER_NO LINE_NO PROD_NO I PRICE 0 QTY DISC_PERC 0 ORDERS ID ORDER_NO - REP_NO LI CUST_NO I DISC_PERC ORDERS ORDER_NO REP_NO CUST_NO ORDER_DT U STATUS V CHANNEL DE PRODUCTS 1 PROD_NO 0 PROD_LINE - PROD_TYPE PROD_NAME I PROD_COST PROD_SELL STATUS PICTURE SALES_2016 SALES_2015 SALES_2014 SALES_2013 SID SUPPLIERS Loading