A | | - New (Create) In this step, process is about to be created but not yet created, it is the program which is present in secondary memory that will be picked up by OS to create the process.
- Ready -> Ready to run. After creation of a process, the process enters the ready state i.e. the process is loaded into the main memory. The process here is ready to run and is waiting to get the CPU time for its execution. Processes that are ready for execution by the CPU are maintained in a queue for ready processes.
- Run when the OS allows a process to compete for resource allocation.
- Blocked or wait Whenever the process requests access to I/O or needs an input from user or needs access to a critical region(the lock for which is already acquired) it enters the blocked or wait state. The process continues to wait in the main memory and does not require CPU. Once the I/O operation is completed the process goes to ready state.
- Terminated or completed Process is killed as well as PCB is deleted.
B | | - New (Create) In this step, process is about to be created but not yet created, it is the program which is present in secondary memory that will be picked up by OS to create the process.
- Ready -> Ready to run. After creation of a process, the process enters the ready state i.e. the process is loaded into the main memory. The process here is ready to run and is waiting to get the CPU time for its execution. Processes that are ready for execution by the CPU are maintained in a queue for ready processes.
- Run The process is chosen by CPU for execution and the instructions within the process are executed by any one of the available CPU cores.
- Blocked or wait when a program has used too much of it's account balance running, it will be placed into a wait state until the bill is paid.
- Terminated or completed Process is killed as well as PCB is deleted.
C | | - Make sets up the memory management for the process.
- Ready -> Ready to run. After creation of a process, the process enters the ready state i.e. the process is loaded into the main memory. The process here is ready to run and is waiting to get the CPU time for its execution. Processes that are ready for execution by the CPU are maintained in a queue for ready processes.
- Run The process is chosen by CPU for execution and the instructions within the process are executed by any one of the available CPU cores.
- Blocked or wait Whenever the process requests access to I/O or needs an input from user or needs access to a critical region(the lock for which is already acquired) it enters the blocked or wait state. The process continues to wait in the main memory and does not require CPU. Once the I/O operation is completed the process goes to ready state.
- Terminated or completed Process is killed as well as PCB is deleted.
D | | - New (Create) In this step, process is about to be created but not yet created, it is the program which is present in secondary memory that will be picked up by OS to create the process.
- Ready -> Ready to run. After creation of a process, the process enters the ready state i.e. the process is loaded into the main memory. The process here is ready to run and is waiting to get the CPU time for its execution. Processes that are ready for execution by the CPU are maintained in a queue for ready processes.
- Run The process is chosen by CPU for execution and the instructions within the process are executed by any one of the available CPU cores.
- Blocked or wait Whenever the process requests access to I/O or needs an input from user or needs access to a critical region(the lock for which is already acquired) it enters the blocked or wait state. The process continues to wait in the main memory and does not require CPU. Once the I/O operation is completed the process goes to ready state.
- Terminated or completed Process is killed as well as PCB is deleted.